Electric vehicle subsidies under threat. MAGA

Yet another example of Trump's contempt for sound responsible governance and public policy.
Have you ever seen an electric car in a poor person's house? If course not.

Why should the poor pay to mak?e a bunch of fools feel good about themselves? They should not.

If you want to impress your man-bun wearing, gender fluid friends with an electric car, do it in your own dime.

Because you neglected reason and logic in favor of hatred and spite, you lash out with anger like a spoiled child.

Electric cars will get much cheaper. Remember how much a flat screen TV used to cost? How about one of those old $1000.00 dollar VCRs, or a microwave? Electric cars, after needed investment for development, will soon be cheaper and better than what we have now.
Hybrid cars have great potential. Electric cars in limited situations.

When they become viable they won't need subsities.
Hybrid cars have great potential. Electric cars in limited situations.

When they become viable they won't need subsities.

Investment now will make their viability much sooner. That's a win win.
"President Donald Trump has threatened to kill one of the signature efforts of the Obama administration, but today White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow confirmed it: Trump will end subsidies for electric cars.

The move, which Kudlow said would happen in 2020 or 2021, covers other items including renewable energy sources. He revealed he plans in response to a question about what the administration plans to do in response to General Motors’ recently revealed plant closings and employee layoffs."

Trump to End Electric Vehicle Subsidies by 2021 | TheDetroitBureau.com
pohahahahaa while other countries are going forward trump is dragging the US backwards.

Why can’t we go forward without subsidies for the rich that get the tax breaks as they are about the only ones that own one. I like my Volt but I never got a subsidy and I pay more to tag my vehicle.

Do we really need the subsidies when sales are going up?
The government should subsidizing farmers, amazon, big corporations first...dont you think ?

Nope, they should not. They need to stand on their own or close. We need to cut spending and raise taxes until we get the government spending under control and start lowering the debt.
I'm for that cut sbaudies, lower military spending by 70%, secret service for trumps family, his trips, etc...
"President Donald Trump has threatened to kill one of the signature efforts of the Obama administration, but today White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow confirmed it: Trump will end subsidies for electric cars.

The move, which Kudlow said would happen in 2020 or 2021, covers other items including renewable energy sources. He revealed he plans in response to a question about what the administration plans to do in response to General Motors’ recently revealed plant closings and employee layoffs."

Trump to End Electric Vehicle Subsidies by 2021 | TheDetroitBureau.com
/——-/ Bravo. The Gubmint should be in the car business
Yet another example of Trump's contempt for sound responsible governance and public policy.

The government should not be subsidizing industry. It's poor economic policy and creates market distortions. This is why college tuition is sky high.
Meanwhile China is giving like 80% subsidies on electric cars and they expect to sell 10 million in the next year. Luckily at least Obama got our electric cars, solar and wind energy up and running... Republicans are so dumb and greedy.
/—-/ Do we should be like the Commies?
It might delay widespread use of electric cars for a little while, but Trump won't be president much longer, and we can return to sanity with the inauguration of our next president. An inauguration that will no doubt be much bigger than Trump's. I wouldn't be surprised if that Nobel Prize is awarded on election night.
/——/ You do know that Chevy killed the Volt because of low demand and they had the subsidies? You do know that don’t you?
It might delay widespread use of electric cars for a little while, but Trump won't be president much longer, and we can return to sanity with the inauguration of our next president.

So, they won't be adopted unless the taxpayers subsidize them?

Gasoline powered cars wouldn't have been accepted without tax payers subsidizing the oil companies. There were no fueling stations and no infrastructure to keep them supplied, and very few suitable roads for cars. Without a concentrated effort by the government to support oil companies and car manufacturers with huge grants and tax incentives, we wouldn't have become the industrial giant we became in the early 20th century.
/—-/ Bullshyt
Meanwhile China is giving like 80% subsidies on electric cars and they expect to sell 10 million in the next year. Luckily at least Obama got our electric cars, solar and wind energy up and running... Republicans are so dumb and greedy.
/—-/ Do we should be like the Commies?
we should be like everyone else in the world and know the facts and not like your stupid brainwashed ignoramus regressive greedy idiot mega-rich Big Oil big Health big Pharma big garbage propaganda GOP and their silly dupes...
It might delay widespread use of electric cars for a little while, but Trump won't be president much longer, and we can return to sanity with the inauguration of our next president.

So, they won't be adopted unless the taxpayers subsidize them?

Gasoline powered cars wouldn't have been accepted without tax payers subsidizing the oil companies. There were no fueling stations and no infrastructure to keep them supplied, and very few suitable roads for cars. Without a concentrated effort by the government to support oil companies and car manufacturers with huge grants and tax incentives, we wouldn't have become the industrial giant we became in the early 20th century.

FDR's depression-era National Recovery Act granted lucrative federal contracts and some subsidies to that era's auto industry.
/——/ I’m talking about 1900, not 35 years later,
Meanwhile China is giving like 80% subsidies on electric cars and they expect to sell 10 million in the next year. Luckily at least Obama got our electric cars, solar and wind energy up and running... Republicans are so dumb and greedy.
/—-/ Do we should be like the Commies?
we should be like everyone else in the world and know the facts and not like your stupid brainwashed ignoramus regressive greedy idiot mega-rich Big Oil big Health big Pharma big garbage propaganda GOP and their silly dupes...
/——/ You might have a point. If we were like everyone else then we wouldn’t have tens of thousands kicking the door down to get here. We’d be like every other shyt hole country in the world. Liberal Nirvana
Meanwhile China is giving like 80% subsidies on electric cars and they expect to sell 10 million in the next year. Luckily at least Obama got our electric cars, solar and wind energy up and running... Republicans are so dumb and greedy.
/—-/ Do we should be like the Commies?
we should be like everyone else in the world and know the facts and not like your stupid brainwashed ignoramus regressive greedy idiot mega-rich Big Oil big Health big Pharma big garbage propaganda GOP and their silly dupes...
/——/ You might have a point. If we were like everyone else then we wouldn’t have tens of thousands kicking the door down to get here. We’d be like every other shyt hole country in the world. Liberal Nirvana
if we were like other modern countries we would have an ID card so they wouldn't try and get in here. It is the GOP that keeps it this way, super dupe. They love the cheap labor they can boss around. Brainwashed functional moron. And thanks for Wrecking the country, worst inequality and upward Mobility ever great job dumbass LOL
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I would rather see working Americans with long commutes to work get the maximum subsidy regardless of how they get there. That is a higher priority.

So you are a proponent of high speed rail. Great

I am a proponent of “maximum subsidy to a working taxpayer with long commutes to his/her job. That could mean high speed rail, walking, or driving a gas guzzling truck.
I am a huge proponent of the working taxpayer moving close enough to his or her place of employment so as not to need a thing getting to work, or they can just pay for their long commute out of their own pockets.
Hybrid cars have great potential. Electric cars in limited situations.

When they become viable they won't need subsities.

Investment now will make their viability much sooner. That's a win win.
/——/ Did the Gubmint subside the first US cars? You know they were electrics, steam and gas didn’t you?

They subsidized gasoline powered cars along with the oil industry. I'm not aware of any help given directly to steam or electric cars back then, however, building our massive system of roads long before there were enough cars to make them worthwhile was helpful to all types of cars. Massive government funding of railroads and the electrification of the country are other examples of the government investing in private business for the public good.
“For the US overall, an electric vehicle is much cleaner than a gasoline vehicle, even when you take into account the emissions from natural gas, coal, or however else you’re generating the electricity,” says Dave Reichmuth, a senior engineer in the nonprofit's clean vehicles program. And as the electric grid moves away from dirty fuel sources, the gap is widening. The UCS study looks beyond driving-related emissions to consider the entire supply chain that goes into making cars go. For the gas guys, that means all the emissions associated with extracting crude oil are included. For electrics, the UCS uses power plant emissions data from the EPA, and includes the environmental cost of mining coal, for example. Because different chunks of the country make power in different ways, the results vary by region.

Look Here: Even More Evidence That Electric Cars Could Save the Planet

The winner saves the planet


Dat ass! It reminds me of when this one girl went behind a certain teacher girls might find attractive.. and he was walking, and she was all fake grabassy behind him. I reckon she liked his butt.


I like that butt. Nice womanly shape.

You had to see it, I guess, she was all stalkery grab-assing the teacher. She liked him the most, Everybody else hated that POS motherfucker. I think he was a POS. This one girl with a schnozz liked his ass, though.

I wouldn't wanna deny her her pleasure. I'd like to smash that fucker's face right into the back of his skull.


He left rather suddenly after a few inappropriate spankings. I think he did her twice, and not nicely.

It's weird, she liked him, and he spanked her too hard, which was not right. He had to go.

He hurt that litle big schnozz girl. That's not cool. I'd like to crack that mofo in his face to this day.
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It might delay widespread use of electric cars for a little while, but Trump won't be president much longer, and we can return to sanity with the inauguration of our next president. An inauguration that will no doubt be much bigger than Trump's. I wouldn't be surprised if that Nobel Prize is awarded on election night.
/——/ You do know that Chevy killed the Volt because of low demand and they had the subsidies? You do know that don’t you?

All major car manufacturers have killed lots of car models because of low demand. Chevy made improvements, and is offering the improved model for sale again
It might delay widespread use of electric cars for a little while, but Trump won't be president much longer, and we can return to sanity with the inauguration of our next president.

So, they won't be adopted unless the taxpayers subsidize them?

Gasoline powered cars wouldn't have been accepted without tax payers subsidizing the oil companies. There were no fueling stations and no infrastructure to keep them supplied, and very few suitable roads for cars. Without a concentrated effort by the government to support oil companies and car manufacturers with huge grants and tax incentives, we wouldn't have become the industrial giant we became in the early 20th century.
/—-/ Bullshyt

Read a book.

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