Election Reform

Not too good at math are you. I'm not surprised.

1,311 cases is your figure from the Heritage Group. It's been established that the 1,311 cases YOU CITED went back as far as 2005. Since 2005, we've had 4 presidential elections where there were about 120,000,000 votes cast in each of them (much more in each but I'm using 120M as a baseline to show you how secure our elections are).

If we were just counting the presidential elections, that would be 1,311 cases of voter fraud in 480,000,000 ballots cast.
The percent of confirmed fraudulent ballots if we just count the General elections and leave out the referendums, mid-terms, and off year elections?
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Wait...you think that each person indicted is responsible for a single illegal vote. It’s a 1:1 ratio on your mind? You’re so ignorant of voter fraud, that you don’t understand some individuals are responsible for hundreds to thousands of illegal votes?

CC....oh sweetie...you are precious

Oh? So how many total ballots were affected by this "massive voter fraud"? You do know...don't you? Please use the same source as before....
Not too good at math are you. I'm not surprised.
Should you really be hurling these juvenile insults when you’re so informed about all of this, you didn’t even know that Democrats can (and do) vote in Republican primaries?
Not true. A registered Democrat cannot "waltz" into a Republican primary and vote.
You can't in a closed primary. What I said is correct. Perhaps you should brush up on election laws before looking even more foolish.
Not too good at math are you. I'm not surprised.

1,311 cases is your figure from the Heritage Group. It's been established that the 1,311 cases YOU CITED went back as far as 2005. Since 2005, we've had 4 presidential elections where there were about 120,000,000 votes cast in each of them (much more in each but I'm using 120M as a baseline to show you how secure our elections are).

If we were just counting the presidential elections, that would be 1,311 cases of voter fraud in 480,000,000 ballots cast.
The percent of confirmed fraudulent ballots if we just count the General elections and leave out the referendums, mid-terms, and off year elections?
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Four people, CC. 150 counts. And no, that’s not a count for each ballot illegally cast, discarded, or altered. There could be dozens or thousands of ballots for each count.

It’s not a 1:1 ratio, sweetie.
Again, I was using your numbers.

So please tell us the full number of ballots that were fraudulently filed since 2005 and use the same reputable source please. So we can see exactly how shaky our elections are.
That’s comical coming from the guy who wants to govern our lives by Nazi fascism and Chinese communism.

Wow, is this your argument style...anything that isn't your Libertarian Fairy Dust is "Communist and Nazi".

Again- this is an argument a child would make, not an adult.

Forgive me, I almost forgot that you are an enlightened progressive who knows everything bit can’t manage to make much more than an average salary in a high(er) income area.

I almost forgot you had the nicest Double Wide in Jesus-land.

And your neighbors are doctors.


Hey genius, people can cast ballots on behalf of those that don’t vote. I know you have this idea that Democrats are moral and all, despite all the evidence to the contrary, but they aren’t. Maybe kids can go into a grocery store to buy beer and they simply ask them their name. They look up the name on the computer and it tells them that person is over 21 so the sale is ok. LOL.., that would be a real hit on college campuses for sure. Even you nitwits would balk at that idea, but for some reason, the same thing is ok for voting, which is a much more significant action than buying a beer.

Buyer a beer isn't a right. And while there is plenty of underaged drinking going on, there's really not any evidence that voting under false pretenses is widespread.

Frankly, the percentages were about where they have been since 1996. The Repuke got about 47% of the vote and the Democrat got 51% of the vote.
You can't in a closed primary. What I said is correct.
  1. “Closed” primary never came up and you know it.
  2. Very few states have “closed” primaries. Somewhere around 10 out of 50
So please tell us the full number of ballots that were fraudulently filed since 2005 and use the same reputable source please. So we can see exactly how shaky our elections are.
I don’t have those numbers and have no desire to research them as you have no desire to accept reality anyway. We have thousands of cases of voter fraud and that is just what has been caught and prosecuted. Imagine how many more causes there are that were never caught or were but didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute.

There is nothing even remotely “secure” about our elections and every honest, mature adult can admit it. It says a lot about the left that they don’t want to do anything to increase clean and fair elections.
That’s comical coming from the guy who wants to govern our lives by Nazi fascism and Chinese communism.
Wow, is this your argument style...anything that isn't your Libertarian Fairy Dust is "Communist and Nazi".
Not at all. That comment is based on years of you pointing to China and Nazi, Germany as nations who “got it right”.
Not at all. That comment is based on years of you pointing to China and Nazi, Germany as nations who “got it right”.

Please point out where I said Nazi Germany got anything right. Thanks.

I did say China handled Covid the right way... just like a bunch of other nations that followed the Science.

The thing about China is that the Communists took China from a broken, war-torn country and turned it into a major power in a generation. Whenever I see a conservative whine about China, I realize this is a person who doesn't know jack about Chinese history or culture.

Hon...conservatives do not mooch off of tax payers like you left-wing communists do. We have careers. I can’t respond to you on a Tuesday in the A.M. because I’m busy serving clients with some really important stuff.

Yes, that coffee won't fetch itself.

But funny thing. "conservatives" are perfectly fine with white people entitlements like Social Security, Unemployment and Medicare. Shit, after Trump jacked up the Deficit by another 8 trillion fending off the economic effect of Trump Plague, you can say that he was a bigger Keynesian than FDR. FDR would have loved to be able to spend what Trump did fighting Trump Plague/Recession during the Great Depression. (World War II actually gave him the ability to centralize the economy the way he wanted to.)
So please tell us the full number of ballots that were fraudulently filed since 2005 and use the same reputable source please. So we can see exactly how shaky our elections are.
I don’t have those numbers and have no desire to research them as you have no desire to accept reality anyway. We have thousands of cases of voter fraud and that is just what has been caught and prosecuted. Imagine how many more causes there are that were never caught or were but didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute.

There is nothing even remotely “secure” about our elections and every honest, mature adult can admit it. It says a lot about the left that they don’t want to do anything to increase clean and fair elections.

So you got nothing. As was known before you got started.

Lets say each if the 1,311 cases each did 1,000 ballots. That would be 1,311,000. A million out of 480,000,000 And the percentage of fraud skyrockets all the way to:


3 tenths of 1% of fraudulent ballots since 2005 in ONLY presidential elections.

That is with me giving you a cartoonishly high number of make-believe instances of voter fraud.

Again, this ties back to your OP (alot of which I support by the way). Our elections are the most secure in the world. YOUR STATS prove it. But since you're in a cult and are not available for things such as mathematics...I'm sure you'll come up with some other "imagine" scenario that you hope will lend some much needed validity to your fantasies about our elections being fraudulent.
Hon...conservatives do not mooch off of tax payers like you left-wing communists do. We have careers. I can’t respond to you on a Tuesday in the A.M. because I’m busy serving clients with some really important stuff. :eusa_doh:

Translation: You got nothing except snide comments and would rather derail your thread than take another ass whooping.
I almost forgot you had the nicest Double Wide in Jesus-land.

And your neighbors are doctors.


Right, we all live in double-wides and look like hillbillies. Maybe you need to do some Zillow searching in high income areas in the South. You will be quite amazed.

Yeah, my wife is a physician, so it isn’t much of a stretch to believe we have a doctor neighbor as well. Seeing as you made the mistake of posting your salary on this board, you have left yourself open for attacks. You make an average salary in a high-tax and high cost of living area. My wife and I are both individually quite a bit more financially successful and somewhat younger than you but you are the “smart” one. A little self-reflection and humble pie is in order.

Buyer a beer isn't a right. And while there is plenty of underaged drinking going on, there's really not any evidence that voting under false pretenses is widespread.

Frankly, the percentages were about where they have been since 1996. The Repuke got about 47% of the vote and the Democrat got 51% of the vote.

You missed the point entirely. I don’t care if buying a beer is a right or not. The point is that there must be a mechanism for enforcement for any law. If we do not require an ID to vote, what is the enforcement mechanism? Just saying a name that is on the voter role is not enforcement. Democratic politicians know it, everyone knows it, but Democrats don’t really want to enforce the law, just like they don’t really want to secure the border. If you are one of the lemmings that is in the camp that believes the bogus voter disenfranchisement argument, then you are beyond help. Unfortunately, you are likely there, along with many other indoctrinated self-proclaimed geniuses out there.

To paraphrase a quote I heard years ago, Democrats aren’t ignorant, its just that what they know isn’t so.
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Seeing as you made the mistake of posting your salary on this board, you have left yourself open for attacks. You make an average salary in a high-tax and high cost of living area. My wife and I are both individually quite a bit more financially successful and somewhat younger than you but you are the “smart” one. A little self-reflection and humble pie is in order.

Again, because you won't say what state you live in or what your actual real income is, I can't take you terribly seriously.

You missed the point entirely. I don’t care if buying a beer is a right or not. The point is that there must be a mechanism for enforcement for any law. If we do not require an ID to vote, what is the enforcement mechanism? Just saying a name that is on the voter role is not enforcement.

Sure it is? How would someone know a name is on the rolls. How would they know the real Bob McPhearson isn't standing behind them in the line? The problem is, you guys keep trying to make it harder for poor people of color to vote, not because it's fraudulent, but because you don't like what they are likely to vote for.

If you are one of the lemmings that is in the camp that believes the bogus voter disenfranchisement argument, then you are beyond help. Unfortunately, you are likely there, along with many other indoctrinated self-proclaimed geniuses out there.

Actually, Trump's own advisors have admitted that was their goal.

Check this out.

“Traditionally it’s always been Republicans suppressing votes in places,” Clark said at the event. “Let’s start protecting our voters. We know where they are ... Let’s start playing offense a little bit. That’s what you’re going to see in 2020. It’s going to be a much bigger program, a much more aggressive program, a much better-funded program.”

Wait.. Wait... I know where this is going to go next.

Again, because you won't say what state you live in or what your actual real income is, I can't take you terribly seriously.

Every red and blue state have nice places to live. The difference is is typically the cost of living and the number of people that can afford to live there. Like I have said many times, someone making an average salary would have a much higher standard of living where I live than where you live, not to mention better weather and less crime. Of course there is poverty in our state like all states, but we are more secluded from it since we don’t live in such close quarters. I am not going to post my salary on a message board. Even if I did, you would say it wasn’t true so it doesn’t make any difference.

Sure it is? How would someone know a name is on the rolls. How would they know the real Bob McPhearson isn't standing behind them in the line? The problem is, you guys keep trying to make it harder for poor people of color to vote, not because it's fraudulent, but because you don't like what they are likely to vote for.

You really don’t think it would be hard to come up with a name that you know is registered to vote but likely won’t? I am sure you could ask your local Democratic strategists and they will give you a huge list of names of folks that are on the rolls but haven’t voted in many years. On top of that, if you are in front of ole’ Bop McPhearson in line, you can vote and he can’t. There would need to be an investigation of some sort seeing as neither one of the geniuses had an ID. Why is it harder for people of color vs any other person to get an ID?

Actually, Trump's own advisors have admitted that was their goal.

Both sides “suppress” votes from the other side. The only reason Democrats say the more votes the better is because they know there are more losers than winners in the US and they are likely to get ahead by this strategy. I can assure you they aren’t looking to drive a bus through country club neighborhoods to pick up old folks to go vote. They are in the slums, ghettos and college campuses rounding up as many as possible because they know their demographics. They don’t want voter id because they don’t really care if you are who you say your are and they are well aware that it is likely their constituents who will be the ones who will abuse the system. This is the party that wants felons to vote and even those in prison to vote. Any sane, working person who votes for these people needs a lobotomy.

You seriously don’t think the goal of Democrats is NOT to get illegal votes? You seriously can’ see that the reason they are ok with the open borders is because they will eventually grant amnesty and then citenzhip to illegals for votes? Politicians in general, but Democrats in particular, don’t care about anything but votes and power. Don’t be so naive.
Every red and blue state has some nice places to live. The difference is is typically the cost of living and the number of people that can afford to live there. Like I have said many times, someone making an average salary would have a much higher standard of living where I live than where you live, not to mention better weather and less crime. Of course there is poverty in our state like all states, but we are more secluded from it since we don’t live in such close quarters. I am not going to post my salary on a message board. Even if I did, you would say it wasn’t true so it doesn’t make any difference.

But the fact you won't says a lot. You won't even state what state you live in... because you know I'll dig up a bunch of stats showing the grinding levels of poverty there.

The reality- the South Would be a third world country today if they actually won the Civil War.

You really don’t think it would be hard to come up with a name that you know is registered to vote but likely won’t? I am sure you could ask your local Democratic strategists and they will give you a huge list of names of folks that are on the rolls but haven’t voted in many years. On top of that, if you are in front of ole’ Bop McPhearson in line, you can vote and he can’t. There would need to be an investigation of some sort seeing as neither one of the geniuses had an ID. Why is it harder for people of color vs any other person to get an ID?

Okay...So why are there so few cases of that actually happening? If voter fraud were as rampant as you claim it is, why don't you have thousands of stories about "Hey, someone stole my vote". I mean, those fraudsters would have to be really really clever to pick the names of the people they knew weren't going to vote this year. Furthermore, if the people who didn't vote in 2016 but did vote in 2020, it shouldn't be a problem to find the ones who really didn't vote. You guys haven't found those. You've had four months to look.

People only get a state ID if they need to drive. I didn't get my first driver's license until I was 24. Didn't need one. Grew up in Chicago, could take public trans when I needed to get somewhere. Or catch a ride with a friend. But I was fairly affluent, was going to college, was a member of my state's national guard, etc. A poor person with no car, maybe a marginal job, he really doesn't have a need for an ID.

But if you guys want to solve this problem, let's just have a national ID card. Your social Security doubles as your national ID. When you suggest that, the right loses it's shit.

Both sides “suppress” votes from the other side. The only reason Democrats say the more votes the better is because they know there are more losers than winners in the US and they are likely to get ahead by this strategy.

Isn't that kind of fucked up? If America has more losers than winners, then America has failed. Don't be upset when the "losers" decide they've had enough of this and decide to end the game.

I'm sure there were a lot of people who considered themselves the Winners in 1787 France, 1917 Russia or 1959 Cuba... until the "losers" got fed up with them.


I can assure you they aren’t looking to drive a bus through country club neighborhoods to pick up old folks to go vote. They are in the slums, ghettos and college campuses rounding up as many as possible because they know their demographics. They don’t want voter id because they don’t really care if you are who you say your are and they are well aware that it is likely their constituents who will be the ones who will abuse the system. This is the party that wants felons to vote and even those in prison to vote. Any sane, working person who votes for these people needs a lobotomy.

Guy, when your country has 2 million in prison and 7 million on parole, you are going to really have incarceration as a form of voter suppression.

To be fair, both sides did a very good job at getting out the vote. Biden got 16 million more votes than Hillary did, Trump got 11 million more votes than he got in 2016. Not because there was any fraud, but because people realized after TRUMP PLAGUE, TRUMP RECESSION and TRUMP RIOTS, how seriously you need to take this shit.

You seriously don’t think the goal of Democrats is NOT to get illegal votes? You seriously can’ see that the reason they are ok with the open borders is because they will eventually grant amnesty and then citenzhip to illegals for votes? Politicians in general, but Democrats in particular, don’t care about anything but votes and power. Don’t be so naive.

I'm sure they don't. But here's the thing. The only reason why we have "illegals" in this country is because rich white people hire them to work their farms, labor in their sweatshops, take care of their kids they don't have the time to raise, or finish that DIY project that turned out to be a lot harder than Chip and Joana made it look.

We're happy to take their labor and benefit by it, but we don't want them to have a say in running the country?

here's the thing. The last time the GOP legitimately won an election was George. W. Bush in 2004. Part of that was because he scared the hell out of stupid white folks with scary gays and Arabs, but one of the smart things he did was actually do the outreach to Hispanics and Blacks. He did kind of okay. He got 44% of the Hispanic vote and 11% of the black vote.
Okay...So why are there so few cases of that actually happening? If voter fraud were as rampant as you claim it is, why don't you have thousands of stories about "Hey, someone stole my vote". I mean, those fraudsters would have to be really really clever to pick the names of the people they knew weren't going to vote this year. Furthermore, if the people who didn't vote in 2016 but did vote in 2020, it shouldn't be a problem to find the ones who really didn't vote. You guys haven't found those. You've had four months to look.

People don’t claim their vote was stolen if they don’t ever try to vote. In case you weren’t aware, most people don’t vote. You have better than a 50/50 shot of the name you are picking not voting.

People only get a state ID if they need to drive. I didn't get my first driver's license until I was 24. Didn't need one. Grew up in Chicago, could take public trans when I needed to get somewhere. Or catch a ride with a friend. But I was fairly affluent, was going to college, was a member of my state's national guard, etc. A poor person with no car, maybe a marginal job, he really doesn't have a need for an ID

Maybe they would get an ID if they needed to vote. If it was important to them they would.. Much like if they want to fly, be able to get into an over 21 night-club and a multitude of other simple pleasures.

But if you guys want to solve this problem, let's just have a national ID card. Your social Security doubles as your national ID. When you suggest that, the right loses it's shit.

Yes, because unlike you pollyannas, we aren’t stupid. More government control with national ids will lead to less privacy and government suppression. Take a look around the world. Why on earth would you want to give the government more control over you. I guess this is the natural progression of things when you worship government instead of God.

Isn't that kind of fucked up? If America has more losers than winners, then America has failed. Don't be upset when the "losers" decide they've had enough of this and decide to end the game.

No, it isn’t. We aren’t Socialists, yet. There will ALWAYS be winners in losers in a society where hard work and ingenuity is rewarded. What you seem to want is a society where we are all equally rewarded. The everybody gets a trophy syndrome.

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