Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Going to put up a thread that's going to nuke "Dances with Lies". Get ready. It's too funny. She bought foreclosed homes and flipped them to make a quick profit.

Someone needs to grow a pair
Someone threatens me I take action ...no free shots at me ..you better shave though you seem to have grown a pair Lol

You're pretty stupid, slaptrap and your spamming gets tiresome. Did you wet your panties when someone supposedly told you to hush, little girl?
I don't give a shit what someone like you thinks...I have contempt for you what can I say :2up: your wing nut BS gets weary..its all BS..now get you a razor and shave before a circus comes to recruit you :2up:
Elizabeth Warren games tge system and is now gaming her flock. Liberals trash wealth and high income, cry for free college, yet give her and her $300,000 salary for teaching one class a pass. I could care less about her salary and wealth just like I do Trump but cannot take her seriously.
Elizabeth Warren games tge system and is now gaming her flock. Liberals trash wealth and high income, cry for free college, yet give her and her $300,000 salary for teaching one class a pass. I could care less about her salary and wealth just like I do Trump but cannot take her seriously.
John Miller and Donald Trump constantly game the system ...you know that ...you love it LOL
I've been on forums for some years now. Like most folks here. I've only been on this one for a short time.

Not on any forum ever have I seen anyone as desperate, and with a one track mind. TyroneSlothrop is the most DESPERATE supporter of Crooked Hillary Clinton I've seen yet. Could he have found a more trivial topic?

Given the disaster, the Democrats have as their nominee I understand TyroneSlothrop's utter DESPERATION and DESPERATE NEED to try and change the subject.

It just got far, far worse for Crooked Hillary today with the State Department's pronouncements. Good luck TyroneSlothrop, you really need it!
^^^^Pussypussy above has his bullshit all shot to hell as Fauxahontis's HYPOCRISY has been UNCOVERED!

Elizabeth Warren profited by buying, selling homes (Hypocrite Warren bough depressed homes, sold high, EXACTLY what she tried to eviscerate Trump about!!!))
bostonherald.com ^

Elizabeth Warren, who has railed against predatory banks and heartless foreclosures, took part in about a dozen Oklahoma real estate deals that netted her and her family hefty profits through maneuvers such as “flipping” properties, records show. A Herald review has found that the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices. Land records from Warren’s native Oklahoma City show the Harvard professor was active in the often topsy-turvy real estate market in the 1990s, including: • Purchasing a foreclosed home at 2725...
Someone needs to grow a pair
Someone threatens me I take action ...no free shots at me ..you better shave though you seem to have grown a pair Lol

You're pretty stupid, slaptrap and your spamming gets tiresome. Did you wet your panties when someone supposedly told you to hush, little girl?
Oh dear she "feminized me " I am shattered LOL I don't give a shit what you say or think :2up: Trump is a nut bag who pretends to be someone else ...

. Good luck TyroneSlothrop, you really need it!
Really a disaster
How come Ryan has not endorsed Trump ??

Undocumented claims of Native American ancestry, especially those based on family lore, are not uncommon in this country
. That’s especially true in places like Oklahoma, which ranks second in the U.S. in number of Native American residents and third in percentage of population of that descent, according to U.S. Census data.
If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

She really did. I wonder why she is becoming so vocal now? Any opinion on that, rw?
Good cop/ Bad cop

She is playing a role Hilary does not want
Someone needs to grow a pair
Someone threatens me I take action ...no free shots at me ..you better shave though you seem to have grown a pair Lol
Someone needs to grow a pair
Someone threatens me I take action ...no free shots at me ..you better shave though you seem to have grown a pair Lol

The report button is there for a reason. I rarely report. But trolling and continued non stop trolling in an attempt to derail a thread is against the rules and you did not take my hints to stop it Tyrone.

And you still are continuing to troll.
If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

Oh ya, nailed it.


Yes nailed it

Trump is a fucking birther.....do you need any further proof of his lack of judgement?

I really don't need educating from Fauxcohontis.

She's nuttier than a squirrel's turd.

Far from it
She is a strong advocate for the rights of working Americans

What has she said that remotely qualifies as nutty?

That's she's Cherokee and stole minority jobs and that's just for starters.
She never stole any jobs....she is very highly qualified

Repeating family lore is no crime.
^^^^Pussypussy above has his bullshit all shot to hell as Fauxahontis's HYPOCRISY has been UNCOVERED!

Elizabeth Warren profited by buying, selling homes (Hypocrite Warren bough depressed homes, sold high, EXACTLY what she tried to eviscerate Trump about!!!))
bostonherald.com ^

Elizabeth Warren, who has railed against predatory banks and heartless foreclosures, took part in about a dozen Oklahoma real estate deals that netted her and her family hefty profits through maneuvers such as “flipping” properties, records show. A Herald review has found that the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices. Land records from Warren’s native Oklahoma City show the Harvard professor was active in the often topsy-turvy real estate market in the 1990s, including: • Purchasing a foreclosed home at 2725...

I just put up a thread about it.

One home alone she jaked up 383%.
[QUOTE="Matthew, post: 14343032, member: 22889"]Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

To be fair, that's not that hard. Megyn Kelly did it just by asking a question. Apparently Rosie O'Donnell did it too. I'm not even sure who she is but apparently she lives in Rump's head. No doubt looking for that "very good brain" that's supposed to be trapped in there.

Megyn Kelly's question shot Trump up the ladder right from the get go. It was wonderful to watch that smugness wiped off her face when Trump counter attacked.

Thank you Megyn!

She is bleeding out her "whatever" is what counts as a clever counterattack?

Oh don't hand me that bullshit that he meant she was on her period. He talks like a New Yorker. Ever seen My Cousin Vinny ?When the southern cop takes the kids statement to mean he really shot the clerk?

And his counter attack wasn't just one comment. It was relentless and he got tons of free publicity for it and the number of individuals who detest the media started paying attention to a candidate who wasn't going to eat shit off a teleprompter reader.[/QUOTE]

Sure....Trump meant she was bleeding out her "ear"

New Yorkers say things like that
^^^^Pussypussy above has his bullshit all shot to hell as Fauxahontis's HYPOCRISY has been UNCOVERED!

Elizabeth Warren profited by buying, selling homes (Hypocrite Warren bough depressed homes, sold high, EXACTLY what she tried to eviscerate Trump about!!!))
bostonherald.com ^

Elizabeth Warren, who has railed against predatory banks and heartless foreclosures, took part in about a dozen Oklahoma real estate deals that netted her and her family hefty profits through maneuvers such as “flipping” properties, records show. A Herald review has found that the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices. Land records from Warren’s native Oklahoma City show the Harvard professor was active in the often topsy-turvy real estate market in the 1990s, including: • Purchasing a foreclosed home at 2725...

I just put up a thread about it.

One home alone she jaked up 383%.

You notice that Pussypussy and the Righttesticle completely ignored this article that just bitch slapped them and that Socialist bitch Warren into Never Never Land, making EVERYTHING she says, as well as what these 2 scumbags say, WORTHLESS....Their failure to acknowledge Warrens HYPOCRISY is startling, ...until you realize what liars and whores we are dealing with!

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