Election Officials Play Death Threats From trump Followers

Just stop. You look dumb trying this garbage.
Protesting police brutality and murder in order to effect change is in no way equivalent to the right’s attacks on our democratic institutions. Not in any universe or schizophrenic mind.
you just described yourself---schizophrenic
These people are inspired by his rhetoric and his lies.

When you tell people that their country was stolen and corrupt this is the logical outcome.

It’s sad that people are ruining their lives over this, especially given how obviously false it is.
deny---deflect---twist to suit=SCUM demonRATS
Must suck to be you. Carrying around that much bullshit can’t be good for your joints.

Plus the smell.
You are one of the reasons why there is a two tier justice system. People like Hitler and Bill go out and do really bad things , and instead of having them arrested, you just laugh and call it a conspiracy. While if you did what they did, you would be put away for life. You are one stupid mother fucker.

These people are inspired by his rhetoric and his lies.

When you tell people that their country was stolen and corrupt this is the logical outcome.

It’s sad that people are ruining their lives over this, especially given how obviously false it is.
So, no proof then, just your feelings.
Such a classy group of people!

You must be so proud to be a Republican!

Let's go Brandon!
You must be some kind of moron who believes progs don't threaten government officials.

Yeah, the party that spawed this doesn't ever threaten government officials


Remember when those NAZI progs accosted Rand Paul and his wife after they left an RNC meeting?

Prog hypocrisy is unbelieveable.
Why don't you take your evidence to DHS, or the courts?

Because you have none, of course.
Hypocrite. When it comes to the so called insurrection you tell me the court of public opinion is all that matters. Are you ever not a deranged psycho perpetual victim leftist scumbag? EVER?
Liar. Didn't say that. I said it did matter, though. As you can see by the influence of you and your fellow deviants on how the GOPers have to act.
Liar? I said not one person on Jan 6th was charged with the crime of insurrection and you said in the court of public opinion they are insurrectionists.

You are so stupid it hurts. Dumb Leftist.
Liar? I said not one person on Jan 6th was charged with the crime of insurrection and you said in the court of public opinion they are insurrectionists.

You are so stupid it hurts. Dumb Leftist.

By "the court of public opinion," he means him and his friends.

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