Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders? Or both? (Left)

The GOP had better start injecting some populism into their candidates who have shown that they first and foremost represent the wealthy and the corporations at the expense of the middle and lower classes whom they don't seem too interested in. They want spending cuts and tax cuts for the wealthy. Get rid of or cut the things the middle class requires to survive like Medicare, SS, etc. That is their mantra. All this to get less gov't intervention yet will happily intrude in the gay marriage issue. A plutocratic platform and yet the falsehood of "if you are willing to work hard and sacrifice..blah blah blah....". A dose of reality is needed. I am sitting this election out and sat out the recent midterms as well.
. A dose of reality is needed. I am sitting this election out and sat out the recent midterms as well.

Don't do that. Vote for the candidate that you think will harm you and yours the least. It's the best and the least voters can do. Maybe at some point in time we middle class folks will get lucky. NOT VOTING means we get fucked without even a kiss.

Seems like Warren has most of the momentum in the party right now.

Warren vs. Clinton would be fascinating.

Yes it would. I am hoping Warren runs as she has the potential to win big with her fairly sincere brand of wholesome populism.
Warren is a lying cheating scumbag class warior who reminds every man of his ex wife.
Yes, run Warren. Please.
One day of news....

Hillary will eat both of them for breakfast - that is for sure. If you are looking for a new face to actually take the office, I don't think you are going to see it in those 2. I wouldn't underestimate the power of the Clinton's political machine.

Obama was fresh, new and hip. I don't think that Warren has the same pull that he had to take Hillery down.
Hillary is going over like a lead balloon.

Can't sell books, making too much money speaking to be able to declare yet, and saying stupider and stupider things as Warren pushes her further and further to the Left.
Hillary Who?

Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders? Or both?
Love both but Hillary is running this time.

I hate doing personal attacks, but only a fool would love either. Both are clueless on economic issues. Both support philosophies that have created Banana Republics throughout Latin America. Sanders has openly admitted he is a Marxist. Warren has been caught in academic fraud. Both would be 100 fold worse than the Big O, but seeing as you support these toolboxes, I assume you see that as a good thing!
Why can't the Democrats toss up JFK Democrat? A liberal on social issues, right leaning on fiscal issues, and moderate on immigration and foreign policy. Toss a Democrat like JFK and give someone like myself a choice between the 2 parties!
She's [Warren] the female Obama: a pathological liar with a shady past, a hatred for American Freedom and free enterprise and a true believer in Marxism.
One element of Marxism is the conflict between the Bourgeoisie and the Proleteriat. Warren is bourgeois yet you say she is Marxist? I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Yes. Marxists convince morons like yourself that there is no ruling class in the Marxist Utopia. You soon realize how stupid and truly fucked you are, then you also realize that if you complain you get rounded up and killed. So you go through the rest of your miserable existence -- it's not a life, it's just a soulless shell that works for the State, joyfully singing praises of the State
She's the female Obama: a pathological liar with a shady past, a hatred for American Freedom and free enterprise and a true believer in Marxism.

Sure thing franky. She (Warren) also tears the heads off of kittens and puppies and EATS THEM.

Oh god, the depths of depravity that Indian will go to is amazing isn't it?

Hope she's the next President. And I like puppies and kittens.

She's a nut. She's certifiable. Her "high cheekbones" should make her a laughing stock, and if she were a Republican, she'd have been shamed into resigning.

But she's a Progressive and in the post Obama world, she will be the Nutty Nominee in 16
Hillary Who?

Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders? Or both?
Warren. Sanders has no chance.

Neither do.
She may be a long shot but I hope she runs.

I hope she doesn't. She's the Ted Cruz and Michelle Bachmann of our party. The Democrat party needs to be the party of reason. Not the party of advancing ideologies.

Warren isn't even close to most liberal in the Senate... I would like her to run it would give a good conversation inside the Moderate Left... It would actually work in Hillary's favour... Warren has a bit of class about her, she is a good speaker and has her own mind.

In certain ways she is like Rand Paul in that way.

The GOP debate is going to look like a mess at the moment, much like 2012 nominees were... There is going to be a 'I am more conservative than you...' arguement...

A Warren v Clinton debate will look very adult in comparison.
She's the female Obama: a pathological liar with a shady past, a hatred for American Freedom and free enterprise and a true believer in Marxism.

Sure thing franky. She (Warren) also tears the heads off of kittens and puppies and EATS THEM.

Oh god, the depths of depravity that Indian will go to is amazing isn't it?

Hope she's the next President. And I like puppies and kittens.

She's a nut. She's certifiable. Her "high cheekbones" should make her a laughing stock, and if she were a Republican, she'd have been shamed into resigning.

But she's a Progressive and in the post Obama world, she will be the Nutty Nominee in 16
She really isn't all that you say here. I know my parents told me about my heritage and eventually, my sisters and I researched the family tree and found it to be true. Irish immigrants.

I know that there are people who have been told but then they never did anything to actually look up their history and they simply believe what their parents told them. She was saying she has Native American features and she really does.

Go figure.
Thats the ticket dems and libs--------------Warren/Sanders. Lets do it. Get some genuine libs on the ticket. Its what you want and believe to so have the courage to do it.

Warren/Sanders-----------2016 YEEEEE, HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats the ticket dems and libs--------------Warren/Sanders. Lets do it. Get some genuine libs on the ticket. Its what you want and believe to so have the courage to do it.

Warren/Sanders-----------2016 YEEEEE, HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonder who their opposition will be. Rick Perry/Sarah Palin?

I like it!
Thats the ticket dems and libs--------------Warren/Sanders. Lets do it. Get some genuine libs on the ticket. Its what you want and believe to so have the courage to do it.

Warren/Sanders-----------2016 YEEEEE, HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonder who their opposition will be. Rick Perry/Sarah Palin?

I like it!

nope, it won't be Perry/Palin. But you guys stick with warren/sanders or sanders/warren or warren/clinton or clinton/warren or clinton/sanders.

or here's a good dem ticket. pelosi/Jackson-Lee. :biggrin:
She's the female Obama: a pathological liar with a shady past, a hatred for American Freedom and free enterprise and a true believer in Marxism.

Sure thing franky. She (Warren) also tears the heads off of kittens and puppies and EATS THEM.

Oh god, the depths of depravity that Indian will go to is amazing isn't it?

Hope she's the next President. And I like puppies and kittens.

She's a nut. She's certifiable. Her "high cheekbones" should make her a laughing stock, and if she were a Republican, she'd have been shamed into resigning.

But she's a Progressive and in the post Obama world, she will be the Nutty Nominee in 16

So the Hard Right don't like her, So she is pissing off the right people... She ticks the right box there.

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