Elizabeth Warren slams JPMorgan Chase...

The salary of employees at a private company is none of Warren's business, that fact will not change no matter how much propaganda you spew or how many commies you worship..... :thup:

Ouch, the RED SCARE. driveby seems stuck on stupid.

It's not a "scare." It's a fact. You're a commie, and all your Komrades in this forum are commies.

Says the Monarchist.

How's that King thing working out?

Find one yet?
The salary of employees at a private company is none of Warren's business, that fact will not change no matter how much propaganda you spew or how many commies you worship..... :thup:

Ouch, the RED SCARE. driveby seems stuck on stupid.

Ten pages, your use of medium sized words you don't understand and a bunch of deflecting and projecting. It's still none of Warren's business, no matter how much you want it to be, comrade.... :thup:

But whether or not he has a job in the first place is based on interest rates isn't it her business?
The story is pretty damn simple, the Republicans and their fellow travelers ^^^ are OK with a criminal enterprise paying a crook $20,000,000 and denying working men and women who lost jobs due to criminal banksters, an extension of unemployment insurance.

How much more corrupt can the GOP become?

And you libturds wonder why people think you're a bunch of socialists. What "crime" did the bankers commit? .

The federal reserve (which is composed of private banks) have been buying worthless securities at bought price to the tune of $85 billion PER MONTH from private bankster buddies that should have gone out of business for the last couple of years.

That is like the government coming in and giving you the new purchase price for a car you totaled and it would land you in jail. The bankers on Wall Street waltz away counting their billions and putting in orders for more.

They should be strung up from the nearest lamp posts till all of them stop dancing in air.

That could only have been done if the government seized the financial sector.

That simply wasn't and isn't political possible.
How much has the national credit card been run up since Bush left? :eusa_whistle:

How much do you cheer the guy running it up currently? ..... :lol:

Who warned a bunch of ignorant, arrogant democrats about Fannie and Freddie? ......

Check the news.

Deficit's going down.

The deficit is not going down; it's rate of growth each year has gone down.

No..it's going down.

US budget deficit down to $680B, lowest in 5 years - Yahoo Finance

You might be thinking of the debt. Which you'd be right about.
No you didn't.

You called her a "Marxist". And that's clearly not what she is.

Then you need a dictionary.

So she didn't lie about her ancestry???

Oh really?

You think this libertarian believes the conservative politicians don't also lie?

Are you stupid?

Now show me where I said conservatives don't lie...

Your meme about lying is laughable.

Then it should be easy to point to proof that she did not. So far, all we have is "because I say so" and that doesn't cut it.


No..she didn't lie about her ancestry.

You folks really need to understand what lying is first before you accuse anyone of it.

It's knowingly telling a falsehood.

And that absolutely what did not happen in this case.
You mean like the 'Love Muscle' Billy-Bob Clinton did? OK. Got it.
Any CEO/President in any business in the country would have been fired on the spot for doing what 'The Love-Muscle' did. This is what makes LIBs so despised. They actually sort of think it's a 'badge of honor' to do illegal things.
Obama admitting to doing cocaine only added to his popularity among his 'base'. "He's our kind of person: Doing a 'line' and smoking dope is what we all do so he's just one of us. That means he must be 'Kool'. Irrespective of whether the 'community organizer-poser'/system gamer/race card player/White guilt user/"liar of the year" had the slightest experience at running anything but his mouth.
Ouch, the RED SCARE. driveby seems stuck on stupid.

Ten pages, your use of medium sized words you don't understand and a bunch of deflecting and projecting. It's still none of Warren's business, no matter how much you want it to be, comrade.... :thup:

But whether or not he has a job in the first place is based on interest rates isn't it her business?

There's a reach, there's a stretch, there's the ridiculous, then there's this garbage...........
Ten pages, your use of medium sized words you don't understand and a bunch of deflecting and projecting. It's still none of Warren's business, no matter how much you want it to be, comrade.... :thup:

But whether or not he has a job in the first place is based on interest rates isn't it her business?

There's a reach, there's a stretch, there's the ridiculous, then there's this garbage...........

You did not answer the question. When the fish swims in the water is it not the spring that gives life to the fish, and the leaches?
But whether or not he has a job in the first place is based on interest rates isn't it her business?

There's a reach, there's a stretch, there's the ridiculous, then there's this garbage...........

You did not answer the question. When the fish swims in the water is it not the spring that gives life to the fish, and the leaches?

Elizabeth Warren is not the water or the spring or whatever dumb analogy you want to use to justify her Marxist statements........
Then you need a dictionary.

So she didn't lie about her ancestry???

Oh really?

You think this libertarian believes the conservative politicians don't also lie?

Are you stupid?

Now show me where I said conservatives don't lie...

Then it should be easy to point to proof that she did not. So far, all we have is "because I say so" and that doesn't cut it.


No..she didn't lie about her ancestry.

You folks really need to understand what lying is first before you accuse anyone of it.

It's knowingly telling a falsehood.

And that absolutely what did not happen in this case.

All evidence I've seen suggests otherwise.

But perhaps I'm wrong about that. Feel free to present your evidence to prove she didn't lie about her ancestry.

What "evidence"?

Her family told her she had American Indian in her Ancestry.

That's what she was going by.
It's none of her fucking business what a private company pays one of it's employees......... :thup:

Doesn't she have a form to falsify or something?..... :dunno:

It's a private company that gets 14 billion a year in taxpayer subsidies. It got 25 billion in the bank bailout and that doesn't include it's subsidiaries. Free stuff for the 1%. Solyndra only received about 500 million. Basically JP Morgan gets about 28x the amount of taxpayer subsidies yearly that Solyndra received one time. So yes, Warren has every right to question JP Morgan.

Define subsidy and you'll see how dumb this post really is......... :thup:

Here below is a definition of a subsidy.

a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive.

Check the news.

Deficit's going down.

The deficit is not going down; it's rate of growth each year has gone down.

No..it's going down.

US budget deficit down to $680B, lowest in 5 years - Yahoo Finance

You might be thinking of the debt. Which you'd be right about.

So idiots like you and Obama who claimed the sequester would bring death and destruction were wrong? Go figure..... :lol:

Now, true to your disingenuous asshole form, you're championing this administration on (not debt) reduction.... :thup:
Solyndra is just the TIP of the corrupted ice berg from this administration
Obama the most corrupted EVER

Stephanie is not only an asshole and stupid she is a liar too!

Other than being a non sequitur, I'll remind driveby and others that no fines were assessed for wrongdoing or criminal behavior. Solyndra was a combination of bad luck and a poor business plan:

Solyndra was a manufacturer of cylindrical panels of copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) thin-film solar cells based in Fremont, California. Although the company was once touted for its unusual technology, plummeting silicon prices led to the company's being unable to compete with more conventional solar panels.[1] On 1 September 2011, the company ceased all business activity, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and laid off all employees.[2] The company is also being sued by employees who were abruptly laid off.[3]

Solyndra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You left out the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars laundered by the Obama administration, numbnuts........

I was curious about Obama administration laundering money. Where's the evidence?

It's a private company that gets 14 billion a year in taxpayer subsidies. It got 25 billion in the bank bailout and that doesn't include it's subsidiaries. Free stuff for the 1%. Solyndra only received about 500 million. Basically JP Morgan gets about 28x the amount of taxpayer subsidies yearly that Solyndra received one time. So yes, Warren has every right to question JP Morgan.

Define subsidy and you'll see how dumb this post really is......... :thup:

Here below is a definition of a subsidy.

a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive.


Right and momo's like you and sallow think that if a company pays 7 billion in taxes instead of 8 billion that it's the glorious government giving them a subsidy........Like their money belongs to the government and any money they get to keep is a subsidy......... :lol:
Stephanie is not only an asshole and stupid she is a liar too!

Other than being a non sequitur, I'll remind driveby and others that no fines were assessed for wrongdoing or criminal behavior. Solyndra was a combination of bad luck and a poor business plan:

Solyndra was a manufacturer of cylindrical panels of copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) thin-film solar cells based in Fremont, California. Although the company was once touted for its unusual technology, plummeting silicon prices led to the company's being unable to compete with more conventional solar panels.[1] On 1 September 2011, the company ceased all business activity, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and laid off all employees.[2] The company is also being sued by employees who were abruptly laid off.[3]

Solyndra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You left out the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars laundered by the Obama administration, numbnuts........

I was curious about Obama administration laundering money. Where's the evidence?

In Eric Holder's trash can..... :thup:
Entities with publicly held shares are NOT a private club.
Dimon gets a bonus from a room full of buddies.
Nobody asked the shareholders their opinion.
Heck, there might be millions of people who own funds and don't even realize they "own" a piece of Dimon.

It's a private company that gets 14 billion a year in taxpayer subsidies. It got 25 billion in the bank bailout and that doesn't include it's subsidiaries. Free stuff for the 1%. Solyndra only received about 500 million. Basically JP Morgan gets about 28x the amount of taxpayer subsidies yearly that Solyndra received one time. So yes, Warren has every right to question JP Morgan.

Define subsidy and you'll see how dumb this post really is......... :thup:

Here below is a definition of a subsidy.

a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive.


driveby, I am going to bounce off jasonnfree's, reply since I have got to go anyway. When someone is getting government assistance, food stamps for example, it is viewed negatively if they buy six bags of potato chips for example, they can, it is just viewed as an abuse of the benefits. It is the same thing when CEO's do it.

It's a private company that gets 14 billion a year in taxpayer subsidies. It got 25 billion in the bank bailout and that doesn't include it's subsidiaries. Free stuff for the 1%. Solyndra only received about 500 million. Basically JP Morgan gets about 28x the amount of taxpayer subsidies yearly that Solyndra received one time. So yes, Warren has every right to question JP Morgan.

Define subsidy and you'll see how dumb this post really is......... :thup:

Here below is a definition of a subsidy.

a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive.


Forgot to add links about JP Morgan's subsidies. I put a couple links below. You would be hard put to find the names large corporations or businesses not getting subsidies from the taxpayers by the way but if you, can, please post them. In the meantime, the Senator is well within her rights of questioning JP Morgan, Welfare recipient.

Daily Kos: 77% of JP Morgan?s Net Income Comes from Government Subsidies. Tax Payers are Victims of Losses

Entities with publicly held shares are NOT a private club.
Dimon gets a bonus from a room full of buddies.
Nobody asked the shareholders their opinion.
Heck, there might be millions of people who own funds and don't even realize they "own" a piece of Dimon.

You've made the best point of any liberal, if Warren owns stock, it's her business, but it would make her a hypocrite too, which wouldn't shock anyone.....
Entities with publicly held shares are NOT a private club.
Dimon gets a bonus from a room full of buddies.
Nobody asked the shareholders their opinion.
Heck, there might be millions of people who own funds and don't even realize they "own" a piece of Dimon.

You've made the best point of any liberal, if Warren owns stock, it's her business, but it would make her a hypocrite too, which wouldn't shock anyone.....

You've made the best point of a mindless robot.
One of our Constitutional Rights is Freedom of Speech.

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