Election Officials Play Death Threats From trump Followers

Dozens have ben charged with crimes like conspiracy to obstruct a government proceeding...assault on police...destruction of government property.

Nine of which bothers you one bit.
None of which are insurrection. Same charges were applied to some (not enough) of the BLM rioters. So was that an insurrection too, Herr Lesh?
Dozens have ben charged with crimes like conspiracy to obstruct a government proceeding...assault on police...destruction of government property.

Nine of which bothers you one bit.
Probably do....I am in no way saying that there are those that are out of control....What I am saying is that unfortunately these things occur from the left, and right, and middle....Get back to me when someone takes action...Then all I can do is condemn it...

But, this dumb shit trying to conflate everyone on one side as the lowest common denominator is just stupid, and keeps this going.
You're arguing at a brick wall on this one. What they are doing is exactly what the agenda calls for. Their progressive talk shows spend 6 hours or more each day making blanket statements like that, in an attempt to portray ALL white, Christians, and conservatives as terrorists and racists.

Their goal is to demonize and stigmatized being a conservative. It's why they make blanket statements like that. They want to drive the opposition under ground and make it difficult to even admit you vote conservative. It's why they have been trying to link EVERYTHING in the republican party to Trump, white supremacy, and QAnon.
Death threats in most states are a misdeameanor coming under the heading 'Threat to Life'.

The danger occurs when people act on them like the lefty's did during the 'summer of love' and the Dimm's remained silent while the propagandist U.S. media tried to sell it to America as 'peaceful protest'!

See the difference?
1st chance they get, Dimm's will revise history. Never happened.
Wash, rinse, and keep repeating.
Whataboutism aside,
Jan 6 is different because it was precipitated by the unrelenting grievances and demands by the president. A president who is completely unrepentant and persists with the same rhetoric that resulted in violence.

And, a president who maintains an enormous amount of support and respect among a large section of the country who still believe the fundamental lie he has been telling.
Whataboutism aside,
Jan 6 is different because it was precipitated by the unrelenting grievances and demands by the president. A president who is completely unrepentant and persists with the same rhetoric that resulted in violence.

And, a president who maintains an enormous amount of support and respect among a large section of the country who still believe the fundamental lie he has been telling.

Dimm political leaders were similarly unrepentant in not calling out BLM and Antifa supporters during the elongated summer of love!
Wanna fight :meow:???
People who have years of experience working as election officials are now leaving their jobs because of the threats.

This is terrorism.

The trump people have been stalking, harassing, threatening and just terrorizing election workers.

I wish there was a way to put a stop to this.

And we all know that there is no way these people are lying, right?

Everybody believes what they want to believe and the people in that video are leftist liars.

But I'm being redundant there.
Dimm political leaders were similarly unrepentant in not calling out BLM and Antifa supporters during the elongated summer of love!
Wanna fight :meow:???
You’re not listening. It’s not about “not calling out” it’s about leading them. Trump’s mob is who attacked the Capitol. On behalf of Trump. For the benefit of Trump.

And none of you want to talk about what this means.
You’re not listening. It’s not about “not calling out” it’s about leading them. Trump’s mob is who attacked the Capitol. On behalf of Trump. For the benefit of Trump.

And none of you want to talk about what this means.

It means Trump never incited it. Otherwise, quote Trump accurately where he actually did incite it!
You can't.
You’re not listening. It’s not about “not calling out” it’s about leading them. Trump’s mob is who attacked the Capitol. On behalf of Trump. For the benefit of Trump.

And none of you want to talk about what this means.
As long as you persist in using phrases like "Trump's mob", characterizing people as some sort of Trump zombies, incapable of exercising their own free will, there is no point in talking to you.
Prior to Jan 6...no one has been charged with obstructing a government proceeding.

or conspiracy to do so.

You're a liar and a loser.

Fuck off.
Not what you said go back to your original post, Herr Lesh.
You’re not listening. It’s not about “not calling out” it’s about leading them. Trump’s mob is who attacked the Capitol. On behalf of Trump. For the benefit of Trump.

And none of you want to talk about what this means.
“Trumps mob”…so is BLM the Democratic Party’s gestapo? You a member?

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