Electric vehicles close to ‘tipping point’ of mass adoption

If one’s personal solar charging system is paid for, the energy generated is fairly free, especially for what that energy does.
In other words, whereas before you tended to your job in order to make the money to buy fossil fuel, a solar panel does not care what else you are doing while it is making energy for you.
Fair enough. That isn't the case in most locations.

It needs to be incentivised some ... a little push in that direction ... maybe tax breaks on the capitalization ... small things like requiring solar panel pyres on roofs, so ridiculously cheap and easy to do during re-roofing but something the average homeowner wouldn't think of ... micro-hydro-turbines are half a regular generator; these could be installed everywhere ...

People think we need to get this all on line all at once ... that's foolish ... we did't go through the nation and pave every road as soon as cars became available ... we did this little bits at a time, let the economic advantages pay to further the progress ... maybe by 2090 or 2100 we can build these massive projects ... but starting out, we just need to "pick the low hanging fruit" ... let the free market work for us ...

We have to someday ... let those who can today do so ...
Fair enough. That isn't the case in most locations.

It needs to be incentivised some ... a little push in that direction ... maybe tax breaks on the capitalization ... small things like requiring solar panel pyres on roofs, so ridiculously cheap and easy to do during re-roofing but something the average homeowner wouldn't think of ... micro-hydro-turbines are half a regular generator; these could be installed everywhere ...

People think we need to get this all on line all at once ... that's foolish ... we did't go through the nation and pave every road as soon as cars became available ... we did this little bits at a time, let the economic advantages pay to further the progress ... maybe by 2090 or 2100 we can build these massive projects ... but starting out, we just need to "pick the low hanging fruit" ... let the free market work for us ...

We have to someday ... let those who can today do so ...
Not fuckin solar panels please. Mexico will build a wall.
Electric vehicles simply aren't practical for rural areas.
Bullshit. The new Tesla Plaid+ S has a range of 520 miles. The top end Cybertruck has a projected range of 620 miles. And people in rural areas usually have land on which they can put large solar installations. Add battery storage, and they are independent of utility companies.
The Plaid starts at $75,000.

If I'm going to spend that much money on a vehicle, it'll be an F-250 instead of a sedan. You know, a vehicle I can do something with besides ride around being smug.

The Plaid+ S is $135,000.

Are all leftists as out-of-touch with reality as you? Trick question. The answer is yes.
How are they making electricity?

Hydro and wind ... that's why free charging stations show up everywhere around here ... the kW-hrs are dirt cheap, it's the maintenance on the grid that's expensive ... and that cost has to be paid anyway ...

Pretty funny folks arguing "the electricity ain't free, someone has to pay" ... the roadbeds ain't free either, someone has to pay ...
What happens to fuel tax revenues as more drivers switch to electric vehicles?
Many of us spend hours in our cars, getting from point A to point B.

The most efficient way to get from A to B might be this...

View attachment 449877

The most politically correct way of getting from A to B might be this ...

View attachment 449878

BUT ... the most enjoyable way of getting from A to B is this ...

View attachment 449880
Why should I want that lead sled when this is cheaper and far faster, and has less maintenance;
View attachment 449929

And when it's not longer tax-payer subsidized, I invite you to buy one.

I'm good with what I have.
Tesla is no longer taxpayer subsidized. They have sold far more than 200,000 cars in the US. And even if the were, the amount of the subsidy hardly matters on a car with a base price of $200,000.

200k? God Lord.
How are they making electricity?

Hydro and wind ... that's why free charging stations show up everywhere around here ... the kW-hrs are dirt cheap, it's the maintenance on the grid that's expensive ... and that cost has to be paid anyway ...

Pretty funny folks arguing "the electricity ain't free, someone has to pay" ... the roadbeds ain't free either, someone has to pay ...
What happens to fuel tax revenues as more drivers switch to electric vehicles?
I'm sure they will figure out a way to get their money. I think Cali is already working on this.
What happens to fuel tax revenues as more drivers switch to electric vehicles?

Weight-mile tax ... duh ... and that's really an issue for these electric semi-trucks ... not sure how well that development is working out ...
The never ending fantasies of Progs.......

AKA....."How To Completely Ruin A Perfectly Good World"

This highly experienced automotive powerhouse explains the problems with electric vehicles and leaves no doubts or questions

Only about 3% of the global population drive them.

So I don't understand what is meant by them being on the tipping point of mass production.

What they mean is.......

Now that they can steal elections....they can be assured that we will only get people in power who push the Progressive insanity of a "Green world"
We've reached the tipping point of insanity.....compliments of Democrats and Progs and their Globalist leaders

Globally, "Green Energy" is insignificant after billions spent and far more costly than traditional sources of energy.
The Plaid starts at $75,000.
If I'm going to spend that much money on a vehicle, it'll be an F-250 instead of a sedan.

This made me laugh ... why the F-250? ... serious question ... my 1/2-ton Toyota was $20,000, you'll only get an extra 500 lbs payload with the F-250 and the extra $55,000 ... fill the bed of the F-250 with most anything and you're overloaded ...

Yeah, I get 28 mpg ...
How are they making electricity?

Hydro and wind ... that's why free charging stations show up everywhere around here ... the kW-hrs are dirt cheap, it's the maintenance on the grid that's expensive ... and that cost has to be paid anyway ...

Pretty funny folks arguing "the electricity ain't free, someone has to pay" ... the roadbeds ain't free either, someone has to pay ...
What happens to fuel tax revenues as more drivers switch to electric vehicles?
I'm sure they will figure out a way to get their money. I think Cali is already working on this.
They're guaranteed to fuck it up. It's California.
The Plaid starts at $75,000.
If I'm going to spend that much money on a vehicle, it'll be an F-250 instead of a sedan.

This made me laugh ... why the F-250? ... serious question ... my 1/2-ton Toyota was $20,000, you'll only get an extra 500 lbs payload with the F-250 and the extra $55,000 ... fill the bed of the F-250 with most anything and you're overloaded ...

Yeah, I get 28 mpg ...
Why? Because you don't get a say in what I drive, that's why. Period. End of story.
Electric vehicles will work pretty much only for sedans.

Sedans don't wear out roads near as much as semi-trucks ... probably safe to just tack on a little for registration ...

Why? Because you don't get a say in what I drive, that's why. Period. End of story.

My, my ... very defensive there ... F-250 as a status symbol? ... they make good crummies, but I doubt you know what a crummie is ...
I couldn't be happier for EV's. I just wish it were market driven rather than BS driven.

Let's hope our military doesn't fall in love with EV's. Nothing good can come from that.
I don't believe the US, Canadian and Mexican oil fields are going anywhere soon.

Okay ... you're fine with relying on foreign powers controlling our military ... fine ... have at it ... our military is converting, for military purposes, no matter the cost ... fuel dumps are a liability ... yes, you are free to believe those oil fields are inexhaustible ... you're free to believe those Alberta tar sands can be whisked over to the Middle East battlefields in a jiffy ... you're free to ignore 21st Century technologies ...

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