Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Yeah....it is........but thanks for playing...
No it doesn't.

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

If it did, it would say convicted of Insurrection or rebellion, not have engaged in......
ILMAO at "Trump was believed to have".

Where are the merits? Post it here.
Well in our legal system if one is believed to have broken the law they can be sued or prosecuted. In this case Trump was sued over his eligibility to run for president and case was brought forth on evidence gathered surrounding Jan 6. A judge found that the evidence supported Trumps involvement in the insurrection… CO SCOTUS found that that disqualified him from running for Prez in CO.

How’s that?
Well in our legal system if one is believed to have broken the law they can be sued or prosecuted. In this case Trump was sued over his eligibility to run for president and case was brought forth on evidence gathered surrounding Jan 6. A judge found that the evidence supported Trumps involvement in the insurrection… CO SCOTUS found that that disqualified him from running for Prez in CO.

How’s that?

Read the ruling. That's not what happened.
Every State has its own qualifications for including a person on the ballot. But none can be included if they do not meet that State's qualifications OR are not eligible according to the U.S. Constitution.
That's the point. There are no federal requirements to run for office, except to be of a certain age, and a citizen for a certain amount of time.

Meanwhile states impose requirements like getting so many thousand signatures from registered voters.

That's not in the constitution.
I know it will. They made it up, it's purely political. Nothing like the govt. BLUNTLY interfering with elections, don't you think. You know, what you accuse Trump of?

If Leftists say it's so, consider it a lie or confession.
Maybe they can submit alternate slates of electors if their candidate doesn't win!
It’s a high crime, and worthy of impeachment. That means he should be removed from the ballot.
He certainly would be removed from the ballot and disqualified from office once convicted by the Senate after impeachment in the House.

Good luck with that.

Has nothing to do with the 14th amendment.
Which has nothing to do with the 14th amendment.
And the 14th amendment does not apply to Trump, either.

But just to figure out how deluded you are, you think a president who has taken bribes from America’s enemies should be on the ballot for a second term, rather than in prison?
Does not apply to the office of President, as that office is clearly not included. And that's just one reason why it doesn't apply.
Well Danny ... how about the hard fact that Not one person
has ever been charged with Insurrection from J6.
Nor did the Senates Impeachment of Trump following the
hysteria behind J6.
Plus Not one Firearm was used or collected on J6.
Which in a nutshell proves how it was some kind of Plot.
Exploited and groomed by the likes of a person
{ Nancy Pelosi } who had the direct responsibility for
seeing to it that The Peoples House { Capitol Bldg. }
had ample security.Pelosi as Speaker of the House calls
the shots.No one is above her when it comes to making
final decisions concerning the Peoples House.
Trump politely sent a letter to both Pelosi and D.C. mayor
Bowser advising use of at least 10,ooo National Guard
on January 6th.As Potus he does not have the authority as does
the Speaker of the House.Pelosi never even bothered to read her
letter sent by Trump.D.C. Mayor Bowser even let Pelosi have her
letter,if she cared to read.
That's what we're up against.Belligerent,arrogant,hating and
incompetent Demoncrats.
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He certainly would be removed from the ballot and disqualified from office once convicted by the Senate after impeachment in the House.

Good luck with that.

Has nothing to do with the 14th amendment.
Oh….I see. You’re saying in the case of Biden’s bribes, he needs to be CONVICTED of it.

But in Trump’s case, no conviction is necessary. Just a bunch of unelected Democrat judges saying they BELIEVE he’s guilty of an insurrection, which btw he hasn’t even been charged with.

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