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Elizabeth Dumbass Warren wonders why min wage is not 22.00 an hour

Funny how Australia with a $15 min wage had no problems with that and survived the GOP meltdown easier than anywhere else, brainwashed SHYTTEHEADS lol...

Could that be because, unlike the minimum wage in the US, the minimum wage in Australia is not a hard bottom? Then we have the fact that Australia cooks the unemployment numbers to get them down to the current 5.4% instead of the more accurate numbers which but their unemployment at 14%, which is about the same as our real numbers. I guess they didn't come out any better than we did after all.

you wouldnt by chance have a link to support this? I have a australia friend on another political forum and I could use the ammo.

Australian labour market ? converting unemployment into hidden unemployment | Bill Mitchell ? billy blog
Measuring hidden unemployment: Part 2
6202.0 - Labour Force, Australia, Feb 2012


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Funny how Australia with a $15 min wage had no problems with that and survived the GOP meltdown easier than anywhere else, brainwashed SHYTTEHEADS lol...

Could that be because, unlike the minimum wage in the US, the minimum wage in Australia is not a hard bottom? Then we have the fact that Australia cooks the unemployment numbers to get them down to the current 5.4% instead of the more accurate numbers which but their unemployment at 14%, which is about the same as our real numbers. I guess they didn't come out any better than we did after all.

Our unemployment is doctored the same way. Our U6 unemployment rate is 16%.

The fact is that raising minimum wage just above poverty level lowers unemployment & does not cause prices to rise or inflation.

The fact is you are full of shit.
All Pubcrappe of course. The Blaze is totally FOS. Btw, the min wage in Australia is $15, and $13 in NZ, and all your fears are BS. Perfect dupes of the greedy idiot rich, the people whose income rise leads to this illustration by Warren...certainly not the rest of us...see sig pp1.

Why should there be any minimum wage? Businesses aren't jobs programs. This is a free country let the businesses decide what to pay or let the low skill person start their own business. If they can't make ends meet then the govt can hire them at a small salary to do many of the govt jobs, which are already a jobs program for many of the lazy workers... At least that might decrease the federal debt...
I have a quick answer for Ms. Warren: The minimum wage is not yet $22 because the inevitable hyperinflationary cycle which QE^Infinity will ignite has not yet started.

Of course, that $22 will be worth less than the current $7.25 in terms of purchasing power - but the pols will crow about how much higher it is than before.
YOU "The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care"

ME: THe worst??? Then why don't you elect people who work for tort reform so people can afford insurance before leftist lawyers finish destroying this country???

YOU: "After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility"

ME: That's why people are pouring into this country from all over the world because we have the "worst" working conditions?? So you're right and millions of people from around the world are wrong? Ok, got it brainiac. Thanks for enlightening us...
Listen, dumbazz dupes, she wasn't suggesting $22/hr as a minimum wage, she was illustrating how rich the top 1% has become as opposed to the rest of us under Voodoo.

Australia has $15 as a min wage, but less for those under 18 and 21 years of age- you see how intelligence works, as opposed to brainwashed functional idiocy? I didn't think so. Our economy's problem is lack of DEMAND- so many have no money to spend...

Well over half of min wage workers are adults- I'm sure they're just lazy and stupid, has nothing to do with the Booosh World Financial Meltdown and 3 1/2 years of mindless Pub obstruction, not to mention 30 years of Voodoo/GOP slow ruin of the nonrich (see sig pp1) and the country... MORONS lol.

Somebody thinks welfare recipients get $11/hour- only if you count health care/Medicaid they HAVE to be on Welfare to be ELIGIBLE for! Luckily that ends next year. That and having 1/6 of the population on ER/bankrupty care, the most expensive for the country possible, is more GOP idiocy.

Okay Dupe, let's forget Warren for a minute. Where should minimum wage be then ?

YOU: $11 at least, the equivalent of '68's min wage. $9 under 18. You know, the good old days for workers, before Reaganism and brainwashed fools...lol[/QUO

ME: OH MY GAWD NOT REAGANISM! He stood for capitalism and we know how that hasn't worked. Let's all move to Cuba with Michael Moore so we can all have health care and a good minimum wage!!!
YOU: Republicans are a strange lot - the real "dumbasses' want to chain Social Security to CPI but-----but chain the minimum wage to employer whim?-----weird."

ME: Actually Republicans want to privatize social security so that each person puts away their own money which will give them a far bigger payback then the 2% annual increase of social security money. Oh and as far letting the employer choose the wage -- ah that's called capitalism. Would you like to let the worker decide the wage -- Exactly how would that work?? Not even Marxists are that stupid...
If they can't make ends meet then the govt can hire them at a small salary to do many of the govt jobs, which are already a jobs program for many of the lazy workers... At least that might decrease the federal debt...

Government jobs are a disaster. They are nothing but payoff's to political cronies. That makes them inefficent at producing anything useful or creating jobs. Government is only effective at regulation if they can ever get it right. Setting minimum wage at the poverty level get's the most people off of the government tit, thus makes government smaller. It reduces government dependance & nanny state voters.

Republicans prefer more government social programs & (Earned Income Tax Credit) EITC to support workers. This is an inefficient & expensive way to pay workers & explodes government & dependency. It is better for business to pay the workers true cost directly & for workers to spend their pay as they see fit instead of government spending it for them.

Republicans train workers to be government dependents. Republicans explode the size of government entitlement spending & dependency. That is the opposite of freedom.

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Could that be because, unlike the minimum wage in the US, the minimum wage in Australia is not a hard bottom? Then we have the fact that Australia cooks the unemployment numbers to get them down to the current 5.4% instead of the more accurate numbers which but their unemployment at 14%, which is about the same as our real numbers. I guess they didn't come out any better than we did after all.

Our unemployment is doctored the same way. Our U6 unemployment rate is 16%.

The fact is that raising minimum wage just above poverty level lowers unemployment & does not cause prices to rise or inflation.

The fact is you are full of shit.

Federal Reserve studies prove that you are full of shit! Reducing the number of government dependents by increasing minimum wage increases employment & reduces the size of the inefficent government. Small business does better & increases employment when the minimum wage is raised.

States with Minimum Wages above the Federal Level have had Faster Small Business and Retail Job Growth

Federal Reserve: The Spending and Debt Responses to Minimum Wage Increases
Our unemployment is doctored the same way. Our U6 unemployment rate is 16%.

The fact is that raising minimum wage just above poverty level lowers unemployment & does not cause prices to rise or inflation.

The fact is you are full of shit.

Federal Reserve studies prove that you are full of shit! Reducing the number of government dependents by increasing minimum wage increases employment & reduces the size of the inefficent government. Small business does better & increases employment when the minimum wage is raised.

States with Minimum Wages above the Federal Level have had Faster Small Business and Retail Job Growth

Federal Reserve: The Spending and Debt Responses to Minimum Wage Increases

just a question? do they buy there products across state lines and on the internet?
The fact is you are full of shit.

Federal Reserve studies prove that you are full of shit! Reducing the number of government dependents by increasing minimum wage increases employment & reduces the size of the inefficent government. Small business does better & increases employment when the minimum wage is raised.

States with Minimum Wages above the Federal Level have had Faster Small Business and Retail Job Growth

Federal Reserve: The Spending and Debt Responses to Minimum Wage Increases

just a question? do they buy there products across state lines and on the internet?

Faster small business & retail job growth in the states that hiked minimum wage tells me that they are not increasing their purchasing across state lines from lower wage states.
Our unemployment is doctored the same way. Our U6 unemployment rate is 16%.

The fact is that raising minimum wage just above poverty level lowers unemployment & does not cause prices to rise or inflation.

The fact is you are full of shit.

Federal Reserve studies prove that you are full of shit! Reducing the number of government dependents by increasing minimum wage increases employment & reduces the size of the inefficent government. Small business does better & increases employment when the minimum wage is raised.

States with Minimum Wages above the Federal Level have had Faster Small Business and Retail Job Growth

Federal Reserve: The Spending and Debt Responses to Minimum Wage Increases

Still full of shit.

Obama's Minimum Wage Hike Will Raise Unemployment - Peter Roff (usnews.com)
Funny how Australia with a $15 min wage had no problems with that and survived the GOP meltdown easier than anywhere else, brainwashed SHYTTEHEADS lol...

Could that be because, unlike the minimum wage in the US, the minimum wage in Australia is not a hard bottom? Then we have the fact that Australia cooks the unemployment numbers to get them down to the current 5.4% instead of the more accurate numbers which but their unemployment at 14%, which is about the same as our real numbers. I guess they didn't come out any better than we did after all.

Our unemployment is doctored the same way. Our U6 unemployment rate is 16%.

The fact is that raising minimum wage just above poverty level lowers unemployment & does not cause prices to rise or inflation.
Australia does not cook their unemployment numbers, neither do we. I'll ask again, like I always do, though I know I won't get an intelligent answer: How exactly are you claiming the US or Australia cooks/doctors/manipulates etc the Unemployment data?

From collection to dissemenation, what are you claiming is done? I know, I'll just get insults and assertions but no real answer.

Oh, and the U6 is 14.3%, not 16%.
That's right.

Productivity increased tremendously over the last 40 years, but most of the increased profits went to the ownership class.

This is one of the flaws of capitalism.

Distribution of wealth resulting from increased productivity quite naturally and rightly goes to the investment class.

One of the ways to bleed off enough of that extra wealth for social redistribution is by additional taxation on the capital class AND increasing social services with that additional taxation. (more socialism)

OR (probably a much healthier approach) by allowing the working class a higher percentage of that new wealth in the form of increased salaries. (more competitive capitalism)

America has gone ion the opposite direction in both cases.

AS a consequence our CONSUMER DRIVEN ECONOMY no longer works very well and new wealth is constantly chasing decreasing profits.

In order to have a consumer driven economy, consumers must make enough money.

This cannot be THAT confusing to anyone who is not entirely mentally challenged.
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While ENSURING all those unfortunate citizens whose low level of skill, experience and/or intelligence does not qualify them for the centrally imposed price on labor are prevented from working at all...and of course, forced on the dole. Preventing a person from working is just about the cruelest thing I can imagine. Shameful.

Your bs is a total lie!

Okay then, tell us exactly what happens to young people looking for their first job, people whose experience does not qualify them for the MW. Tell us what happens to the uneducated or the unintelligent worker whose skill level does not warrant the MW. Tell us what happens to low level workers when their mandated wages make feasible investments in technology or outsourcing that eliminate their jobs altogether.

The floor is yours...

Really? This libertarian supports wages being determined by the market. This libertarian supports the idea that a man should determine what he's willing to work for just as a business owner should be able to determine what he's willing to pay. This libertarian supports NO subsidies or tax breaks for businesses or individuals...none!

But I'M the nanny stater? Whatever...:cuckoo:

The fact is employment increases when minimum wage increases &

Tell us exactly how "employment increases when minimum wage increases". What EXACTLY is the impetus for a business to hire more workers when central planners have dictated a higher cost of employment.

Again, the floor is yours.

gets workers off the government tit.

And all those workers not able to qualify for the MW, how will they eat. And those workers that get replaced by technology, will they end up on the 'tit' or no?

Go ahead, thrill us with your acumen. :doubt:

Crickets. Go figure.
Productivity increased tremendously over the last 40 years, but most of the increased profits went to the ownership class.

This is one of the flaws of capitalism.

Right, because wealth is a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw. If one guy makes more money than he did last year, he necessarily must have taken that extra cash from another guy. :eusa_eh:

Similarly, if a fat man is standing next to a skinny man, the fat guy CLEARLY stole the skinny guy's food. True story. :cuckoo:
If warren plays her indian cards just right, she could become more of a state hero than edward kennedy, the fredo of the clan.............Aim high squaw....................
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Productivity increased tremendously over the last 40 years, but most of the increased profits went to the ownership class.

This is one of the flaws of capitalism.

Right, because wealth is a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw. If one guy makes more money than he did last year, he necessarily must have taken that extra cash from another guy. :eusa_eh:

Well...like most right wing ignoramuses, you got it about half right.

Yes, changes in productivity means the pie can get bigger or smaller, that is certainly true.

But what I want you to do right now is take dollar out of you pocket and look at it.

When you understand that that dollar is in competition with every other dollar in existence, THEN you'll begin to understand MACRO economics.

Until you understand THAT simple fact?

You don't know jackshit about how YOUR WORLD actually works, amigo.

there are really TWO pies, kiddo.

there's the pie of RE AL WEALTH and then there's the PIE of SPECIES with which we conduct trade for that REAL wealth.

In a monetarist economy, the elite control the AMOUNT OF NEW SPECIE that are chasing all that real wealth.

So when they manipulate the money supply to their advantage, they are stealing from YOUR dollars.

And when, as has been the case for the last 50 years, productivity gains go mostly to the INVESTMENT CLASS (who, after all, DESERVE THEM) What that does to a CONSUMER DRIVEN ECONOMY is to make it operate less efficiently.

You need to READ, kiddo.

You cannot understand your world by listening to talking heads, politicians or you fellow partisans.

Understanding half of how your world works is not half good enough.

You need to have a grasp of how it really works NOW in the real world.

Econ 101 misleads people like you.

That's a mythology designed as an intro to what econoimics is, NOT a descxription of how OUR WORLD actually works.

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