Will trump be pilled up?

Then you'll have to cite that case.

This is the only case I could find where Trump was awarded a judgement.

Otero dismissed that lawsuit as moot and awarded Trump’s legal team attorneys fees after the president filed a covenant with the court asserting the agreement with Daniels was unenforceable.
I told you the case she filed a defamation suit against trump, she lost
Um, you brought up Reagan, Dumbass. And when you get your ass handed to you all the sudden it was too long ago to matter.

You are a clown. :auiqs.jpg:

And Tater was mocked for that video. And there were threads on it here. Just because that Madcow dude on MSDNC didn't tell you about doesn't mean it didn't happen, Simp.
I checked my large hands and amazingly my ass isn't in them. I don't have cable TV, since like forever ago.
I am a clown. You got that one right.
Actually it's an important fact. If they never had sex, then Trumps payoff to Stormy Daniels would be a legal settlement. No different than someone claiming they slipped on your sidewalk. And you giving them a nuisance settlement. Such expenses are tax deductible, and as such, would not be the basis of a false business record.

Would it not though be considered a campaign expense, and thus subject to campaign finance laws? It was done to influence the election, like an ad buy would have been. It wasn't tax treatment that got him in trouble, it was campaign finance violations, something that usually garners a fine to make go away.
And Joe would be able to shrug off complaints about his age if he didn't exhibit frailty and memory loss. Reagan was a master and destroyed Mondale in a debate by saying, "I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience". Quid Pro couldn't pull that off.
Reagan had supporters, but he didn't have a cult. Has trump ever said anything that you didn't believe.
Would it not though be considered a campaign expense, and thus subject to campaign finance laws? It was done to influence the election, like an ad buy would have been. It wasn't tax treatment that got him in trouble, it was campaign finance violations, something that usually garners a fine to make go away.
If it's a false claim against the CEO of a company, a nuisance settlement is a deductible business expense.
If it's a true claim, then a settlement is not deductible.
Huh? Yes she lost the defamation case.
Which I just posted.

Daniels’ defamation claim was filed as part of her federal lawsuit against Trump in which she sought release from a nondisclosure agreement she signed to keep quiet about her alleged affair with the president.

Otero dismissed that lawsuit as moot and awarded Trump’s legal team attorneys fees after the president filed a covenant with the court asserting the agreement with Daniels was unenforceable.

If this isn't the case you referred to, then cite that case.
Which I just posted.

Daniels’ defamation claim was filed as part of her federal lawsuit against Trump in which she sought release from a nondisclosure agreement she signed to keep quiet about her alleged affair with the president.

Otero dismissed that lawsuit as moot and awarded Trump’s legal team attorneys fees after the president filed a covenant with the court asserting the agreement with Daniels was unenforceable.

If this isn't the case you referred to, then cite that case.
Ok, then she lost the defamation case cause she couldn’t prove she had sex with trump
Lots of MAGA claims that Biden will be hopped up on some kind of performance enhancing drugs. If there are drugs that could help you in a debate, do you think trump is too honorable to take them? No doubt, MAGAs have been desperately searching for such drugs, and if they exist, they will be pouring them down his gullet with a funnel? Take the survey to see what folks here think about the possibility.
tRump doesn't take pills, he's a meth head.
Ok, then she lost the defamation case cause she couldn’t prove she had sex with trump
Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong

Daniels, real name Stephanie Clifford, claimed a man threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011 to keep quiet about an intimate relationship she allegedly had with Trump beginning five years before.

Trump replied to that user’s post on Twitter and wrote, “A sketch years later about a nonexistent man. A total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it)!”

Daniels sued for defamation, saying Trump’s tweet painted her as fabricating both the crime and the existence of an assailant.

The defamation was Trump denied she was threatened.

Read the case, and stop making shit up.
Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong

Daniels, real name Stephanie Clifford, claimed a man threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011 to keep quiet about an intimate relationship she allegedly had with Trump beginning five years before.

Trump replied to that user’s post on Twitter and wrote, “A sketch years later about a nonexistent man. A total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it)!”

Daniels sued for defamation, saying Trump’s tweet painted her as fabricating both the crime and the existence of an assailant.

The defamation was Trump denied she was threatened.

Read the case, and stop making shit up.
She lied, she lost
She lied, she lost
She lost, yes, she lied no.

Read the case, she lost because she couldn't prove malice.

Trump’s attorney Charles Harder said the president has a right to tweet any opinion or hyperbole and that Daniels failed to show the president acted with any malice.

The three-judge Ninth Circuit panel on Friday sided with Harder’s argument, affirming Otero’s ruling and finding Daniels’ complaint failed to plead an actionable false statement by Trump.

“Under Texas law, a statement that merely interprets disclosed facts is an opinion, and, as noted, statements of opinion cannot form the basis of a defamation claim,” the ruling stated.

Stop making shit up.
She lost, yes, she lied no.

Read the case, she lost because she couldn't prove malice.

Trump’s attorney Charles Harder said the president has a right to tweet any opinion or hyperbole and that Daniels failed to show the president acted with any malice.

The three-judge Ninth Circuit panel on Friday sided with Harder’s argument, affirming Otero’s ruling and finding Daniels’ complaint failed to plead an actionable false statement by Trump.

“Under Texas law, a statement that merely interprets disclosed facts is an opinion, and, as noted, statements of opinion cannot form the basis of a defamation claim,” the ruling stated.

Stop making shit up.
Yeah she lied hence why she lost
Trump doesn't even drink. He talks long enough and anybody can see that the last thing he needs is a performance enhancer. On the other hand it's obvious that Biden has his up and down days and the only way to account for his sudden burst of energy during a mental decline is of course prescription drugs carefully administered by a Dr. Feelgood.

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