Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Oh….I see. You’re saying in the case of Biden’s bribes, he needs to be CONVICTED of it.

But in Trump’s case, no conviction is necessary. Just a bunch of unelected Democrat judges saying they BELIEVE he’s guilty of an insurrection, which btw he hasn’t even been charged with.
That's what the constitution says.
And the 14th amendment does not apply to Trump, either.

But just to figure out how deluded you are, you think a president who has taken bribes from America’s enemies should be on the ballot for a second term, rather than in prison?
The court disagrees with your opinion.
And the 14th amendment does not apply to Trump, either.

But just to figure out how deluded you are, you think a president who has taken bribes from America’s enemies should be on the ballot for a second term, rather than in prison?
That amendment was for Officers who may need to be punished
especially during War { How about a Civil War }.
Officers are not nor ever on a ballot.
Officers of the court is not apropos.
ive never wanted Trump to be POTUS again more in my life. At this point even if I thought he sucked and would do a terrible job I would want him to win just to see the reaction from the idiot leftists in this country!! Trump will be awesome, just like the first time. He will get things back to the way they were before covid. But the reaction of the libs will be beyond comical.
Grievance politics is the sign of a low IQ.
No it doesn't.

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

If it did, it would say convicted of Insurrection or rebellion, not have engaged in......

And, genius....who determines what is an insurrection? Considering the Democrats actually took action by formally seperating from the Union, while no one on Jan. 6 has been indicted for, prosecuted for, "insurrection." You doofus.
Okay my fellow MAGAs and law abiding citizens. Should they be given the treatment like Kavanaugh and Amy Barrett got outside their homes by radical leftists? They've been identified. They've committed treachery!


u know the saying

Scum rises to the top

good people get slammed to the bottom

Trump and Co.

And, genius....who determines what is an insurrection? Considering the Democrats actually took action by formally seperating from the Union, while no one on Jan. 6 has been indicted for, prosecuted for, "insurrection." You doofus.
Conspiring to get the Vice President to engage in an official act against the Constitution is an act of rebellion against the Constitution. Let's expedite Jack Smith's Jan 6th case against Benedict Donald and let that be the measure then.
You have to realize, reading these hate Nazi responses that there is no group that is more anti American then these MAGA maggots.
Lisa mentioned it. Go back and look, see for yourself.
You miss the point, as usual.

Instead of replying that bribery isn’t treason (which is not necessarily always true anyway), you could have insisted on reply to Lisa that bribery isn’t a 14th Amendemejt disqualified.

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