Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives

Should congress pass laws incentivising buying electric cars over gas powered cars?

  • yes, it makes environmental and economic sense, cars can charge at night balancing electric usage

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • no, keep the government out of the car business

    Votes: 24 77.4%

  • Total voters
"Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives"

And how do you charge the electric car? And do you understand the pollution that comes from electricity plants that you will use to charge the car?

The REAL answer is Hydrogen cars. They run on water.

Hydrogen is safe right

Google Image Result for http://dujye7n3e5wjl.cloudfront.net/photographs/1080-tall/time-100-influential-photos-sam-shere-hindenburg-disaster-26.jpg
If climate concerns are very important to democrats, then we all should be driving electric cars. We need tax incentives to get car buyers into EVs. Also, raising the gas tax to fund infrastructure would be a good thing too.
Charging An Electric Vehicle Is Far Cleaner Than Driving On Gasoline, Everywhere In America
Lets take a poll.
How are electric cars that need coal, oil, gas, or Uranium power plants green
Nuclear power is emission free
So why are no nuclear plants being built

Being that they are so green

People like you need to drink spent plutonium soda

Google Image Result for https://chernobylguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/mutated_chernobyl_animals.jpg
They aren't building them because of The New Green Insanity and The Uneducated Green Freaks that apply political pressure not the have them built.

Why was Obama so Gun Ho to make sure Iran could refine more Uranium, and why did Clinton, Holder, Obama, McCain, Comey and Mueller, get on their knees to Service Putin so the Uranium One Deal could get done, and Russia could sell American Uranium to Iran?
EVs have a place in transportation.

Denying that is a bit naive

A tiny place for rich people who have 3 or for regular cars for when they forget to charge their token electric car...

Not at all

People who drive less than 50 miles a day are a great market for Evs

Yeah.....until you have to drive farther.......thanks, but no thanks, I am not paying 36 grand or even more for a car I can't drive more than 50 miles without an entire night of battery charging....
educate yourself most EV's can go over 200 miles,,,
Considering the fact that you could not even take an EV across the state of Ohio without running out of juice and sitting there while it charges No Thanks.

My Harley gets 40 miles a gallon, and will leave you in the dust, and I can drive it all the way across the country with only stopping for 5 minutes every 300 miles.

My Jeep is a gas hog, but your EV cannot go Off Road, or Haul a Trailer with a couple tons of Firewood, or Landscaping Gravel, or a Tractor or pull a Camper.
whe n did I ever say to get rid of gasers???

there is a place for both,,,

a person that never leaves the city and most trilps are less than 20 miles EV is a better option, more so if they charge it with home solar

this guy put 30 bucks in gas in his car almost a yr ago and charges on solar, I forget the miles hes driven

How are electric cars that need coal, oil, gas, or Uranium power plants green
Nuclear power is emission free
So why are no nuclear plants being built

Being that they are so green

People like you need to drink spent plutonium soda

Google Image Result for https://chernobylguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/mutated_chernobyl_animals.jpg

Because our politicians think that a bad 1980's Jane Fonda movie was a true story.

And don't give me that shit about Chernobyl. If you knew anything about it you would know that the design of that reactor was a one off and was flawed to begin with
No nuke plants are being built and all nuke plants will be replaced with gas or oil

Face it kid

Yes it is impossible for us to do anything else, right?
Windmills are killing millions of birds....including Raptors that if you killed you would go to jail
"Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives"

And how do you charge the electric car? And do you understand the pollution that comes from electricity plants that you will use to charge the car?

The REAL answer is Hydrogen cars. They run on water.

Hydrogen is safe right

Google Image Result for http://dujye7n3e5wjl.cloudfront.net/photographs/1080-tall/time-100-influential-photos-sam-shere-hindenburg-disaster-26.jpg
Nothing is Safe. Not even Safe Sex.

If you want technology, everything has a risk. But we also are smart enough to be able to create, build, engineer and design safety systems to mitigate risks, and bring risks down to a negligible and acceptable level.
"Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives"

And how do you charge the electric car? And do you understand the pollution that comes from electricity plants that you will use to charge the car?

The REAL answer is Hydrogen cars. They run on water.

Hydrogen is safe right

Google Image Result for http://dujye7n3e5wjl.cloudfront.net/photographs/1080-tall/time-100-influential-photos-sam-shere-hindenburg-disaster-26.jpg
Nothing is Safe. Not even Safe Sex.

If you want technology, everything has a risk. But we also are smart enough to be able to create, build, engineer and design safety systems to mitigate risks, and bring risks down to a negligible and acceptable level.
Sex is 100 percent safe once you are married to a beautiful person of the opposite sex
Always get a kick out of those falsely believing that electric cars are environmentally freindly.

They depend on enviromnmentally unfriendly mining. They need electricity that is not enviromnmentally friendly. The manufacturing is not environmentally friendly. They batteries require replacement, again not really enviromnmentally friendly. They require roads which are made from oil products. The use tires made from oil. They use plastics made from oil.

If you live on n the cold northern climates they do not have the heat or range. Charging stations are not readily available and require time out of your travel. All in all a fun to play with article that you can pretend to be helping the environment with.
yea, what does it take to recharge that "clean" battery again?
If climate concerns are very important to democrats, then we all should be driving electric cars. We need tax incentives to get car buyers into EVs. Also, raising the gas tax to fund infrastructure would be a good thing too.
Charging An Electric Vehicle Is Far Cleaner Than Driving On Gasoline, Everywhere In America
Lets take a poll.
How are electric cars that need coal, oil, gas, or Uranium power plants green
Nuclear power is emission free
So why are no nuclear plants being built

Being that they are so green

People like you need to drink spent plutonium soda

Google Image Result for https://chernobylguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/mutated_chernobyl_animals.jpg
They aren't building them because of The New Green Insanity and The Uneducated Green Freaks that apply political pressure not the have them built.

Why was Obama so Gun Ho to make sure Iran could refine more Uranium, and why did Clinton, Holder, Obama, McCain, Comey and Mueller, get on their knees to Service Putin so the Uranium One Deal could get done, and Russia could sell American Uranium to Iran?
They are not being built because they are all targets of terrorism
A tiny place for rich people who have 3 or for regular cars for when they forget to charge their token electric car...

Not at all

People who drive less than 50 miles a day are a great market for Evs

Yeah.....until you have to drive farther.......thanks, but no thanks, I am not paying 36 grand or even more for a car I can't drive more than 50 miles without an entire night of battery charging....
educate yourself most EV's can go over 200 miles,,,
Considering the fact that you could not even take an EV across the state of Ohio without running out of juice and sitting there while it charges No Thanks.

My Harley gets 40 miles a gallon, and will leave you in the dust, and I can drive it all the way across the country with only stopping for 5 minutes every 300 miles.

My Jeep is a gas hog, but your EV cannot go Off Road, or Haul a Trailer with a couple tons of Firewood, or Landscaping Gravel, or a Tractor or pull a Camper.
whe n did I ever say to get rid of gasers???

there is a place for both,,,

a person that never leaves the city and most trilps are less than 20 miles EV is a better option, more so if they charge it with home solar

this guy put 30 bucks in gas in his car almost a yr ago and charges on solar, I forget the miles hes driven

As I said, That is the Position of The Democrat Party. They want to abolish Hydrocarbons.

They get that idea from The UN's Agenda 21, which is became Agenda 2030 the second Trump got elected. Now you know why there was a COUP, because The President is standing in the way of Agenda 21 that they thought they'd have in place by 2021 if Clinton were elected. She was down with it, or do you forget about her "Amero" currency, and a Borderless North America, and putting Coal Miners out of business?

BTW, Agenda 21 includes elimination of Sovereign Borders, Population Reduction, and Population Relocation, and the elimination of Hydrocarbon Fuels

Thanks UN!

Sustainable Development Goals .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

Best thing about electing Trump is that we punched these Globalist Marxist Nazis Fucks in the mouth and knocked their Agenda back another 10 years.
"Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives"

And how do you charge the electric car? And do you understand the pollution that comes from electricity plants that you will use to charge the car?

The REAL answer is Hydrogen cars. They run on water.

Hydrogen is safe right

That's not the topic. The topic is what kind of car is cleaner. Hydrogen cars are.

Now you want to doge my post and talk about safety? NO car is safe.
"Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives"

And how do you charge the electric car? And do you understand the pollution that comes from electricity plants that you will use to charge the car?

The REAL answer is Hydrogen cars. They run on water.

Hydrogen is safe right

Google Image Result for http://dujye7n3e5wjl.cloudfront.net/photographs/1080-tall/time-100-influential-photos-sam-shere-hindenburg-disaster-26.jpg
Let me guess if you were alive when the first gasoline powered car was available you'd be saying that it's the same thing as driving a bomb and that steam power was the way to go
Not at all

People who drive less than 50 miles a day are a great market for Evs

Yeah.....until you have to drive farther.......thanks, but no thanks, I am not paying 36 grand or even more for a car I can't drive more than 50 miles without an entire night of battery charging....
educate yourself most EV's can go over 200 miles,,,
Considering the fact that you could not even take an EV across the state of Ohio without running out of juice and sitting there while it charges No Thanks.

My Harley gets 40 miles a gallon, and will leave you in the dust, and I can drive it all the way across the country with only stopping for 5 minutes every 300 miles.

My Jeep is a gas hog, but your EV cannot go Off Road, or Haul a Trailer with a couple tons of Firewood, or Landscaping Gravel, or a Tractor or pull a Camper.
whe n did I ever say to get rid of gasers???

there is a place for both,,,

a person that never leaves the city and most trilps are less than 20 miles EV is a better option, more so if they charge it with home solar

this guy put 30 bucks in gas in his car almost a yr ago and charges on solar, I forget the miles hes driven

As I said, That is the Position of The Democrat Party. They want to abolish Hydrocarbons.

They get that idea from The UN's Agenda 21, which is now Agenda 2030 the second Trump got elected. Now you know why there was a COUP, because The President is standing in the way of Agenda 21 that they thought they'd have in place by 2021 if Clinton were elected. She was down with it, or do you forget about her "Amero" currency, and a Borderless North America, and putting Coal Miners out of business?

BTW, Agenda 21 includes elimination of Sovereign Borders, Population Reduction, and Population Relocation, and the elimination of Hydrocarbon Fuels

Thanks UN!

Sustainable Development Goals .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

well I'm not a democrat and we are talking about the viability of EV's not politics,,,

but you make a good case for why I cant stand democrats and republicans,,,,

they play politics when we should be talking about reality,,,
If climate concerns are very important to democrats, then we all should be driving electric cars. We need tax incentives to get car buyers into EVs. Also, raising the gas tax to fund infrastructure would be a good thing too.
Charging An Electric Vehicle Is Far Cleaner Than Driving On Gasoline, Everywhere In America
Lets take a poll.
How are electric cars that need coal, oil, gas, or Uranium power plants green
Nuclear power is emission free
So why are no nuclear plants being built

Being that they are so green

People like you need to drink spent plutonium soda

Google Image Result for https://chernobylguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/mutated_chernobyl_animals.jpg
They aren't building them because of The New Green Insanity and The Uneducated Green Freaks that apply political pressure not the have them built.

Why was Obama so Gun Ho to make sure Iran could refine more Uranium, and why did Clinton, Holder, Obama, McCain, Comey and Mueller, get on their knees to Service Putin so the Uranium One Deal could get done, and Russia could sell American Uranium to Iran?
They are not being built because they are all targets of terrorism
Nah. A Nuclear Plant is relatively secure. and are not the typical soft targets terrorists seek.

They like blowing up churches and buses with little children on them, or food markets, or kidnapping school girls and raping them at gun point.
"Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives"

And how do you charge the electric car? And do you understand the pollution that comes from electricity plants that you will use to charge the car?

The REAL answer is Hydrogen cars. They run on water.

Hydrogen is safe right

That's not the topic. The topic is what kind of car is cleaner. Hydrogen cars are.

Now you want to doge my post and talk about safety? NO car is safe.
How many tens of millions of hydrogen cars are on the road

Zero, so how do you determine safety of an imaginary car
If climate concerns are very important to democrats, then we all should be driving electric cars. We need tax incentives to get car buyers into EVs. Also, raising the gas tax to fund infrastructure would be a good thing too.
Charging An Electric Vehicle Is Far Cleaner Than Driving On Gasoline, Everywhere In America
Lets take a poll.
How are electric cars that need coal, oil, gas, or Uranium power plants green
Nuclear power is emission free
So why are no nuclear plants being built

Being that they are so green

People like you need to drink spent plutonium soda

Google Image Result for https://chernobylguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/mutated_chernobyl_animals.jpg
They aren't building them because of The New Green Insanity and The Uneducated Green Freaks that apply political pressure not the have them built.

Why was Obama so Gun Ho to make sure Iran could refine more Uranium, and why did Clinton, Holder, Obama, McCain, Comey and Mueller, get on their knees to Service Putin so the Uranium One Deal could get done, and Russia could sell American Uranium to Iran?
They are not being built because they are all targets of terrorism
Which is why we need to rethink the design.

How about a nuclear reactor than can be buried underground on a 1 acre plot of land and capped with concrete that can burn the nuclear waste from our older reactors and only needs to be refueled every 25 years?
"Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives"

And how do you charge the electric car? And do you understand the pollution that comes from electricity plants that you will use to charge the car?

The REAL answer is Hydrogen cars. They run on water.

Hydrogen is safe right

Google Image Result for http://dujye7n3e5wjl.cloudfront.net/photographs/1080-tall/time-100-influential-photos-sam-shere-hindenburg-disaster-26.jpg
Let me guess if you were alive when the first gasoline powered car was available you'd be saying that it's the same thing as driving a bomb and that steam power was the way to go
I was alive before the covered up nuke accident in pa that caused tens of thousands of cancers

Three Mile Island and thyroid cancer: Debates continue over health issues after nuclear plant accident
Yeah.....until you have to drive farther.......thanks, but no thanks, I am not paying 36 grand or even more for a car I can't drive more than 50 miles without an entire night of battery charging....
educate yourself most EV's can go over 200 miles,,,
Considering the fact that you could not even take an EV across the state of Ohio without running out of juice and sitting there while it charges No Thanks.

My Harley gets 40 miles a gallon, and will leave you in the dust, and I can drive it all the way across the country with only stopping for 5 minutes every 300 miles.

My Jeep is a gas hog, but your EV cannot go Off Road, or Haul a Trailer with a couple tons of Firewood, or Landscaping Gravel, or a Tractor or pull a Camper.
whe n did I ever say to get rid of gasers???

there is a place for both,,,

a person that never leaves the city and most trilps are less than 20 miles EV is a better option, more so if they charge it with home solar

this guy put 30 bucks in gas in his car almost a yr ago and charges on solar, I forget the miles hes driven

As I said, That is the Position of The Democrat Party. They want to abolish Hydrocarbons.

They get that idea from The UN's Agenda 21, which is now Agenda 2030 the second Trump got elected. Now you know why there was a COUP, because The President is standing in the way of Agenda 21 that they thought they'd have in place by 2021 if Clinton were elected. She was down with it, or do you forget about her "Amero" currency, and a Borderless North America, and putting Coal Miners out of business?

BTW, Agenda 21 includes elimination of Sovereign Borders, Population Reduction, and Population Relocation, and the elimination of Hydrocarbon Fuels

Thanks UN!

Sustainable Development Goals .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

well I'm not a democrat and we are talking about the viability of EV's not politics,,,

but you make a good case for why I cant stand democrats and republicans,,,,

they play politics when we should be talking about reality,,,

EVS are Political. That is a reality.
"Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives"

And how do you charge the electric car? And do you understand the pollution that comes from electricity plants that you will use to charge the car?

The REAL answer is Hydrogen cars. They run on water.

Hydrogen is safe right

Google Image Result for http://dujye7n3e5wjl.cloudfront.net/photographs/1080-tall/time-100-influential-photos-sam-shere-hindenburg-disaster-26.jpg
Let me guess if you were alive when the first gasoline powered car was available you'd be saying that it's the same thing as driving a bomb and that steam power was the way to go
I was alive before the covered up nuke accident in pa that caused tens of thousands of cancers
The Sun causes Cancer. So much for Solar Energy.
How are electric cars that need coal, oil, gas, or Uranium power plants green
Nuclear power is emission free
So why are no nuclear plants being built

Being that they are so green

People like you need to drink spent plutonium soda

Google Image Result for https://chernobylguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/mutated_chernobyl_animals.jpg
They aren't building them because of The New Green Insanity and The Uneducated Green Freaks that apply political pressure not the have them built.

Why was Obama so Gun Ho to make sure Iran could refine more Uranium, and why did Clinton, Holder, Obama, McCain, Comey and Mueller, get on their knees to Service Putin so the Uranium One Deal could get done, and Russia could sell American Uranium to Iran?
They are not being built because they are all targets of terrorism
Which is why we need to rethink the design.

How about a nuclear reactor than can be buried underground on a 1 acre plot of land and capped with concrete that can burn the nuclear waste from our older reactors and only needs to be refueled every 25 years?
There is no design safe from a hypersonic kinetic penetrator
"Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives"

And how do you charge the electric car? And do you understand the pollution that comes from electricity plants that you will use to charge the car?

The REAL answer is Hydrogen cars. They run on water.

Hydrogen is safe right

That's not the topic. The topic is what kind of car is cleaner. Hydrogen cars are.

Now you want to doge my post and talk about safety? NO car is safe.
How many tens of millions of hydrogen cars are on the road

Zero, so how do you determine safety of an imaginary car

you need to use google before you make a comment

There Are 6,500 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars Worldwide (Half In California)

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