Elections Expert: “We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls” (VIDEO)

This is almost unbelievable. The elections expert says that ....dead people are voting and it’s something this administration does not want to do anything about. They must like it. They must like who they are voting for…

How can a country go into an election like this?? How can Obama say..."Election fraud? what does that mean?"

How can it be American, people are not outraged by and don't stop this??? How??

Elections Expert: "We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls" (VIDEO)

Other than just someone SAYING it on FOX NEWS--doesn't mean it's true. It fact there are Republicans who are supporting Donald Trump stating it's :bsflag:

We've had many, many decades of election fraud, fucked up progressive career politicians are the result of it...

Again you'll have to pull a verifiable link out of your ass to get anyone on this board to believe it. I won't be holding my breath waiting for one.

Says someone who worships the career politician, it's best if you stay in your mothers basement in seclusion
The FACT CHECKERS are out on Trump, and here are some statistics regarding his claim.

"But in some cases, there are too few of these voters to make any difference in a presidential election. For example, the watchdog group tallied what they believe were 40 votes cast by non-citizens in Philadelphia elections in 2013, 2014 and 2015. That’s out of a total of more than 1.3 million votes who voted in those years — hardly enough for a rounding error."

Given the evidence Trump has supplied, we rate his claim that large scale voter fraud exists as FALSE.

Fact checking Trump’s claims of ‘large scale’ voter fraud
This is almost unbelievable. The elections expert says that ....dead people are voting and it’s something this administration does not want to do anything about. They must like it. They must like who they are voting for…

How can a country go into an election like this?? How can Obama say..."Election fraud? what does that mean?"

How can it be American, people are not outraged by and don't stop this??? How??

Elections Expert: "We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls" (VIDEO)

You should talk to the 30 GOP governors about why their State can't purge voter rolls effectively....

As for the Post itself, 4 million is probably an impressive number considering how many men and women die every day;
This is almost unbelievable. The elections expert says that ....dead people are voting and it’s something this administration does not want to do anything about. They must like it. They must like who they are voting for…

How can a country go into an election like this?? How can Obama say..."Election fraud? what does that mean?"

How can it be American, people are not outraged by and don't stop this??? How??

Elections Expert: "We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls" (VIDEO)
So what's your solution? Purge the voter rolls less than a month away from the election? Have doctors at the polling sites verify that the voter is alive and not a zombie?
Make everyone accountable for their vote, and the votes that are not accountable throw them out
That system is already in place in 50 states, bubby.
This is almost unbelievable. The elections expert says that ....dead people are voting and it’s something this administration does not want to do anything about. They must like it. They must like who they are voting for…

How can a country go into an election like this?? How can Obama say..."Election fraud? what does that mean?"

How can it be American, people are not outraged by and don't stop this??? How??

Elections Expert: "We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls" (VIDEO)
Clearly this person is no 'expert.'

Donald Trump is wrong. Rigging an election is almost impossible.

If you have ever worked an election there's things in place to make certain no one gets away with anything. You're going to have one Democrat working with one Republican---then they have to balance out the number of ballots, per the number they issued, then it's all counted, and then the Secretary of each State has to sign off on it, as a valid vote.

If they're missing one ballot that was issued to someone--it's going to be a search all night to find it. It's like working at a bank everything has to be balanced at the end of the day.

It's a crime to vote twice, and if you get caught, you lose your right to vote FOREVER, plus you could pay a hefty fine and end up in jail over it. And this is why there is no wide spread voter fraud.

Only stupid people would be willing to take that risk.
The BRAD BLOG : Republican Arrested After Allegedly Attempting to Vote Twice in Nevada
NaziCons are hilarious!

NaziCons are hilarious!


I think most Trump supporters think of him as some kind of John Wayne, but I don't think John Wayne would have ever put bobby pins in his hair to meet with the Mexican President--LOL John Wayne spent a lot of time in Mexico, and I doubt he would have had the same mindset about them, as a Trump supporter.
176 Reasons Donald Trump Shouldn't Be President - GQ Videos - The Scene


John Wayne (born Marion Morrison) was an asshole.
Yeah he twisted their arms...

Thank you for that! ^^^^^ :thup: It tells everything people should know about how corrupt the Democrat Party has become.

But trying to convince the sheeple is a waste of time.

Let them come of the woodwork, like they have in these thread.... talk among themselves,and gloat over their own ignorance and naivete.

You can't fix stupid! You can't fix sheeple. :dunno:
Yeah he twisted their arms...

Thank you for that! ^^^^^ :thup: It tells everything people should know about how corrupt the Democrat Party has become.

But trying to convince the sheeple is a waste of time.

Let them come of the woodwork, like they have in these thread.... talk among themselves,and gloat over their own ignorance and naivete.

You can't fix stupid! You can't fix sheeple. :dunno:

It's hard to believe they continue to defend these practices...

It's in living color and they want to discredit O'Keefe because he edited segments?

They are the below 70 IQ demo, it's incredible, I am starting to believe that Hildabeast could cut their throats and they would still defend her...
This is almost unbelievable. The elections expert says that ....dead people are voting and it’s something this administration does not want to do anything about. They must like it. They must like who they are voting for…

How can a country go into an election like this?? How can Obama say..."Election fraud? what does that mean?"

How can it be American, people are not outraged by and don't stop this??? How??

Elections Expert: "We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls" (VIDEO)
OMG...Liberals don't want this post. Mean ol racist you.
Proof they are voting . And how ?

People die everyday . There's not some magic government supercomputer thy suddenly calls town hall and says "hey, joe bob is dead! He's on you voter list. Take him off."

Seriously you can not make this stuff up!

These far left drones just keep showing why they should not be in charge of anything!

Because you righties just make up shit . You imply the dead are voting , but shown no proof . Something easily proven if it was happening .

So what's your solution ???

Solution? Who wants a solution?
liberals don't. They like voter fraud.
i still have no idea how dead people are digging themselves out of their graves to go register.

The registries haven't been cleaned up in 50 years. There have been 33 cases of voter fraud in over 1 billion votes cast since 2000. Damn pesky facts keep on interfering with the Republican agenda. Like Trump said, he'll accept the results of the election If He Wins!
Last edited:
i still think that the cast of "Thriller" are all still registered to vote

Here are some selections from our reporting on the voter fraud myth and the impact of anti-voter-fraud laws:

(From Mother Jones)
This is almost unbelievable. The elections expert says that ....dead people are voting and it’s something this administration does not want to do anything about. They must like it. They must like who they are voting for…

How can a country go into an election like this?? How can Obama say..."Election fraud? what does that mean?"

How can it be American, people are not outraged by and don't stop this??? How??

Elections Expert: "We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls" (VIDEO)

And Obama was born in Kenya! And that moon landing thing? Well, don't get me started...

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