Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

I'd say states have a s
Worked likes shit, with the likes of Bush and trump two crazies voted in by the dumbest minority.

It was "dumb" to prefer Trump over Hillary Clinton? I hate to point out the obvious here, Issa but the left ran an odious candidate who managed to be corrupt, incompetent and seemed to feel entitled to the Oval Office simply because she was a woman. Trump wasn't elected because voters were dumb...he was elected because he was a better candidate than the other person on the ballot!

Issa never voted, then he bitches, the dumb one is Issa. He has no valid complaint,
The EC is why most Americans dont vote because in ultra blue or red states , what's the point? Abolish the EC and you'll have every vote count. .

BS! You have proof that he EC is why most Americans don’t vote? Again you show your ignorance and lack of understanding America.
Is a known fact and I'm q loving proof. Why would I vote in an ultra blue state ?

It isn't a known fact and you aren't "proof" of anything.
So how would low populated rural areas become as densely populated as the blue states, for that to become equal?
The rural areas grow the crops and raise the live stock that feed those densely populated states.
Get rid of the EC and the rural area would have no say in our Presidential Elections.
You're concerned about "areas". I'm concerned about people and ensuring every person is counted and weighted the same.

Areas are represented by the house and Senate.

People do have a voice with a Republic, Democracy not as much. The Electoral College helps for all to have a voice, even minorities. All voices from all over the nation get a voice, it matters not the flavor of the day, it equalizes the might of the majority to protect the rights of the minority.

Not an equal voice. It's disproportionate.
Look you keep claiming every vote counts and should be weighed the same but then keep claiming the Senate is fine. The Founders made the Senate to equalize the State voices in the Senate. Either you want to get rid of the Senate too or you are blowing smoke about equal voice. By the way the Electoral college GIVES equal voice to the States.

I want equal voice for the people when it comes to picking the president. Equal voice for the states comes from the Senate.

It comes from the Senate and the Electoral College.
Again, all you have is your opinion. The more third party votes, the bigger the message that is sent to the two parties that they aren't listening. The party in power knows that if 5% of the voters turn to a third party they won't win. Had not been for Jill Stein, Hillary would have won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

So you're saying that third party votes helped get Trump inflicted on us in 2016 and would again in 2020?

Well we agree on one thing

Well if Republicans and Democrats did a better job on picking their candidates and taking care of their constituents, Trump would never have won. 2016 is proof of that.
I'd say states have a s
Worked likes shit, with the likes of Bush and trump two crazies voted in by the dumbest minority.

It was "dumb" to prefer Trump over Hillary Clinton? I hate to point out the obvious here, Issa but the left ran an odious candidate who managed to be corrupt, incompetent and seemed to feel entitled to the Oval Office simply because she was a woman. Trump wasn't elected because voters were dumb...he was elected because he was a better candidate than the other person on the ballot!

Issa never voted, then he bitches, the dumb one is Issa. He has no valid complaint,
The EC is why most Americans dont vote because in ultra blue or red states , what's the point? Abolish the EC and you'll have every vote count. .

BS! You have proof that he EC is why most Americans don’t vote? Again you show your ignorance and lack of understanding America.
Is a known fact and I'm q loving proof. Why would I vote in an ultra blue state ?

So you have no real proof. You didn’t vote, you have no right to bitch. People that don’t vote are losers and victims. You just keep proving your ignorance of America and our culture.
Again, all you have is your opinion. The more third party votes, the bigger the message that is sent to the two parties that they aren't listening. The party in power knows that if 5% of the voters turn to a third party they won't win. Had not been for Jill Stein, Hillary would have won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

So you're saying that third party votes helped get Trump inflicted on us in 2016 and would again in 2020?

Well we agree on one thing

Well if Republicans and Democrats did a better job on picking their candidates and taking care of their constituents, Trump would never have won. 2016 is proof of that.

Sure. But they won't do that because they don't need to. They don't need to because they have a Duopoly system, and as long as the status quo WTA/EC goes on, that Duopoly will never be challenged. Because it's impossible.

That's exactly why for all of our adult lifetimes as voters our POTUS choices have been "Bad" versus "Worse", why we vote for the lesser of two evils, why we vote not "for" this one but to prevent that one. Neither side of the Duopoly has any incentive to run a quality candidate on their own when their only opposition is the other side of the same Duopoly. All they have to do is run one that can beat the other side of the Duopoly. Because nothing outside those two is going anywhere.
It was "dumb" to prefer Trump over Hillary Clinton? I hate to point out the obvious here, Issa but the left ran an odious candidate who managed to be corrupt, incompetent and seemed to feel entitled to the Oval Office simply because she was a woman. Trump wasn't elected because voters were dumb...he was elected because he was a better candidate than the other person on the ballot!

Issa never voted, then he bitches, the dumb one is Issa. He has no valid complaint,
The EC is why most Americans dont vote because in ultra blue or red states , what's the point? Abolish the EC and you'll have every vote count. .

BS! You have proof that he EC is why most Americans don’t vote? Again you show your ignorance and lack of understanding America.
Is a known fact and I'm q loving proof. Why would I vote in an ultra blue state ?

So you have no real proof. You didn’t vote, you have no right to bitch. People that don’t vote are losers and victims. You just keep proving your ignorance of America and our culture.

He's in a blue state. That means he's disenfranchised. EVERY individual voter in a blue (or red) state is disenfranchised, including you. Looks to me like he understands the system perfectly well.
Issa never voted, then he bitches, the dumb one is Issa. He has no valid complaint,
The EC is why most Americans dont vote because in ultra blue or red states , what's the point? Abolish the EC and you'll have every vote count. .

BS! You have proof that he EC is why most Americans don’t vote? Again you show your ignorance and lack of understanding America.
Is a known fact and I'm q loving proof. Why would I vote in an ultra blue state ?

So you have no real proof. You didn’t vote, you have no right to bitch. People that don’t vote are losers and victims. You just keep proving your ignorance of America and our culture.

He's in a blue state. That means he's disenfranchised. EVERY individual voter in a blue (or red) state is disenfranchised, including you. Looks to me like he understands the system perfectly well.

Definitely a curious position, anyone that doesn’t vote for the winner is disenfranchised, so why vote at all?

A vote for any candidate is a cast for an opinion on where you are on the current President. The message is sent every four years, it’s up to the parties to get, it seems they failed miserably to get the message of 2016.
The EC is why most Americans dont vote because in ultra blue or red states , what's the point? Abolish the EC and you'll have every vote count. .

BS! You have proof that he EC is why most Americans don’t vote? Again you show your ignorance and lack of understanding America.
Is a known fact and I'm q loving proof. Why would I vote in an ultra blue state ?

So you have no real proof. You didn’t vote, you have no right to bitch. People that don’t vote are losers and victims. You just keep proving your ignorance of America and our culture.

He's in a blue state. That means he's disenfranchised. EVERY individual voter in a blue (or red) state is disenfranchised, including you. Looks to me like he understands the system perfectly well.

Definitely a curious position, anyone that doesn’t vote for the winner is disenfranchised, so why vote at all?

NO, anyone who's voting in an election that is already predetermined has been already pre-disenfranchised.

We went over this already. His vote, or yours, is going to mean ------ what?


A vote for any candidate is a cast for an opinion on where you are on the current President. The message is sent every four years, it’s up to the parties to get, it seems they failed miserably to get the message of 2016.

I just explained why they don't NEED to get it. What's our alternative? That guy above, that's what.

Voting is not an opinion poll. Opinion polls are opinion polls. I flat-out guarantee that out of all the Electors of your state, zero of them noticed your protest third party vote.
The EC is why most Americans dont vote because in ultra blue or red states , what's the point? Abolish the EC and you'll have every vote count. .

BS! You have proof that he EC is why most Americans don’t vote? Again you show your ignorance and lack of understanding America.
Is a known fact and I'm q loving proof. Why would I vote in an ultra blue state ?

So you have no real proof. You didn’t vote, you have no right to bitch. People that don’t vote are losers and victims. You just keep proving your ignorance of America and our culture.

He's in a blue state. That means he's disenfranchised. EVERY individual voter in a blue (or red) state is disenfranchised, including you. Looks to me like he understands the system perfectly well.

Definitely a curious position, anyone that doesn’t vote for the winner is disenfranchised, so why vote at all?

A vote for any candidate is a cast for an opinion on where you are on the current President. The message is sent every four years, it’s up to the parties to get, it seems they failed miserably to get the message of 2016.

The three major players in our federal government are the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.

For the House, it is mob rule. It's all about the most votes. The more people in a state, the more Congress critters they have.

Same for the Senate, but the equalizer is that no matter how many people in a state, each state only gets two Senators.

The Presidency is also by a majority, except with the equalizer of the electoral college.

The way our system is setup, everybody gets something. Democrats just want everything their way.
LAKHOTA, with his underlings, has managed to keep a totally senseless thread alive for over 1,200 posts of repetition.


Is that Rump in high school being told what his SAT scores were?

And yet, as I said to dblack, here you are.

Let's see, President Trump graduated with a degree in business...and then went on to become a multi-billionaire.

How exactly are his SAT scores relevant?

Let's see. Rump got greased through Penn and went on to stand in one place while Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks that he scammed off the FHA and then amid myriad bankruptcies claimed to be a multibillionaire yet can't prove it. Fixed it for ya.

As far as how are SAT scores relevant, you tell me. They must mean something if he's got his attorney sending threatening letters to make sure they don't get out. Wonder why. Maybe he just doesn't like the number three. Yeah that's it. Anyway that post was what we on Earth call "humor". It looks like him, donut? Maybe you didn't see the resemblance because it's not in orange.
Definitely a curious position, anyone that doesn’t vote for the winner is disenfranchised, so why vote at all?

That's the Electoral College process. If you live in a state that is reliably blue...your Republican vote is a waste and most Dem votes are unnecessary.And vice versa
So a state with like 300,000 people in it...like Wyoming...gets the same amount of representation as one with 30 million.

That seems fair huh?

Pretty skewed towards less populated states isn't it
So a state with like 300,000 people in it...like Wyoming...gets the same amount of representation as one with 30 million.

That seems fair huh?

Pretty skewed towards less populated states isn't it

No, a state with 30 million people in it get the same voting power as 10 Wyoming's combined.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.
The Constitution has a purpose.
It's to keep fake Indians from stealing elections.

Doesn't seem to have worked then.


For an ironic twist ---- this President was endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan. That must have been before he did this photo.
My understanding was that Coolidge disliked the Klan.

"According to one biographer, Coolidge was "devoid of racial prejudice," but rarely took the lead on civil rights. Coolidge disliked the Ku Klux Klan and no Klansman is known to have received an appointment from him. In the 1924 presidential election his opponents (Robert La Follette and John Davis), and his running mate Charles Dawes, often attacked the Klan but Coolidge avoided the subject.[127]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvin_Coolidge

The Ku Klux Klan was a Democrat organization anyway.

And Coolidge signed the bill granting Native Americans American citizenship. They probably let him wear that headdress because they were honoring him.......sort of the way Kuwaitis gave me and my SF Team Keffiyehs to honor our service to their troops.

But don't worry....Indians honored Obama too in a similar manner.....


I don't have any reason to suspect Coolidge liked the Klan, or its bigotry, but they endorsed him because he was the only major candidate who didn't denounce the KKK in a year when either accepting their support or denouncing them was coming to a head. As you just noted from Wiki above.

And no, the Klan was not a "Democrat" organization. That would make it hard to explain its endorsing a Republican candidate (and another one four years later while running a smear campaign against the Democratic nominee). Nor would it explain its push to elect Republican Senators/Governors in Maine, Indiana, Kansas and Colorado that same year.
No, a state with 30 million people in it get the same voting power as 10 Wyoming's combined.

Ten Wyomings combined would be what? 3 million people and 30 Senators. Conversely that one state with 30 million people would get TWO Senators


Seems like the system already protects the rights of small states in an already disproportionate way
BS! You have proof that he EC is why most Americans don’t vote? Again you show your ignorance and lack of understanding America.
Is a known fact and I'm q loving proof. Why would I vote in an ultra blue state ?

So you have no real proof. You didn’t vote, you have no right to bitch. People that don’t vote are losers and victims. You just keep proving your ignorance of America and our culture.

He's in a blue state. That means he's disenfranchised. EVERY individual voter in a blue (or red) state is disenfranchised, including you. Looks to me like he understands the system perfectly well.

Definitely a curious position, anyone that doesn’t vote for the winner is disenfranchised, so why vote at all?

NO, anyone who's voting in an election that is already predetermined has been already pre-disenfranchised.

We went over this already. His vote, or yours, is going to mean ------ what?


A vote for any candidate is a cast for an opinion on where you are on the current President. The message is sent every four years, it’s up to the parties to get, it seems they failed miserably to get the message of 2016.

I just explained why they don't NEED to get it. What's our alternative? That guy above, that's what.

Voting is not an opinion poll. Opinion polls are opinion polls. I flat-out guarantee that out of all the Electors of your state, zero of them noticed your protest third party vote.

Thanks for your opinion, I don’t agree with you at all for many of the reasons already stated. I’ll respect your view however I just think it is bad for America’s future.
No, a state with 30 million people in it get the same voting power as 10 Wyoming's combined.

Ten Wyomings combined would be what? 3 million people and 30 Senators. Conversely that one state with 30 million people would get TWO Senators


Seems like the system already protects the rights of small states in an already disproportionate way

To some extent, that is correct, which is why I made the point that even if it were possible to have a PV for president, the Senate would be next if Democrats don't win every election.

And actually when you think about it, the Senate went more popular vote than when it was devised by the founders. Originally, the Senators were selected by the Governor. It wasn't until later they decided to let those governed choose their Senate leadership.

But remember that a President has power that doesn't need the consent of Congress. For instance let's say New York had nowhere to put their garbage, so a President could select a state to haul that garbage to. No worry because by PV, they have no way to stop it. Perhaps nuclear waste in the future. How about an oil line that can't be stopped by Congress? Maybe those farmers don't want their schools being threatened with the withdrawal of federal funding because they didn't want to comply with an order that stated weirdos in dresses could use your daughters dressing room in high school? Maybe they don't want their local diner forced to put calorie count on every item they sell.

So there are many reasons for evening out the playing field. Those above are just at the top of my head. I'm sure there are more that others may add to this.
Definitely a curious position, anyone that doesn’t vote for the winner is disenfranchised, so why vote at all?

That's the Electoral College process. If you live in a state that is reliably blue...your Republican vote is a waste and most Dem votes are unnecessary.And vice versa

I didn’t vote to win the state, I knew my candidate had no chance, however I was more about making a political statement just like the others that voted third party. That third party vote, thwarted Clinton’s run to the WH. Those votes really counted.
So a state with like 300,000 people in it...like Wyoming...gets the same amount of representation as one with 30 million.

That seems fair huh?

Pretty skewed towards less populated states isn't it

Uhm yeah....

you do know we are called the UNITED STATES of america for a reason right? and not the UNITED STATE of Detroit
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.
Warren and the rest of the democrats are on this track for one reason. They want to acquire political power and maintain it in perpetuity.
Warren, Cortez, Sanders, et al, are Central planners. In other words, communists.
We have the EC to ensure ALL states and ALL people have a voice in the selection of POTUS..
Your side wants to eliminate the EC because it does not work to your advantage.
Just admit your greed for power and your greed for the fruits of the labor of others is your ultimate goal.
Final time...The United States of America is NOT a democracy. We are a representative republic.Pure democracy is mob rule.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.
Warren and the rest of the democrats are on this track for one reason. They want to acquire political power and maintain it in perpetuity.
Warren, Cortez, Sanders, et al, are Central planners. In other words, communists.
We have the EC to ensure ALL states and ALL people have a voice in the selection of POTUS..
Your side wants to eliminate the EC because it does not work to your advantage.
Just admit your greed for power and your greed for the fruits of the labor of others is your ultimate goal.
Final time...The United States of America is NOT a democracy. We are a representative republic.Pure democracy is mob rule.

if we get to abolish the EC then everyone in the country gets to vote in ALL federal, state and local elections, I would love to be able to vote Warren, Nancy and that dumb bitch AOC out of office.

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