Elizabeth Warren slams JPMorgan Chase...

The short story?

Those guys made the mess and knew how to clean it up.

Putting them in the klink would have been satisfying, but it would have closed down the Financial Sector.
So, it's the Republicans fault for not prosecuting and letting illegal activity go and to reward the Chase CEO, however it is prudent for the Democrats and the DOJ not to do anything.

So blame Republicans, give pass to the Democrats.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - House Vote: On Passage | Campaign Contributions By Vote | MapLight - Money and Politics

Dodd?Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's no need to blame Republicans, their efforts are duly noted in the links above. See how many voted to reform efforts to curtail the greed of Wall Street and how many did not.

Then why didn't the Democrats change the rules right after they came into power in 2009? I'm guessing they didn't want to.
Maybe you can tell us why the DOJ isn't prosecuting anyone in the banking scandals.

The short story?

Those guys made the mess and knew how to clean it up.

Putting them in the klink would have been satisfying, but it would have closed down the Financial Sector.
So, it's the Republicans fault for not prosecuting and letting illegal activity go and to reward the Chase CEO, however it is prudent for the Democrats and the DOJ not to do anything.

So blame Republicans, give pass to the Democrats.

It was the republicans that created the mess in the first place.
The short story?

Those guys made the mess and knew how to clean it up.

Putting them in the klink would have been satisfying, but it would have closed down the Financial Sector.
So, it's the Republicans fault for not prosecuting and letting illegal activity go and to reward the Chase CEO, however it is prudent for the Democrats and the DOJ not to do anything.

So blame Republicans, give pass to the Democrats.

It was the republicans that created the mess in the first place.

Who created the mess at Fannie and Freddie? Who lied to continue the mess?
The story is pretty damn simple, the Republicans and their fellow travelers ^^^ are OK with a criminal enterprise paying a crook $20,000,000 and denying working men and women who lost jobs due to criminal banksters, an extension of unemployment insurance.

How much more corrupt can the GOP become?


From the Link in the OP:

"The raise is very real, but it should be kept in mind that Dimon’s annual compensation had been previously slashed in half, to $11.5 million, as punishment for 2012′s so-called London Whale fiasco+++, which cost the bank billions.

"After a reportedly heated debate — in which some members argued Dimon’s compensation should remain at its “reduced” level, due to the bank’s fines in 2013, while other advocated increasing the CEO’s compensation as a reward for his stewardship during the crisis — the board ultimately decided on the $20 million figure.

“Jamie Dimon got a raise after he negotiated $17 billion to pay for activities that were illegal that he presided over,” Warren said on Thursday. '“So I’m not quite sure how this is a deterrent for other CEOs.”'

+++2012 JPMorgan Chase trading loss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And yet, you remain eerily silent about the bonuses being given away at the criminal enterprise known as the Internal Revenue Service.
No, it's not the governments business to bail out any business.

Is it the government's business to set interest rates?

Is it Elizabeth Warren's business what a company pays it's employees?

You can't answer my question with a question. Especially your question it goes back to your original statement which I have just proven is self-serving on your part but completely without merit in its premise.
The sad thing is you don't know how truly ignorant you are. You really believe your opinions have merit when in fact they were formed not by facts and cognitive reflection, but by lapping up propaganda and repeating its themes ad nausea.

The salary of employees at a private company is none of Warren's business, that fact will not change no matter how much propaganda you spew or how many commies you worship..... :thup:

Ouch, the RED SCARE. driveby seems stuck on stupid.

Ten pages, your use of medium sized words you don't understand and a bunch of deflecting and projecting. It's still none of Warren's business, no matter how much you want it to be, comrade.... :thup:
No, an honest assessment as to why I disagree with Warren's policies and approach to governing.

But you were saying something about a pointless diatribe?

Oh the irony! :eusa_whistle:

No you didn't.

You called her a "Marxist". And that's clearly not what she is.

Then you need a dictionary.

So she didn't lie about her ancestry???

Oh really?

And considering the fact conservatives foisted such luminaries as Darrel Issa and George W. Bush, two men who have really lied and had criminal records, into office..

You think this libertarian believes the conservative politicians don't also lie?

Are you stupid?

Now show me where I said conservatives don't lie...

Your meme about lying is laughable.

Then it should be easy to point to proof that she did not. So far, all we have is "because I say so" and that doesn't cut it.


No..she didn't lie about her ancestry.

You folks really need to understand what lying is first before you accuse anyone of it.

It's knowingly telling a falsehood.

And that absolutely what did not happen in this case.
Is it the government's business to set interest rates?

Is it Elizabeth Warren's business what a company pays it's employees?

You can't answer my question with a question. Especially your question it goes back to your original statement which I have just proven is self-serving on your part but completely without merit in its premise.

Really? I thought liberals loved Lakoff and Alinksy? .....
The story is pretty damn simple, the Republicans and their fellow travelers ^^^ are OK with a criminal enterprise paying a crook $20,000,000 and denying working men and women who lost jobs due to criminal banksters, an extension of unemployment insurance.

How much more corrupt can the GOP become?

And you libturds wonder why people think you're a bunch of socialists. What "crime" did the bankers commit? Is granting a mortgage to a deadbeat who can't afford it a crime? I'll tell you who the criminals are, the Democrats in Congress who held a gun to the heads of bankers and forced them to grant these subprime mortgages. That's nothing short of armed robbery.


From the Link in the OP:

"The raise is very real, but it should be kept in mind that Dimon’s annual compensation had been previously slashed in half, to $11.5 million, as punishment for 2012′s so-called London Whale fiasco+++, which cost the bank billions.

"After a reportedly heated debate — in which some members argued Dimon’s compensation should remain at its “reduced” level, due to the bank’s fines in 2013, while other advocated increasing the CEO’s compensation as a reward for his stewardship during the crisis — the board ultimately decided on the $20 million figure.

“Jamie Dimon got a raise after he negotiated $17 billion to pay for activities that were illegal that he presided over,” Warren said on Thursday. '“So I’m not quite sure how this is a deterrent for other CEOs.”'

+++2012 JPMorgan Chase trading loss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How much Mr. Dimon gets paid is none of the government's business. The amount is $1.7 billion, moron, not $17 billion. There was no trial or conviction for illegal activities, so your accusation has no legal basis. Government pigs always threaten criminal charges when they are trying to extort money from a private business. That's how a fascist state operates.
No you didn't.

You called her a "Marxist". And that's clearly not what she is.

Then you need a dictionary.

So she didn't lie about her ancestry???

Oh really?

You think this libertarian believes the conservative politicians don't also lie?

Are you stupid?

Now show me where I said conservatives don't lie...

Your meme about lying is laughable.

Then it should be easy to point to proof that she did not. So far, all we have is "because I say so" and that doesn't cut it.


No..she didn't lie about her ancestry.

Of course she did. Why do you think they call her "Pocahontas?"

You folks really need to understand what lying is first before you accuse anyone of it.

It's knowingly telling a falsehood.

And that absolutely what did not happen in this case.

Anyone who believes she didn't know her claims were false, or at the very least totally unsubstantiated, is the most gullible brand of moron.
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No you didn't.

You called her a "Marxist". And that's clearly not what she is.

Then you need a dictionary.

So she didn't lie about her ancestry???

Oh really?

You think this libertarian believes the conservative politicians don't also lie?

Are you stupid?

Now show me where I said conservatives don't lie...

Your meme about lying is laughable.

Then it should be easy to point to proof that she did not. So far, all we have is "because I say so" and that doesn't cut it.


No..she didn't lie about her ancestry.

You folks really need to understand what lying is first before you accuse anyone of it.

It's knowingly telling a falsehood.

And that absolutely what did not happen in this case.

All evidence I've seen suggests otherwise.

But perhaps I'm wrong about that. Feel free to present your evidence to prove she didn't lie about her ancestry.
The sad thing is you don't know how truly ignorant you are. You really believe your opinions have merit when in fact they were formed not by facts and cognitive reflection, but by lapping up propaganda and repeating its themes ad nausea.

The salary of employees at a private company is none of Warren's business, that fact will not change no matter how much propaganda you spew or how many commies you worship..... :thup:

Ouch, the RED SCARE. driveby seems stuck on stupid.

It's not a "scare." It's a fact. You're a commie, and all your Komrades in this forum are commies.
Add in that Bush starved regulators of cash and brought down interest rates to zero to fuel a housing bubble.

And that's while cutting taxes on the rich and running up the national credit card.

That guy made such a mess, it's a no wonder conservatives rarely mention him.

How much has the national credit card been run up since Bush left? :eusa_whistle:

How much do you cheer the guy running it up currently? ..... :lol:

Who warned a bunch of ignorant, arrogant democrats about Fannie and Freddie? ......

Check the news.

Deficit's going down.

The deficit is not going down; it's rate of growth each year has gone down.
Then you need a dictionary.

So she didn't lie about her ancestry???

Oh really?

You think this libertarian believes the conservative politicians don't also lie?

Are you stupid?

Now show me where I said conservatives don't lie...

Then it should be easy to point to proof that she did not. So far, all we have is "because I say so" and that doesn't cut it.


No..she didn't lie about her ancestry.

Of course she did. Why do you think they call her "Pocahontas?"

You folks really need to understand what lying is first before you accuse anyone of it.

It's knowingly telling a falsehood.

And that absolutely what did not happen in this case.

Anyone who believes she didn't know her claims were false, or at the very least totally unsubstantiated, is the most gullible brand of moron.

If I called you stupid?

It would be a compliment.
The story is pretty damn simple, the Republicans and their fellow travelers ^^^ are OK with a criminal enterprise paying a crook $20,000,000 and denying working men and women who lost jobs due to criminal banksters, an extension of unemployment insurance.

How much more corrupt can the GOP become?

And you libturds wonder why people think you're a bunch of socialists. What "crime" did the bankers commit? .

The federal reserve (which is composed of private banks) have been buying worthless securities at bought price to the tune of $85 billion PER MONTH from private bankster buddies that should have gone out of business for the last couple of years.

That is like the government coming in and giving you the new purchase price for a car you totaled and it would land you in jail. The bankers on Wall Street waltz away counting their billions and putting in orders for more.

They should be strung up from the nearest lamp posts till all of them stop dancing in air.
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