Elizabeth Warren positioning to give Democrats 2020 loss

She and Maxine Waters should run. The perfect democrat dream team.

Waters wants to start an all black political party. Good luck to her. Black people believe they are the majority. They really do. I expect they watch television and see black people shoehorned in any place where they could squeeze a black face and think it's real.
Elizabeth Warren 1/32nd Human 1/32nd Indian 1/32nd Hamster 1/32nd Angry McDonalds Customer Calling 911 over McNuggets shortage
It would be a mistake to underestimate Elizabeth Warren. She is extremely popular on the left.

No, she really isn't, except on the very fringes of the democratic party. Most people want someone moderate and sensible, not a crackpot loudmouth peddling victimhood.
I'll be donating to her primary campaign.

Heaven forbid the democrats run someone who could actually win !

At this point a ham sandwich would beat Trump
We might be better off with a ham sandwich as president rather than a democrat or republican.
Nah, I'll prefer a Trump steak. Thanks.
Well done with ketchup. :rolleyes:
So are you trying to insinuate other things to eat with steak are bad? Especially people who eat steak and eggs too? So what if he likes ketchup.

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