Elizabeth Warren slams JPMorgan Chase...

paying relatively small fines AND not going to jail is counted as the cost of doing business for banksters like them. Sad :(

Hey, here' a thought...how about letting those businesses pay a real fine by allowing the market to put them out of business for making the bad decisions they made? That's REAL punishment.

Instead, we steal from taxpayers to bail them out then make them pay a small fine.

Do you support the politicians that bailed out the banks??? I sure as hell didn't.

And please, don't give me that bullshit about the world coming to an end without the bailouts. It's an unprovable scare tactic that has no relation to economic history.

Oh, another 'great' idea, let the market regulate.

So business A produces product P which they market with tax deductible funds to sell P making lots of money.

Then business A takes the profit and closes shop just weeks before product P fails. Business A then opens business B and markets product P2, etc. etc.
paying relatively small fines AND not going to jail is counted as the cost of doing business for banksters like them. Sad :(

Hey, here' a thought...how about letting those businesses pay a real fine by allowing the market to put them out of business for making the bad decisions they made? That's REAL punishment.

Instead, we steal from taxpayers to bail them out then make them pay a small fine.

Do you support the politicians that bailed out the banks??? I sure as hell didn't.

And please, don't give me that bullshit about the world coming to an end without the bailouts. It's an unprovable scare tactic that has no relation to economic history.

Oh, another 'great' idea, let the market regulate.

Let's let a business that makes stupid decisions suffer the consequence of those bad decisions. Their customers go elsewhere. Works every time.

Are you against letting people choose who they will do business with?

So business A produces product P which they market with tax deductible funds to sell P making lots of money.

Then business A takes the profit and closes shop just weeks before product P fails. Business A then opens business B and markets product P2, etc. etc.

What 'tax deductible funds' has to do with it is anyone's guess...but your point makes no damn sense. You think business A can raise the capital to open business B after their initial product failed?

You clearly have no fucking clue how the capital markets work.
Hey, here' a thought...how about letting those businesses pay a real fine by allowing the market to put them out of business for making the bad decisions they made? That's REAL punishment.

Instead, we steal from taxpayers to bail them out then make them pay a small fine.

Do you support the politicians that bailed out the banks??? I sure as hell didn't.

And please, don't give me that bullshit about the world coming to an end without the bailouts. It's an unprovable scare tactic that has no relation to economic history.

Oh, another 'great' idea, let the market regulate.

Let's let a business that makes stupid decisions suffer the consequence of those bad decisions. Their customers go elsewhere. Works every time.

Are you against letting people choose who they will do business with?

So business A produces product P which they market with tax deductible funds to sell P making lots of money.

Then business A takes the profit and closes shop just weeks before product P fails. Business A then opens business B and markets product P2, etc. etc.

What 'tax deductible funds' has to do with it is anyone's guess...but your point makes no damn sense. You think business A can raise the capital to open business B after their initial product failed?

You clearly have no fucking clue how the capital markets work.

I have no clue, or no fucking clue - I get confused when morons like you realize your full of shit clichés get challenged. Oh wise one, tell me all about '"Capital Markets", how they work, how the protect the consumer, the environment and their investors, unless 'big brother' regulates them?
Nothing makes sense to a knee jerk Conservative.
Give me money to make even more money, which is what HAPPENED, and I'll be happy to pay the taxes.
Get it?

Even simple things make no sense to indedemocrat, billion>million, hope this helps........ :thup:

Are you mentally retarded?
Does a bank need a billion dollars to make a billion dollars?
Of course not!
They were bailed-out, given subsidies and continued gambling in the CDS market.
So of course they made money and paid taxes.

In fact, if you're going to say that ANY company needs massive amounts of money to MAKE massive amounts of money then I never want to see a post by you claiming that Dell made millions starting out of a garage.

You're the dumbass that said "give me millions and i'll pay billions in taxes"..... :lol:

Also, anyone that knows anything about business knows that banks do not have large profit margins on a percentage basis. Please feel free to keep displaying your ignorance at your leisure though...... :thup:
Your guess is based on your biases. But I will refrain from asking why the R's didn't take action before the Crash and when the recession commenced in 2007 (we both know why, there was money to be made by not making waves. There were some real conservatives who issued warnings but very few listened and the included President Bush and Greenspan).

But the Congress did pass Dodd-Frank under Democratic Leadership with bi-partisan support ( https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/hr4173 ). Does anyone believe Boehner as Speaker would have even allowed a vote on such a bill?

Thanks for the answer, the Democrats did nothing to prosecute the Chase CEO, because they didn't want to because they have made a lot of money off these banks.

The GOP doesn't have clean hands but to say the Dems didn't benefit or that the Dems failed to act because of favors is a huge lie and partisan.

Thanks for proving how stupid your partisan bullshit is.

Are you stupid or just an asshole (well, I suppose you could be both). Never have I posted the Democrats had clean hands (that makes you a liar) and to lie about that and accuse me doing what I have not done makes you an asshole.

You are blaming Republicans, so you agree. That both Obama, Bush, Congress, Democrats and Republicans are bought and paid for by big business and they both caused and failed to police the disaster that culminated in 2008? I blame every President and Congressman back into the 30's for the 2008 disaster. Had they all not shuffled problems until a future date, we would not be in the spot we are in today.

BTW, I didn't lie, again it's a liberal idea of what a lie is, and yes I'm an asshole, and so are you. Nice to meet you.
Thanks for the answer, the Democrats did nothing to prosecute the Chase CEO, because they didn't want to because they have made a lot of money off these banks.

The GOP doesn't have clean hands but to say the Dems didn't benefit or that the Dems failed to act because of favors is a huge lie and partisan.

Thanks for proving how stupid your partisan bullshit is.

Are you stupid or just an asshole (well, I suppose you could be both). Never have I posted the Democrats had clean hands (that makes you a liar) and to lie about that and accuse me doing what I have not done makes you an asshole.

You are blaming Republicans, so you agree. That both Obama, Bush, Congress, Democrats and Republicans are bought and paid for by big business and they both caused and failed to police the disaster that culminated in 2008? I blame every President and Congressman back into the 30's for the 2008 disaster. Had they all not shuffled problems until a future date, we would not be in the spot we are in today.

BTW, I didn't lie, again it's a liberal idea of what a lie is, and yes I'm an asshole, and so are you. Nice to meet you.

Yes you lied. I could go back and post all or my comments but I learned long ago not to bother, those who actually believe they know the truth have minds that are closed.

That said, the problems in the 1930's were created by the crash in 1929, a result of the greed of unregulated Banksters and Brokers, a situation which was repeated in 2008.

We all should be thankful Obama was elected and not McCain. Can you imagine he and Palin and the damage those two would have created? By July of 2009 I imagine they would be pointing fingers at each other and advocating different solutions to a continuing crisis.
paying relatively small fines AND not going to jail is counted as the cost of doing business for banksters like them. Sad :(

Hey, here' a thought...how about letting those businesses pay a real fine by allowing the market to put them out of business for making the bad decisions they made? That's REAL punishment.

Instead, we steal from taxpayers to bail them out then make them pay a small fine.

Do you support the politicians that bailed out the banks??? I sure as hell didn't.

And please, don't give me that bullshit about the world coming to an end without the bailouts. It's an unprovable scare tactic that has no relation to economic history.

in case you hadn't heard- Repubs :up: eviscerated campaign finance AND the Wall St reform bill so they're beholden to the banksters/do thier bidding on Capitol Hill.

Glad to help :)
Are you stupid or just an asshole (well, I suppose you could be both). Never have I posted the Democrats had clean hands (that makes you a liar) and to lie about that and accuse me doing what I have not done makes you an asshole.

You are blaming Republicans, so you agree. That both Obama, Bush, Congress, Democrats and Republicans are bought and paid for by big business and they both caused and failed to police the disaster that culminated in 2008? I blame every President and Congressman back into the 30's for the 2008 disaster. Had they all not shuffled problems until a future date, we would not be in the spot we are in today.

BTW, I didn't lie, again it's a liberal idea of what a lie is, and yes I'm an asshole, and so are you. Nice to meet you.

Yes you lied. I could go back and post all or my comments but I learned long ago not to bother, those who actually believe they know the truth have minds that are closed.

That said, the problems in the 1930's were created by the crash in 1929, a result of the greed of unregulated Banksters and Brokers, a situation which was repeated in 2008.

We all should be thankful Obama was elected and not McCain. Can you imagine he and Palin and the damage those two would have created? By July of 2009 I imagine they would be pointing fingers at each other and advocating different solutions to a continuing crisis.

It would not be any worse, and no I didn't lie. Nice spin though.

And the problems from the 30's to current have been on going, not just then and now.

This issues of government policy, taxation, running from one bubble to the next, government over spending it is all still going on, it is the fault of all the Presidents and Congress from, the 1930's until now in 2014. To simply say it is any one group or another is dishonest.
paying relatively small fines AND not going to jail is counted as the cost of doing business for banksters like them. Sad :(

Hey, here' a thought...how about letting those businesses pay a real fine by allowing the market to put them out of business for making the bad decisions they made? That's REAL punishment.

Instead, we steal from taxpayers to bail them out then make them pay a small fine.

Do you support the politicians that bailed out the banks??? I sure as hell didn't.

And please, don't give me that bullshit about the world coming to an end without the bailouts. It's an unprovable scare tactic that has no relation to economic history.

Oh, another 'great' idea, let the market regulate.

So business A produces product P which they market with tax deductible funds to sell P making lots of money.

Then business A takes the profit and closes shop just weeks before product P fails. Business A then opens business B and markets product P2, etc. etc.

How many businesses do you know of that operate on that model? Can you name even one? Furthermore, if you buy product 'P' without knowing a thing about business 'A,' then you deserve to be swindled because you're a gullible moron.
Hey, here' a thought...how about letting those businesses pay a real fine by allowing the market to put them out of business for making the bad decisions they made? That's REAL punishment.

Instead, we steal from taxpayers to bail them out then make them pay a small fine.

Do you support the politicians that bailed out the banks??? I sure as hell didn't.

And please, don't give me that bullshit about the world coming to an end without the bailouts. It's an unprovable scare tactic that has no relation to economic history.

Oh, another 'great' idea, let the market regulate.

So business A produces product P which they market with tax deductible funds to sell P making lots of money.

Then business A takes the profit and closes shop just weeks before product P fails. Business A then opens business B and markets product P2, etc. etc.

How many businesses do you know of that operate on that model? Can you name even one? Furthermore, if you buy product 'P' without knowing a thing about business 'A,' then you deserve to be swindled because you're a gullible moron.

Big corporations don't do that, now small time rip off operations do it all the time, we just have a dishonest person trying to apply one for all.
Oh, another 'great' idea, let the market regulate.

So business A produces product P which they market with tax deductible funds to sell P making lots of money.

Then business A takes the profit and closes shop just weeks before product P fails. Business A then opens business B and markets product P2, etc. etc.

How many businesses do you know of that operate on that model? Can you name even one? Furthermore, if you buy product 'P' without knowing a thing about business 'A,' then you deserve to be swindled because you're a gullible moron.

Big corporations don't do that, now small time rip off operations do it all the time, we just have a dishonest person trying to apply one for all.

Do they believe big business can't perform manipulative practices or that they won't?
Oh, another 'great' idea, let the market regulate.

So business A produces product P which they market with tax deductible funds to sell P making lots of money.

Then business A takes the profit and closes shop just weeks before product P fails. Business A then opens business B and markets product P2, etc. etc.

How many businesses do you know of that operate on that model? Can you name even one? Furthermore, if you buy product 'P' without knowing a thing about business 'A,' then you deserve to be swindled because you're a gullible moron.

Big corporations don't do that, now small time rip off operations do it all the time, we just have a dishonest person trying to apply one for all.

BTW, ever heard of Enron, Bernie Madhoff, Drexel Burnham Lambert and Michael Milken

See, you lied again. Post where I wrote my comment applied to all and I'll offer my Mea Culpa. Since you can't 'cause I didn't, I stand by my comment - you are a liar.
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How many businesses do you know of that operate on that model? Can you name even one? Furthermore, if you buy product 'P' without knowing a thing about business 'A,' then you deserve to be swindled because you're a gullible moron.

Big corporations don't do that, now small time rip off operations do it all the time, we just have a dishonest person trying to apply one for all.

BTW, ever heard of Enron, Bernie Madhoff, Drexel Burnham Lambert and Michael Milken

See, you lied again. Post where I wrote my comment applied to all and I'll offer my Mea Culpa. Since you can't 'cause I didn't, I stand by my comment - you are a liar.

What did Enron become? What new business did Bernie become? More lies I see.

BTW, I don't care what lying scum like you say about me.
Big corporations don't do that, now small time rip off operations do it all the time, we just have a dishonest person trying to apply one for all.

BTW, ever heard of Enron, Bernie Madhoff, Drexel Burnham Lambert and Michael Milken

See, you lied again. Post where I wrote my comment applied to all and I'll offer my Mea Culpa. Since you can't 'cause I didn't, I stand by my comment - you are a liar.

What did Enron become? What new business did Bernie become? More lies I see.

BTW, I don't care what lying scum like you say about me.

I responded to this, "Big corporations don't do that, now small time rip off operations do it all the time".

Scum, that's not very nice, suggests you do care what I think of you. Otherwise, why default to third grade level insults.
BTW, ever heard of Enron, Bernie Madhoff, Drexel Burnham Lambert and Michael Milken

See, you lied again. Post where I wrote my comment applied to all and I'll offer my Mea Culpa. Since you can't 'cause I didn't, I stand by my comment - you are a liar.

What did Enron become? What new business did Bernie become? More lies I see.

BTW, I don't care what lying scum like you say about me.

I responded to this, "Big corporations don't do that, now small time rip off operations do it all the time".

Scum, that's not very nice, suggests you do care what I think of you. Otherwise, why default to third grade level insults.

Again, you said that one company would just change their name and open another business, Maddoff and Enron did no such thing, small rip off companies do that, not big corporations. If you can't keep up or follow dialogue, don't get pissy with me.
Even simple things make no sense to indedemocrat, billion>million, hope this helps........ :thup:

Are you mentally retarded?
Does a bank need a billion dollars to make a billion dollars?
Of course not!
They were bailed-out, given subsidies and continued gambling in the CDS market.
So of course they made money and paid taxes.

In fact, if you're going to say that ANY company needs massive amounts of money to MAKE massive amounts of money then I never want to see a post by you claiming that Dell made millions starting out of a garage.

You're the dumbass that said "give me millions and i'll pay billions in taxes"..... :lol:

Also, anyone that knows anything about business knows that banks do not have large profit margins on a percentage basis. Please feel free to keep displaying your ignorance at your leisure though...... :thup:

I was repeating your nonsense.
Of course Banks can only make profits when they gamble, such as with CDS, which they are doing more now than before the crash.
The Free Market reigns so I don't know why Conservatives are shitting in their pants.
Oh, another 'great' idea, let the market regulate.

Let's let a business that makes stupid decisions suffer the consequence of those bad decisions. Their customers go elsewhere. Works every time.

Are you against letting people choose who they will do business with?

So business A produces product P which they market with tax deductible funds to sell P making lots of money.

Then business A takes the profit and closes shop just weeks before product P fails. Business A then opens business B and markets product P2, etc. etc.

What 'tax deductible funds' has to do with it is anyone's guess...but your point makes no damn sense. You think business A can raise the capital to open business B after their initial product failed?

You clearly have no fucking clue how the capital markets work.

I have no clue, or no fucking clue - I get confused when morons like you realize your full of shit clichés get challenged. Oh wise one, tell me all about '"Capital Markets", how they work, how the protect the consumer, the environment and their investors, unless 'big brother' regulates them?

You have no clue...got it.

For example, Capital Markets don't have investors...they are the investors.

Yep, you clearly have no fucking clue...
What did Enron become? What new business did Bernie become? More lies I see.

BTW, I don't care what lying scum like you say about me.

I responded to this, "Big corporations don't do that, now small time rip off operations do it all the time".

Scum, that's not very nice, suggests you do care what I think of you. Otherwise, why default to third grade level insults.

Again, you said that one company would just change their name and open another business, Maddoff and Enron did no such thing, small rip off companies do that, not big corporations. If you can't keep up or follow dialogue, don't get pissy with me.

Okay, you've made your point, one which must make you feel accomplished. As a good liberal why would I deny someone their fantasy?
Let's let a business that makes stupid decisions suffer the consequence of those bad decisions. Their customers go elsewhere. Works every time.

Are you against letting people choose who they will do business with?

What 'tax deductible funds' has to do with it is anyone's guess...but your point makes no damn sense. You think business A can raise the capital to open business B after their initial product failed?

You clearly have no fucking clue how the capital markets work.

I have no clue, or no fucking clue - I get confused when morons like you realize your full of shit clichés get challenged. Oh wise one, tell me all about '"Capital Markets", how they work, how the protect the consumer, the environment and their investors, unless 'big brother' regulates them?

You have no clue...got it.

For example, Capital Markets don't have investors...they are the investors.

Yep, you clearly have no fucking clue...

Capital Market is the part of a financial system concerned with raising capital by dealing in shares, bonds, and other long-term investments. So how does Mitt Romney and his investors protect employees, protect consumers, and protect our environment? They don't; Bain Capital and other such concern only concern is earning money, not how they impact the microeconomic health of a region.

Now its time to put to rest your red herring, which had nothing to do with the point of this thread. You claimed "Markets" would control business practices which harmed consumers. I claim without government regulations your claim is ridiculous.

Let's assume no government regulation, something the radical right wing seems to want. How would a product that has long term risks to the health of a consumer be 'regulated' by the market? You claimed it, convince me.

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