elite "reporters" mock Trump supporters, saying they are less educated than anti-Trumpers (?)


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

Wow, this is really something, although not surprising, knowing how crazy liberals are.

But wait a minute.. Is this an old video of Don Lemon? I thought he was axed by cnn?

Well, in any case, I saw yesterday some segment on cnn in which this was going on... the guest was talking about how Trump supporters are not the most educated of voters.

Excuse me?

I consider myself more educated than just about any American. I have been reading nothing but NON fiction for decades now. I watch news every day, and in my world, I've noticed I watch it FAR more than those around me do... which really is not saying much...

I also have been told I have a high IQ

And then there's this: I have observed that at USMB, the posters who sound the most intelligent, the most thoughtful and insightful are CONSERVATIVES. The liberals sound like a bunch of 3 yr olds throwing a temper tantrum because people actually like Trump (or whatever)

So there's that...
You think Trump supporters are better educated than the general populace?

absolutely. They know what this country needs and they know a good president when they see one.

All the cnn BS in the world cannot convince them otherwise.

I love it.

So what if Trump has personality flaws? Who the hell doesn't? At least he doesnt have such flaws as

thinking that human life begins at 9 months instead of conception

thinking China can be our friend..

thinking it's OK to let millions of perfect strangers into our country to roam free doing God knows what to US citiezens..

thinking it's OK to enrich China at the expense of the US

and I could go on and on

Wow, this is really something, although not surprising, knowing how crazy liberals are.

But wait a minute.. Is this an old video of Don Lemon? I thought he was axed by cnn?

Well, in any case, I saw yesterday some segment on cnn in which this was going on... the guest was talking about how Trump supporters are not the most educated of voters.

Excuse me?

I consider myself more educated than just about any American. I have been reading nothing but NON fiction for decades now. I watch news every day, and in my world, I've noticed I watch it FAR more than those around me do... which really is not saying much...

I also have been told I have a high IQ

And then there's this: I have observed that at USMB, the posters who sound the most intelligent, the most thoughtful and insightful are CONSERVATIVES. The liberals sound like a bunch of 3 yr olds throwing a temper tantrum because people actually like Trump (or whatever)

So there's that...
The intelligence of a liberal.
absolutely. They know what this country needs and they know a good president when they see one.

All the cnn BS in the world cannot convince them otherwise.

I love it.

So what if Trump has personality flaws? Who the hell doesn't? At least he doesnt have such flaws as

thinking that human life begins at 9 months instead of conception

thinking China can be our friend..

thinking it's OK to let millions of perfect strangers into our country to roam free doing God knows what to US citiezens..

thinking it's OK to enrich China at the expense of the US

and I could go on and on
"Education" means the schooling one has received. Most Trump supporters might have graduated from high school.
"Education" means the schooling one has received. Most Trump supporters might have graduated from high school.
one cannot get a true education in the liberal-infested colleges in the US these days. Fortunately, I was educated by SELF mostly (reading non-fiction for years, etc) AND I got credits from a REAL college in a red state... you know, where we were taught actual FACTS and history, not what some crybaby liberal wrote in some alleged college textbook everyone is supposed to dutifully swallow, hook line and sinker

Wow, this is really something, although not surprising, knowing how crazy liberals are.

But wait a minute.. Is this an old video of Don Lemon? I thought he was axed by cnn?

Well, in any case, I saw yesterday some segment on cnn in which this was going on... the guest was talking about how Trump supporters are not the most educated of voters.

Excuse me?

I consider myself more educated than just about any American. I have been reading nothing but NON fiction for decades now. I watch news every day, and in my world, I've noticed I watch it FAR more than those around me do... which really is not saying much...

I also have been told I have a high IQ

And then there's this: I have observed that at USMB, the posters who sound the most intelligent, the most thoughtful and insightful are CONSERVATIVES. The liberals sound like a bunch of 3 yr olds throwing a temper tantrum because people actually like Trump (or whatever)

So there's that...
OK, "...more educated than just about any American."
Who won the 2020 Presidential election? No cheating! Answer honestly!

Wow, this is really something, although not surprising, knowing how crazy liberals are.

But wait a minute.. Is this an old video of Don Lemon? I thought he was axed by cnn?

Well, in any case, I saw yesterday some segment on cnn in which this was going on... the guest was talking about how Trump supporters are not the most educated of voters.

Excuse me?

I consider myself more educated than just about any American. I have been reading nothing but NON fiction for decades now. I watch news every day, and in my world, I've noticed I watch it FAR more than those around me do... which really is not saying much...

I also have been told I have a high IQ

And then there's this: I have observed that at USMB, the posters who sound the most intelligent, the most thoughtful and insightful are CONSERVATIVES. The liberals sound like a bunch of 3 yr olds throwing a temper tantrum because people actually like Trump (or whatever)

So there's that...
LMAO, ELITE reporters. There is no such thing. The hacks they have reading the news on the msm aren't qualified to carry water for real journalists. They haven't a clue.
one cannot get a true education in the liberal-infested colleges in the US these days. Fortunately, I was educated by SELF mostly (reading non-fiction for years, etc) AND I got credits from a REAL college in a red state... you know, where we were taught actual FACTS and history, not what some crybaby liberal wrote in some alleged college textbook everyone is supposed to dutifully swallow, hook line and sinker
Your distrust of higher education is there by design so you will knee-jerk reject anything educated people might say.

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