Will trump be pilled up?

And Joe would be able to shrug off complaints about his age if he didn't exhibit frailty and memory loss. Reagan was a master and destroyed Mondale in a debate by saying, "I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience". Quid Pro couldn't pull that off.
And Nancy Reagan ran the country in Ron's second term because he was too far gone.
They wouldn't have to. If Quid Pro managed to remain vertical for the entire debate and it came back two days later that he was hopped up on something, his entire performance would be totally trashed.
Good reply, only neither debater is going to be drug tested. I used freeze dried urine to keep my last job from kicking me out because of the Devil's lettuce. If it seems silly, that's because it is.
He seems pretty coherent in that flick. But, how many takes, and how much splicing together of the good parts?
You tell me. Bring proof.

Funny shit coming from someone who worships a guy who had 5 edits in a 12 second video of him "challenging" Trump to a debate weeks after Trump challenged him to debates.
Why did the poster claim hen had to?

And no the prosecution didn’t prove that. That wasn’t even something that had to be proven in the case, it’s not relevant at all
You might was well be talking to my Schnauzer
You tell me. Bring proof.

Funny shit coming from someone who worships a guy who had 5 edits in a 12 second video of him "challenging" Trump to a debate weeks after Trump challenged him to debates.
Too long ago to matter. How do you know that Biden had 5 edits in his challenge video?
The point, of course, being that the trial wasn't about whether or not they had sex.
Actually it's an important fact. If they never had sex, then Trumps payoff to Stormy Daniels would be a legal settlement. No different than someone claiming they slipped on your sidewalk. And you giving them a nuisance settlement. Such expenses are tax deductible, and as such, would not be the basis of a false business record.

Actually that's not Trumps style. He would have sued her, as Trump promised to do with the other 16 women who accused him of various sexual assaults. As a defamation, Trump would have gotten a restraining order to prevent her from defaming him.

But of course Trump couldn't do that. Because truth is an absolute defense against defamation.
He did. And he won $600,000 in attorneys fees from the blackmailing whore. They didn't cover this Rachel's Vagina?
Too long ago to matter. How do you know that Biden had 5 edits in his challenge video?
Um, you brought up Reagan, Dumbass. And when you get your ass handed to you all the sudden it was too long ago to matter.

You are a clown. :auiqs.jpg:

And Tater was mocked for that video. And there were threads on it here. Just because that Madcow dude on MSDNC didn't tell you about doesn't mean it didn't happen, Simp.
Nope it was the defamation case where he called her a liar for claiming they banged
Then you'll have to cite that case.

This is the only case I could find where Trump was awarded a judgement.

Otero dismissed that lawsuit as moot and awarded Trump’s legal team attorneys fees after the president filed a covenant with the court asserting the agreement with Daniels was unenforceable.

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