Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Okay my fellow MAGAs and law abiding citizens. Should they be given the treatment like Kavanaugh and Amy Barrett got outside their homes by radical leftists? They've been identified. They've committed treachery!


Fuck you ,you anti American hate Nazis. Trump is a traitor to this country, he is getting off cheap he should be sentence to death for treason. That goes , as the law proscribes to anyone who supports those action , Go by the law folks that's what it is there for,
He [Trump] is not an officer.

There is a recent Supreme Court opinion discussing the scope of the Constitution's "Officers of the United States"-language. In Free Enter. Fund v. Pub. Co. Accounting Oversight Bd. (2010), Chief Justice Roberts observed that "[t]he people do not vote for the 'Officers of the United States.'"

Rather, "officers of the United States" are appointed exclusively pursuant to Article II, Section 2 procedures. It follows that the President, who is an elected official, is not an "officer of the United States."
I'm sure that's being worked on.
Trump will be asking these MAGA maggots to kill for him and they will, be prepared and don't answer any poll or party phone calls asking your position on the election. Many Americans now are choosing that route . They know the threat have these hate party people. Remember protect your family friends our flag and our democracy, MAGA's are the ultimate threat to all these.
Trump will be asking these MAGA maggots to kill for him and they will, be prepared and don't answer any poll or party phone calls asking your position on the election. Many Americans now are choosing that route . They know the threat have these hate party people. Remember protect your family friends our flag and our democracy, MAGA's are the ultimate threat to all these.

Ever tire of saying stupid shit that not just sounds ludicrous, but always turns out to be untrue.

Has anyone ever seen the Macho MAGGA Maggot say anything that is true in the first place. He is simply a domestic terrorist.
Doesn't apply to the office of President, as that isn't included in Section 3. Just one of several reasons it doesn't apply to Trump.
When interpreting the Constitution, we prefer a phrase's normal and ordinary usage over "secret or technical meanings that would not have been known to ordinary citizens in the founding generation."District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 577 (2008). Dictionaries from the time of the Fourteenth Amendment's ratification define "office" as a "particular duty, charge or trust conferred by public authority, and for a public purpose," that is "undertaken by . . . authority from government or those who administer it." Noah Webster, An American Dictionary of the English Language 689 (Chauncey A. Goodrich ed., 1853); see also 5 Johnson's English Dictionary 646 (J.E. Worcester ed., 1859) (defining "office" as "a publick charge or employment; magistracy");United States v. Maurice, 26 F. Cas. 1211, 1214 (C.C.D. Va. 1823) (No. 15,747) ("An office is defined to be 'a public charge or employment,' . . . ."). The Presidency falls comfortably within these definitions…..
Well as a result of a trail in Colorado a judge found that Trump did engage in insurrection… a colorado Supreme Court agreed and added a disqualification per the 14th amendment
ORLY?...When did Trump stand in a Colorado court, or any other one for that matter, under that charge?
They followed the law and the constitution.
No they didn't.

"The 14th Amendment was part of the “Reconstruction Amendments” that were ratified following the Civil War. It was passed to prohibit former Confederate military and political leaders from holding high federal or state office. These men had clearly taken part in a rebellion against the United States: the Civil War. That makes it all the more absurd that a left-wing group in Colorado is asking a federal court to disqualify the 45th President on the same grounds, equating his speech to rebellion against the United States.

And there’s another legal problem: Trump is not a former “officer of the United States,” as that term is used in the Constitution, meaning Section 3 does not apply. As the Supreme Court explained in Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (2010), an “officer of the United States” is someone appointed by the President to aid him in his duties under Article II, Section 2. The term does not apply to elected officials, and certainly not to the President himself. “

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