Elites’ absurd Davos crusade: Destroy freedom to save humanity


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Elites’ Absurd Davos Crusade: Destroy Freedom To Save Humanity

17 Jan 2024 ~~ By James Bovard

Who would have guessed freedom of speech would become the biggest barrier to saving humanity?
Luckily, a fix is pending from the billionaires, political poohbahs and other weasels attending this week’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
WEF has two big goals this year: “rebuild trust” and “crush dissent.”
OK, that last one is a paraphrase.
Instead, WEF is proclaiming the greatest peril humanity faces is “misinformation and disinformation.”
And how can we recognize “misinformation”?
Easy: It denies that Davos cronies should rule the world.
OK, that’s another paraphrase.
WEF’s latest Global Risks Report warns, “Some governments and platforms . . . may fail to act to effectively curb falsified information and harmful content, making the definition of ‘truth’ increasingly contentious across societies.”
In other words, governments must suppress “falsified” information to save truth.
WEF presumes governments are founts of truth — regardless of millennia of political deceit stretching back to the ancient Athens of Aristophanes’ satirical plays.
We are barely 2,000 days away from the halcyon time — the year 2030 — when WEF promised “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”
(Davos attendees are exempt, of course.)
Recent political reforms in many nations have furthered the first promise, ravaging private property rights and subverting individual independence.
But the world’s kingpins will need to tighten all the mental thumbscrews for propertyless serfs to “be happy.”
Public euphoria could be in especially short supply considering other policies championed in Davos.
“Individual carbon footprint trackers” are a popular panacea at Davos, and WEF has proposed the “setting of acceptable limits for personal emissions.”
How many burps will it take to get sent to Re-Education Camp?
Footprint trackers will be useless without imposing universal “digital identification,” another WEF pet project.
How can government “serve” people unless it can find and accost them at any moment, day or night?

Elites are not interested in saving the planet. They are only interested in saving themselves and their power. Jaques Cousteau was a strong globalist who advocated reduction of the world population to 300 million, because HE, and his like-minded folks that became the WEF decided what population the world resources would sustain.
The Davos elite know it's easier to control large groups when once their rights are removed.
It's the sign of corruption and poor management skills; it's something every Progressive/Socialist voter should be concerned with because forward-thinking philosophies vanish with totalitarianism.
Unfortunately, the majority of average working Americans still have no clue regarding the true agenda of the WEF. Central digital currency, AI, and suppression of free speech will all be methodically used as the “great reset” tools by Klaus Schwab and his elite disciples to effectively destroy our freedoms. This ugly truth needs to become common knowledge immediately.

Elites’ Absurd Davos Crusade: Destroy Freedom To Save Humanity

17 Jan 2024 ~~ By James Bovard

Who would have guessed freedom of speech would become the biggest barrier to saving humanity?
Luckily, a fix is pending from the billionaires, political poohbahs and other weasels attending this week’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
WEF has two big goals this year: “rebuild trust” and “crush dissent.”
OK, that last one is a paraphrase.
Instead, WEF is proclaiming the greatest peril humanity faces is “misinformation and disinformation.”
And how can we recognize “misinformation”?
Easy: It denies that Davos cronies should rule the world.
OK, that’s another paraphrase.
WEF’s latest Global Risks Report warns, “Some governments and platforms . . . may fail to act to effectively curb falsified information and harmful content, making the definition of ‘truth’ increasingly contentious across societies.”
In other words, governments must suppress “falsified” information to save truth.
WEF presumes governments are founts of truth — regardless of millennia of political deceit stretching back to the ancient Athens of Aristophanes’ satirical plays.
We are barely 2,000 days away from the halcyon time — the year 2030 — when WEF promised “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”
(Davos attendees are exempt, of course.)
Recent political reforms in many nations have furthered the first promise, ravaging private property rights and subverting individual independence.
But the world’s kingpins will need to tighten all the mental thumbscrews for propertyless serfs to “be happy.”
Public euphoria could be in especially short supply considering other policies championed in Davos.
“Individual carbon footprint trackers” are a popular panacea at Davos, and WEF has proposed the “setting of acceptable limits for personal emissions.”
How many burps will it take to get sent to Re-Education Camp?
Footprint trackers will be useless without imposing universal “digital identification,” another WEF pet project.
How can government “serve” people unless it can find and accost them at any moment, day or night?

Elites are not interested in saving the planet. They are only interested in saving themselves and their power. Jaques Cousteau was a strong globalist who advocated reduction of the world population to 300 million, because HE, and his like-minded folks that became the WEF decided what population the world resources would sustain.
The Davos elite know it's easier to control large groups when once their rights are removed.
It's the sign of corruption and poor management skills; it's something every Progressive/Socialist voter should be concerned with because forward-thinking philosophies vanish with totalitarianism.
Unfortunately, the majority of average working Americans still have no clue regarding the true agenda of the WEF. Central digital currency, AI, and suppression of free speech will all be methodically used as the “great reset” tools by Klaus Schwab and his elite disciples to effectively destroy our freedoms. This ugly truth needs to become common knowledge immediately.
I believe they realized we were getting overpopulated and made it less attractive to have children. Something is in the water. Back in my day 25% of boys were still virgins in college. Today it’s 50%. We are having fewer kids.

Hopefuly we stop multiplying and their doomsday scenarios won’t happen
Project Chaos in full swing .
Everything they plan is flagged beforehand but Normies and Sheeple do not listen and certainly do not believe when informed .
And later , when there are no jobs and AI manipulates and influences everything , they will all be fast asleep .
Which is a good job because even the smartest and most independent will be lucky to move successfully off - grid without being rounded up very quickly .
The idea they want to save the world is ridiculous and wrong. Concepts like protecting the environment and protecting the truth are just the sheeps clothing for the wolves. Every single one of their answers only lead to more rules, more laws, more censorship and more restrictions. They use these ideas as a disguise for grabbing more power and control.

Remember, these are the most driven, successful and ambitious people on the planet. They have an unending need for more. They won't be happy with money or power or influence. When they are the most elite people in the world that have no boundaries and can do anything but still want more then what is next? Control of the world.

They are also so out of touch with the real world they don't even see us as people because they have never been one of us. They see us as a commodity like cattle that need to be controlled and maintained.

Everything they say is about keeping us in line with what they want

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