Electric Vehicle sales are sucking!!!

Sure, and try to drive that through your local Safeway's parking lot.

You were comparing racecars. Try taking your racecar on the same course that this vehicle just did on a single charge. Hell, try to take it, at these speeds, on FIVE charges.
I learned this week that one is stupid to try to drive an all-electric car from Providence to Boston with the air-conditioner going full bore.

Fortunately it wasn't in heavy traffic and the boob driving it DID tell the police it had tried to warn him but he thought the warning was being overly conservative.
Look........there is not getting around it. American males overwhelmingly think electric cars are ghey. Its that simple. A handful of the feminized men who never wear pants will go out and buy them but in the American culture, in 2015, they are just not embraced on any level. A quick look at EV sales makes it a slam dunk!!! They are a joke.

Anybody interested in seeing the 2014 sales numbers??:coffee:
Electric vehicle sales are running out of gas - LA Times

Said a few years back that nobody would care about EV's. As usual, I'm right!!

Americans dont want these stoopid cars......and the sales numbers cearly show it!!


As always, the AGW k00ks will say, "Well......wait until tomorrow......". Thats always their gay fallback on stuff like this but it never pans out!!! The myths MUST be perpetuated.

Bottom line?

Electric vehicles are a joke.

sales will increase dramatically when the prezbo mandates the purchase of one


of course there will be subsidies to those who cant afford one

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