Election Officials Play Death Threats From trump Followers

This county needs to return to sanity & that knuckle dragger Trump & his baboon brigade who rioted on his behalf need to be held accountable for Jan. 6 & that goes for the Washinton goon squad who assisted & helped bring about the assault on our Democracy.

Lock em up.
I don't agree with the death threats, but the left is not exact innocent here. Sure, perhaps you are not making overt death threats, but you are still enacting terrorism on your opponents. Your campaign to subdue and silence the opposition by threat of consequence and fear is equally damaging. You may not be openly saying it, but your actions are in fact threatening to many people.
WTF kinda drivel is that?
WTF kinda drivel is that?
You disagree? So, you think the lefts continual attacks on the right, labeling everyone that disagrees with you as a racist, terrorist, qanon cult member, and nearly every company going "woke", and if you speak against the leftists agenda you run the risk of being banned, canceled, or fired....you think those are all just harmless things with no effect on people's lives?

Or do you simply suggest that none of those things are a concern?
You disagree? So, you think the lefts continual attacks on the right, labeling everyone that disagrees with you as a racist, terrorist, qanon cult member, and nearly every company going "woke", and if you speak against the leftists agenda you run the risk of being banned, canceled, or fired....you think those are all just harmless things with no effect on people's lives?

Or do you simply suggest that none of those things are a concern?
Have you missed all the attacks BY your right wing heroes?
Have you missed all the attacks BY your right wing heroes?
What power does any conservative hold that can affect the livelihood of a Democrat? Where do conservatives have any kind of agenda of falsely labeling democrats that have any power of consequence behind it? Those things reside exclusively with the left.

In my post, I said I didn't agree with the death threats, and I don't agree with the rioting, my post was about the lefts ever present ability to cause ruin to anyone who dares disagree with them, which is a growing threat to anyone in their opposition. This is a concern because of the lefts flagrant unfettered ease at which they label anyone they don't like. Perhaps you don't see where this is going, but I do. Even congress and the president are now attacking the right. They use words like white supremacist and racism as a disguise, but everyone knows what they mean. It's all code for "white, male, Christian, conservstive".

I hear these things daily from your progressive talk hosts...I know what they are doing. They blast it over the radio every single day.

Also, when it comes to physical violence and attacks, the left has done their fair share.
No. We’re just done with this one. You’ve gone too far off the tracks yet again.
Yet again? We are done because the narrative doesn’t suit you. We all agree threats are not allowed. I am asking you if disagreements are and you refuse to answer. Sad.
Who gives a shit? You are calling for solutions to a non-existent problem, when really you are just being led around by the ear by people who need your vote to suppress voter turnout and to possibly steal future elections.
If you want people to continue yelling about cheating, keep acting like you're cheating.
Those things are facts. And no one will ever be the dumbest when you are still here.
Facts in your head. In the real world, the big boy world, they are a total joke.

Good luck getting rejected by the courts again. You people are pathetic. The AZ audit was a mega fail and nobody credible in the entire world believes there was any fraud of any kind. There is no credible evidence of fraud.

Look at the pathetic extent of lies you go to, just to live the Big Lie.

You trash just can't admit reality and it is pathetic.

AZ Audit Mega Fail !!!!!!

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