Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

She ticked off the box as Native American on the applications....game, set,match


Warning -- I got some. And you know I'll whip 'em out.

I love busting mythmongers.

Try Google, I don''t do your homework, there are a slew of articles on it
She ticked off the box as Native American on the applications....game, set,match


Warning -- I got some. And you know I'll whip 'em out.

I love busting mythmongers.

Try Google, I don''t do your homework, there are a slew of articles on it

There are indeed. And they're right here in my pocket. But you brought it up, so this is actually your homework. I'm just letting you know I already know what pitch is coming and I'm ready for it.

Your move.
[QUOTE="Matthew, post: 14343032, member: 22889"]Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

To be fair, that's not that hard. Megyn Kelly did it just by asking a question. Apparently Rosie O'Donnell did it too. I'm not even sure who she is but apparently she lives in Rump's head. No doubt looking for that "very good brain" that's supposed to be trapped in there.

Megyn Kelly's question shot Trump up the ladder right from the get go. It was wonderful to watch that smugness wiped off her face when Trump counter attacked.

Thank you Megyn!

She is bleeding out her "whatever" is what counts as a clever counterattack?
To Trump supporters it is a clever counterattack.[/QUOTE]
They need simple.
She did not say she is full Cherokee. Nor did she steal jobs from minorities. The right wing echo chamber keeps you awfully busy.

She has claimed over and over again that she is part Cherokee from "family lore" and "her high cheekbones".

And Harvard described her as Native American. Gee did they take it she was First Nations because of her high cheekbones or did they list her that way because that is the way she described herself as a minority in legal directories that deans use when hiring?

Nope. She did not say family lore. Nor high cheekbones. Spend 5 minutes on Google and educate yourself. And then check out her accomplishments after you get that stick out of your ass:

"""She is an active consumer protection advocate whose scholarship led to the conception and establishment of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Warren has written a number of academic and popular works, and is a frequent subject of media interviews regarding the American economy and personal finance.

Following the 2008 financial crisis, Warren served as chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel created to oversee the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). She later served as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under President Barack Obama. During the late 2000s, she was recognized by publications such as the National Law Journaland Time 100 as an increasingly influential public policy figure.

In September 2011, Warren announced her candidacy for the U.S. Senate, challenging Republican incumbent Scott Brown. She won the general election on November 6, 2012, becoming the first female Senator from Massachusetts. She was assigned to the Senate Special Committee on Aging; the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee; and the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee."""

Stop lying for Dances with Lies for crying out loud.

Here ya go sparky.

Warren explains minority listing, talks of grandfather's "high cheekbones"

From the article.

"Warren said she was "very proud" of her heritage and "very proud of the stories that my grandparents told me that my grandparents told my parents and my parents told my brothers and me."

"Being Native American is part of who our family is and I'm glad to tell anyone about that. I am just very proud of it," Warren said.

Warren explains minority listing, talks of grandfather's "high cheekbones"
All Indian tribes have records of ancestry. No Cherokee in her blood,

Your task remains -- (1) prove that, and (2) if you can get past (1), prove that she knew it. THEN you have a lie.

Until then... thanks for playin'.

Just a hint --- there isn't any ethnic group where "all" ancestry is known. None. Zero.
Rotsa ruck.
Einstein thinks I can claim to be Abraham Lincoln and it's everyone else's job to prove I'm not. :cuckoo:

Looks like you're limping along with a "fake" myth that you can't prove, while "John Miller" and "John Barron" have already been proven. In court.

They think this is a party or a disco for them...I crashed this wing nut orama lol

the Biggest Fucking Phony of all is DONALD JOHN MILLER TRUMP

John Miller will build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than John Miller, believe me, John will build them very inexpensively

♻️ Christopher Zullo (@ChrisJZullo) May 13, 2016
She ticked off the box as Native American on the applications....game, set,match


Warning -- I got some. And you know I'll whip 'em out.

I love busting mythmongers.

Try Google, I don''t do your homework, there are a slew of articles on it

There are indeed. And they're right here in my pocket. But you brought it up, you first.

Hell this is better than ticking the box....you lose

Elizabeth Warren acknowledges telling Harvard, Penn of Native American status
She did not say she is full Cherokee. Nor did she steal jobs from minorities. The right wing echo chamber keeps you awfully busy.

She most certainly did steal jobs from others by making false claims of being a "Native American". She used that to get into Harvard and Harvard even put it in their brochures as her being a minority on their staff.

Why lie about her?

How many blond, blue-eyed women do you know. More likely she is descended from Vikings.

She most certainly did steal jobs from others by making false claims of being a "Native American".
No she did not steal any jobs and yes Trump went schizoid and pretended to be two people he was not....he is a Nut bag
Incontrovertible, photographic proof that liar Donald Trump is not liar John Miller. Miller has MUCH bigger hands!

She most certainly did steal jobs from others by making false claims of being a "Native American".
No she did not steal any jobs and yes Trump went schizoid and pretended to be two people he was not....he is a Nut bag
Incontrovertible, photographic proof that liar Donald Trump is not liar John Miller. Miller has MUCH bigger hands!


Do I report the trolling or do I walk the dog? Decisions, decisions.

You wing nuts thought you would come and tee off on Warren and that Donald Trump Miller Baron was going to get a Pass ??? LOL

#BernieHillaryTVShows "To Catch a Thief"

Now you are trolling incessantly.
No I am countering wing nut horse shit that Elizabeth Warren stole jobs and the rest of the quackery ..fact is Trump is flaky...you know the word "Flaky" only a flakes pretends to be someone else for extended periods to praise himself to the media ...100 percent fake
She ticked off the box as Native American on the applications....game, set,match


Warning -- I got some. And you know I'll whip 'em out.

I love busting mythmongers.

Try Google, I don''t do your homework, there are a slew of articles on it

There are indeed. And they're right here in my pocket. But you brought it up, you first.

Hell this is better than ticking the box....you lose

Elizabeth Warren acknowledges telling Harvard, Penn of Native American status

THANK you. Finally the pitch. This is like pulling teeth.

Unfortunately -- here's my stuff, also from four years ago but four months after yours:

  • >> The Globe obtained a portion of Warren’s application to Rutgers, which asks if prospective students want to apply for admission under the school’s Program for Minority Group Students. Warren answered “no".
  • For her employment documents at the University of Texas, Warren indicated that she was “white.”
  • The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”
  • The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”
  • Brown said that Warren “checked the box claiming she was Native American” when she applied to Harvard and Penn, suggesting the Democratic candidate somehow gained an unfair advantage because of an iffy ethnic background. But there is no proof that she ever marked a form to tell the schools about her heritage, nor is there any public evidence that the universities knew about her lineage before hiring her.
  • The senator’s debate comments also suggest Warren actively applied for positions with Harvard and Penn, but the evidence suggests the schools recruited her because of her groundbreaking research and writings on bankruptcy. Harvard, in fact, did not give up on her after she first turned down a tenured position with the university. <<
You lose. Next time, vet your stuff.

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