Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

I agree. I always thought america was a democracy...but when Bush Jr got elected we the citizens of the world were shocked. And that's when we found about the electoral college. It really gives the power to the crazy minority and that's why we have trump and his crazies....the US should join the democratic countries and abolish the EC.
Uh huh.....Fortunately, we are a Republic. It would be the crazies on the Left that want pure democracy which is mob rule.
Look, you go ahead and find 38 state's legislatures to approve a change to the US Constitution and you can have your lunacy.
Newsflash. Not happening.
You lefties screech and whine about voter disenfranchisement when it suits you. Eliminating the EC would be the ultimate in voter disenfranchisement.
In fact, roughly 8 ( New York, Bronx, Kings, Queens, Cook, Los Angeles, San Francisco, King( WA) ), of over 3,000 US counties would be the ONLY counties to determine the POTUS election.
But for the votes in those 8 counties,. Pres Trump took the popular vote by over 750,000.
Are you willing to knock on the doors of every person not in those places and tell them to their faces "you don't matter"?
And would cause your side to lose a shooting war. Because your desire would tell non urban dwellers that they don't matter. And when the average human being is told they don't matter, the natural reaction is to first become disappointed. That turns to anger. When cornered with no way out, that anger will turn to violent reaction against the oppressor. Human history is replete with this very story.
Wow! I am impressed! You are working so hard to prove to the rest of the board that you flunked elementary math!

Then to make matters worse, you try to defend the indefensible!

Got any more words of profanity or personal attacks to throw at me, while the rest of board laughs at your sorry excuses?

Sure, jackass! If you are so smart, PROVE IT. Talk is cheap, fuckhead. POST the fucking post where I made the math error including the post number so we can all go back and verify it. SHOW us where I'm wrong. LAY OUT YOUR EVIDENCE. I've already reprinted my statement in question in bold text and STILL you crawl like a dog with lots of talk and smarmy accusations but with no backing. Why is it you're the only one who apparently caught my great math error? So if you're right, if 27+4 doesn't equal 31, prove it. SHOW US the GREAT ERROR I made in math that is so damned important to you as a MASTERS IN EDUCATION that you've made it a big fucking issue for more than ten posts now! I'm waiting, shithead. Bet you any money that you never follow through, because we all know you're a fucking liar. Then I'll test YOUR math. BTW, moron, I used to tutor people in trig and calculus. Hope you're up to it.

I already posted it once. If you can't find it, you are either drunk, high, or just incredibly stupid. I'm going with the latter.

What did I just say? "Bet you any money that you never follow through, because we all know you're a fucking liar." Do I know my fucking turkeys or not. Bag of hot air like all armchair liberals. What's you lame excuse now, that I can't find my own post? You're a pathetic twat. I knew if I dared you to produce the evidence to back up your big mouth claims you'd fold.

STFU, moron! You want me to post YOUR post! That must mean you can't find it! t was your original post about states not voting red. I am sorry that you don't understand that subtraction proves you wrong. The irony, if you knew my real name, got many laughs over the years, as a math teacher because it is like my daughter's language arts teacher having the last name "English".

Not only you are a moron, you are an asshole about that little tidbit of information you apparently just learned.

Look you sick fuck, you're not stupid but obviously a mental case; your tiresome non-argument has long since stopped being funny to the readers here. You apparently don't even know when to quit making a total ass of yourself. You tried it once before and it blew up in your face. Now apparently your whole day hinges on catching me in a typo. I challenged you to PRINT whatever I said that was so wrong, and you ran like a little girl. I said Ca has been voting blue since 1992, FACT. Then I said it's been 31 years since they voted to elect a GOP president, FACT. I put up the maps to support it. I reprinted my statement to prove it again. You've produced NOTHING but 4th grade insults. Put up or shut up asshole. You've been caught with your foot in your mouth again. Now go away and play with your dolls or whatever you really do in real life and let us adults carry on with the topics.

Please put me on ignore and you won't have to be embarrassed every time you show your ass!

Now, STFU, and go away. Anyone with a third grade math education knows you fucked up. Suck it up and move on, dumbass!
I agree. I always thought america was a democracy...but when Bush Jr got elected we the citizens of the world were shocked. And that's when we found about the electoral college. It really gives the power to the crazy minority and that's why we have trump and his crazies....the US should join the democratic countries and abolish the EC.
Uh huh.....Fortunately, we are a Republic. It would be the crazies on the Left that want pure democracy which is mob rule.
Look, you go ahead and find 38 state's legislatures to approve a change to the US Constitution and you can have your lunacy.
Newsflash. Not happening.
You lefties screech and whine about voter disenfranchisement when it suits you. Eliminating the EC would be the ultimate in voter disenfranchisement.
In fact, roughly 8 ( New York, Bronx, Kings, Queens, Cook, Los Angeles, San Francisco, King( WA) ), of over 3,000 US counties would be the ONLY counties to determine the POTUS election.
But for the votes in those 8 counties,. Pres Trump took the popular vote by over 750,000.
Are you willing to knock on the doors of every person not in those places and tell them to their faces "you don't matter"?
And would cause your side to lose a shooting war. Because your desire would tell non urban dwellers that they don't matter. And when the average human being is told they don't matter, the natural reaction is to first become disappointed. That turns to anger. When cornered with no way out, that anger will turn to violent reaction against the oppressor. Human history is replete with this very story.

Once AGAIN nothing in this question has anything to do with "lefties" or "suiting" anybody. It has everything to do with most of the electorate having had enough of being disenfranchised. Which means EVERY election. Drop the drama, llama
Please put me on ignore and you won't have to be embarrassed every time you show your ass!

Now, STFU, and go away. Anyone with a third grade math education knows you fucked up. Suck it up and move on, dumbass!

Trolling is only an embarrassment to the troll...troll
Sure, like California?

Yes ! Right now the red areas of Cali never have a say in the prez election .

Red areas of California are few and inbetween.

There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.

Which is the weakness of the current winner take all EC system.

Which ever system we use, there will be those that do not matter and will not have their vote count.

One quick fix would be get rid of the winner takes all in the states.

If you didn’t win the congressional district you shouldn't get to claim it as yours. Then whoever won the most, or let's say 2/3 districts in a state, they would get the two senatorial votes. This would more align the popular vote with the winner of the Electoral College.
Yes ! Right now the red areas of Cali never have a say in the prez election .

Red areas of California are few and inbetween.

There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.

Which is the weakness of the current winner take all EC system.

Which ever system we use, there will be those that do not matter and will not have their vote count.

One quick fix would be get rid of the winner takes all in the states.

If you didn’t win the congressional district you shouldn't get to claim it as yours. Then whoever won the most, or let's say 2/3 districts in a state, they would get the two senatorial votes. This would more align the popular vote with the winner of the Electoral College.

It would only work if Democrats won all elections from that point on. If they continue to lose elections, the next thing they'll be complaining about is the Senate.

This isn't about fairness or improving the system. What they want is a way to win each and every presidential election hands down.
Red areas of California are few and inbetween.

There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.

Which is the weakness of the current winner take all EC system.

Which ever system we use, there will be those that do not matter and will not have their vote count.

One quick fix would be get rid of the winner takes all in the states.

If you didn’t win the congressional district you shouldn't get to claim it as yours. Then whoever won the most, or let's say 2/3 districts in a state, they would get the two senatorial votes. This would more align the popular vote with the winner of the Electoral College.

It would only work if Democrats won all elections from that point on. If they continue to lose elections, the next thing they'll be complaining about is the Senate.

This isn't about fairness or improving the system. What they want is a way to win each and every presidential election hands down.

and you do not want the Repubs to win every presidential election hands down?
Time to end the racist Electoral College. It was created by racists for racist reasons.

No it wasn’t. That’s a myth drummed up by far left extremists like you in order to try and get people on board with a radical change in the way we do our presidential elections because every time the Democrats lose an election they think it’s because the rules need to change, not because their ideas were rejected

Everything that prevents Democrat from getting power is racist.

Yesterday that loon Beto said that capitalism is racist. :102:
I think the Colorado law is an excellent example.

It says that no matter how the people of Colorado votes, EC votes will go to the winner of the national votes.
In other words, totally ignore what the voters of Colorado voted for.
Has to be totally unconstitutional.

I doubt it is unconstitutional at all. Prior to 1820 the people in many states had no say and the state legislatures selected its electors
The state legislatures also selected its senators. That got changed.

Since it was changed, who represents states and their interests in Washington?
Time to end the racist Electoral College. It was created by racists for racist reasons.

Thank you for continuing to demonstrate the fact that you can't fix stupid, especially when 'stupid' does not want to change'...and proving you certainly can recite a fake news liberal talking point.

The Electoral College has everything to do with EQUAL REPRESENTATION of everyone, to equally represent the concerns of those Americans living in 'fly-over states' as well as densely populated population centers like New York and California.

If the Electoral College is abandoned there will be no need to visit, campaign in, listen to, pay any attention to those smaller states. They will be able to do what Hillary ignorantly did in 2016 - completely ignore and avoid campaigning in some states.

The United States Senate EXITS as it does basically because of the same exact reason as the electoral college - EQUAL REPRESENTATION.

Why do you think EVERY state has 2 Representatives in the US Senate instead of states like California having more, as is how it is in the House, or did you simply not give it any thought?
-- The Founding Fathers wanted a branch of government in which every state had equal 'footing' / representation.

This drive from the Leftist Extremists is another knee-jerk reaction / tantrum-throwing session after losing an election in which their corrupt criminal candidate was supposed to win in a landslide....

When Democrats do not get their way / lose their answer is not to try harder next time and play within the Rules. Their response it to cheat more / change the rules.

Hillary could not win a rigged election in a well-known process established / defined in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers.
-- DEMOCRAT SOLUTION: Change the Rules / Constitution, Abolish the Electoral College

Trump, not Hillary became President.
DEMOCRAT SOLUTION: The Obama administration Agency Directors (DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI), Hillary. Leftists attempted / are attempting a 'soft coup d'etat'.

Democrats did not hold the WH, and Trump got to appoint a USSC Justice...and perhaps more
-- DEMOCRAT SOLUTION: Change the Rules - expand the court and fill the vacancies to reach a liberal extremist majority THAT way.

listen to your messiah

Are we democracy?
There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.

Which is the weakness of the current winner take all EC system.

Which ever system we use, there will be those that do not matter and will not have their vote count.

One quick fix would be get rid of the winner takes all in the states.

If you didn’t win the congressional district you shouldn't get to claim it as yours. Then whoever won the most, or let's say 2/3 districts in a state, they would get the two senatorial votes. This would more align the popular vote with the winner of the Electoral College.

It would only work if Democrats won all elections from that point on. If they continue to lose elections, the next thing they'll be complaining about is the Senate.

This isn't about fairness or improving the system. What they want is a way to win each and every presidential election hands down.

and you do not want the Repubs to win every presidential election hands down?

Sure I do if it's playing by the rules and not changing them.
Please put me on ignore and you won't have to be embarrassed every time you show your ass!
I suspect half the people here already have you on ignore.

Now, STFU, and go away. Anyone with a third grade math education knows you fucked up. Suck it up and move on, dumbass!
You would obviously know since you have about a 3rd grade math education. Shall I prove it? You keep SAYING I fucked up but I'm still waiting for you to SHOW US WHERE. Show us ONE OTHER PERSON who agrees with you!

WHERE? PROVE IT, TOUGH GUY. Talk is cheap, especially coming out of your mouth.

Or can't you even prove a 3rd grade math error wrong?

Rockhead Tory, tackling all of the truly tough and important issues of the day.
Warren is bursting with what we might call charisma in male candidates: She has the folksy demeanor of Biden, the ferocious conviction of Sanders, the deep intelligence of fellow law professor Obama. But EW isn't a man & so those traits are framed as liabilities, not strengths
If the Electoral College is abandoned there will be no need to visit, campaign in, listen to, pay any attention to those smaller states.

So much doublethink. Where does one even start.

Obviously nobody bothers NOW with those Wyomings and Vermonts and Rhode Islands and Utahs, specifically because of the WTA system. Both the red and blue candies know full well that those states are going red/blue/blue/red, therefore there's no reason for EITHER of them to bother, and they don't. One candy knows he'll never get that state and the other knows he has it in the bag.

As for your obsession with "Hillary" she made the fatal ass-umption that she had Wisconsin/Pennsylvania/whatever in the bag, again on that same WTA principle. You get 'em all, or you lose 'em all.

On the other hand if a vote counted proportionally as they in fact happened, would reflect how the state's voters actually voted. My state's 15 EVs for example might have been allocated 8 for Rump and 7 for Clinton (or 7/6/2). Nobody here got 50% of the PV, yet Rump got 100% of the EV. Again that's even more out of proportion than the three-fifths compromise of the slavery daze.

So don't be trawling around here trying to sell this snake oil of easily debunked Doublethinkian crapola. It's easily seen through as preposterous hallucination.

Of course, nothing in the Constitution says we have to have a vote at all. It just says the several states shall designate electors, however they choose to do so. But the reality is they all hold elections as if they're data inputs, and then they immediately turn and toss half (or more) of those votes directly into the crapper.

You're right, Hillary completely ignored several states who, through the Electoral College, were guaranteed equal representation / importance in a US Presidential Election. Hillary learned the hard way how important they turned out to be. Their voices / votes were not only heard and mattered, they chocked the world and changed the results of a predicted 'landslide' election. THAT is why it is important that EVERY state's, every region of the country's, voices / votes mattering be protected.

The only reason why Dems are calling for the Electoral College to be eliminated now is because Hillary lost.


Can’t help but notice there weren’t so many leftists whining and crying BEFORE the election, back when all of them were predicting a Hillary landslide. It’s hilarious how they all ragged on Trump for stating he might not accept the election results, and now suddenly they all became history professors overnight and want to shred the Constitution to get Crooked Hillary back in.
Warren is bursting with what we might call charisma in male candidates: She has the folksy demeanor of Biden, the ferocious conviction of Sanders, the deep intelligence of fellow law professor Obama. But EW isn't a man & so those traits are framed as liabilities, not strengths
She is a Stalin commie. And males who get paid off will stick to her. But when it ends they will revolt. Study the inner cities.
Not an equal voice. It's disproportionate.
Look you keep claiming every vote counts and should be weighed the same but then keep claiming the Senate is fine. The Founders made the Senate to equalize the State voices in the Senate. Either you want to get rid of the Senate too or you are blowing smoke about equal voice. By the way the Electoral college GIVES equal voice to the States.

I want equal voice for the people when it comes to picking the president. Equal voice for the states comes from the Senate.

I want to protect all in the vote, the rural voter and the suburban voter, both have different needs and all needs need to be accounted for. That is why we are a republic. If we started to eliminate the minority voice it would be regressing back to the 1800's. I'm for keeping the Republic and all voices heard and acknowledged. With a country as big as the United States is, different areas need different needs and the needs will contrast vastly. With both parties giving increasing power to the Executive Office, we need to make sure all are heard and all have a voice. A popular vote would not allow for the small voice to be acknowledged, let alone be heard.

Right now, the "small voice" carries more weight than it should. I want it to be equal. No one's vote should count more than anyone elses.

No it doesn't, it sends a message to the country that things are not going well and allows both parties to correct their course. If we go to a popular vote system only two states would matter and that would be New York and California, the rest of the country wouldn't matter.

The popular vote might note create imperialism but it could create mobocracy. Look at Zimbabwe , Venezuela, Cuba, etc. No statist gave up on power peacefully, ever.

We can, and we do learn from history, and from other people mistakes. That's how we got our constitution.

Everywhere the popular vote is used, moderation is at risk and frequently lost. That is why we have checks and balances and a president that is not necessarily the legislative majority leader. See the European parliamentary system, like the UK where government alternately swung hard left and hard right. One government would nationalize, the other one would privatize, and it was that way from the 40’s through the 90’s, until Tony Blair took advantage of Thatcher’s reforms and built a more middle of the road consensus. See France where their choices this time are the center right and the women who makes Trump look moderate, immediately following a socialist, of course. Do we want that, or do we want checks and balances?
'In 1992, Bill Clinton did not get a majority of the popular vote (only 43 percent) but he received 70 percent of the electoral votes.'

Where was the Democratic Party's tantrum and call to abolish the Electoral College in 1992 when Bill Clinton LOST the 'Popular Vote' Presidential Election?

Why We Shouldn’t Scrap the Electoral College | myHeritage

The frickin' "Democratic Party" has nothing to do with the EC question, Dumbass. 1992 was in fact when the "FairVote" project was launched, as noted earlier, from both sides of politics.

Time to grow the fuck up and shed the binary-bot shit.
Bill Clinton, if snowflakes had had their way - no electoral college in '92, would have LOST!
Instead, he lost the 'popular vote' BS but won the Presidency with the Electoral College....NO TANTRUM.

Hillary ran the worst campaign in US history in 2016, did not even visit the states she list - which cost her the election....she did what Bill did not do - win the popular vote - and failed to do what he DID do - win the Presidency.

Hillary supporters openly wept, and for the last 2 years they have continued to throw a tantrum...and you laughably tell ME to 'grow up'...


You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

How did Bill Clinton lose the popular vote? He had more votes than any other candidate.

He didn't lose popular vote. He did't win popular vote neither. He won election based on electoral vote.

Let that sink in.
The winner of the popular vote is the candidate with the most votes from the nation’s people.
NO, a "fact" can be proven. This CANNOT.

It WAS proven.

I said if Democrats win they move on and don't give a damn about the Electoral College, that the only reason we are hearing about it now is because a Democrat lost.

Bill, a Democrat, did not get the 'popular vote' majority win but won the Electoral College and the Presidency. NO TANTRUM.

Hillary, a Democrat, won the 'popular vote' but lost the Electoral College and Presidency. TANTRUM.



There is no "Democrats" as actors in this question, any more than there's a "Clinton" (either one).

There is no "Bill Clinton" in this issue.
There is no "Hillary Clinton" in this issue.
I guess to pre-empt even more moronity we should note there is also no "George Clinton" in this issue.
K? This is not about any specific PERSON or specific PEOPLE or specific PARTIES.

Your incessant whining about not being able to comprehend the big picture is your problem, no one else's.

Why don't you name them?
Among the petulant screeds that, in some circles, pass as meaningful arguments for its replacement, I don't ever see anyone in favor of replacing the EC address a basic reality of the issue:

It takes just 13 states to stop the amendment necessary to eliminate the EC and replace it with something else. If you cannot name 13 states that will never vote for such a thing let me know and I'll do your thinking for you.

How do you plan to do to convince these states to vote for the repeal?
If you don't have a plan, why do you waste your time whining and crying about something you know you can do noting to change?

Left do have a plan and working on it for decades.

Flooding country with illegals, giving them freebies and amnesties at the expense of citizens, strategically moving them to turn red states purple or blue, that's going on for a long time now.
Please put me on ignore and you won't have to be embarrassed every time you show your ass!
I suspect half the people here already have you on ignore.

Now, STFU, and go away. Anyone with a third grade math education knows you fucked up. Suck it up and move on, dumbass!
You would obviously know since you have about a 3rd grade math education. Shall I prove it? You keep SAYING I fucked up but I'm still waiting for you to SHOW US WHERE. Show us ONE OTHER PERSON who agrees with you!

WHERE? PROVE IT, TOUGH GUY. Talk is cheap, especially coming out of your mouth.

Or can't you even prove a 3rd grade math error wrong?

Rockhead Tory, tackling all of the truly tough and important issues of the day.

Please just go away! You are making start to feel sorry for your pathetic little brain.

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