Elizabeth Warren slams JPMorgan Chase...

Define subsidy and you'll see how dumb this post really is......... :thup:

Here below is a definition of a subsidy.

a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive.


Forgot to add links about JP Morgan's subsidies. I put a couple links below. You would be hard put to find the names large corporations or businesses not getting subsidies from the taxpayers by the way but if you, can, please post them. In the meantime, the Senator is well within her rights of questioning JP Morgan, Welfare recipient.

Daily Kos: 77% of JP Morgan?s Net Income Comes from Government Subsidies. Tax Payers are Victims of Losses


The" welfare recipient" that pays 7.5 billion per year in corporate tax alone....... :thup:
No you didn't.

You called her a "Marxist". And that's clearly not what she is.

Then you need a dictionary.

So she didn't lie about her ancestry???

Oh really?

You think this libertarian believes the conservative politicians don't also lie?

Are you stupid?

Now show me where I said conservatives don't lie...

Your meme about lying is laughable.

Then it should be easy to point to proof that she did not. So far, all we have is "because I say so" and that doesn't cut it.


No..she didn't lie about her ancestry.

You folks really need to understand what lying is first before you accuse anyone of it.

It's knowingly telling a falsehood.

And that absolutely what did not happen in this case.

Really? This coming from a bunch of nuts after be loaded with statement after statement from others about WMD's still say Bush lied? :lmao:

You lost a lot of credibility right here.
So, it's the Republicans fault for not prosecuting and letting illegal activity go and to reward the Chase CEO, however it is prudent for the Democrats and the DOJ not to do anything.

So blame Republicans, give pass to the Democrats.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - House Vote: On Passage | Campaign Contributions By Vote | MapLight - Money and Politics

Dodd?Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's no need to blame Republicans, their efforts are duly noted in the links above. See how many voted to reform efforts to curtail the greed of Wall Street and how many did not.

Then why didn't the Democrats change the rules right after they came into power in 2009? I'm guessing they didn't want to.

Your guess is based on your biases. But I will refrain from asking why the R's didn't take action before the Crash and when the recession commenced in 2007 (we both know why, there was money to be made by not making waves. There were some real fiscal conservatives on both sides of the aisle who issued warnings but very few listened and those included President Bush, VP Cheney ["Deficits don't matter"] and Greenspan).

But the Congress did pass Dodd-Frank under Democratic Leadership (which was introduced in Dec. 2009) with bi-partisan support ( https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/hr4173 ). Does anyone believe Boehner as Speaker would have even allowed a vote on such a bill?
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Entities with publicly held shares are NOT a private club.
Dimon gets a bonus from a room full of buddies.
Nobody asked the shareholders their opinion.
Heck, there might be millions of people who own funds and don't even realize they "own" a piece of Dimon.

You've made the best point of any liberal, if Warren owns stock, it's her business, but it would make her a hypocrite too, which wouldn't shock anyone.....

You've made the best point of a mindless robot.
One of our Constitutional Rights is Freedom of Speech.

Yep, you are right and people have a right to comment after a person says something stupid and that is what we are doing.

Here below is a definition of a subsidy.

a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive.


Forgot to add links about JP Morgan's subsidies. I put a couple links below. You would be hard put to find the names large corporations or businesses not getting subsidies from the taxpayers by the way but if you, can, please post them. In the meantime, the Senator is well within her rights of questioning JP Morgan, Welfare recipient.

Daily Kos: 77% of JP Morgan?s Net Income Comes from Government Subsidies. Tax Payers are Victims of Losses


The" welfare recipient" that pays 7.5 billion per year in corporate tax alone....... :thup:

No problem...place me in charge of JP Morgan, give me millions that I don't presently have and I'll be glad to pay billions in taxes.
Entities with publicly held shares are NOT a private club.
Dimon gets a bonus from a room full of buddies.
Nobody asked the shareholders their opinion.
Heck, there might be millions of people who own funds and don't even realize they "own" a piece of Dimon.

You've made the best point of any liberal, if Warren owns stock, it's her business, but it would make her a hypocrite too, which wouldn't shock anyone.....

You've made the best point of a mindless robot.
One of our Constitutional Rights is Freedom of Speech.

Our point was the same, dummy.....:cuckoo:
You've made the best point of any liberal, if Warren owns stock, it's her business, but it would make her a hypocrite too, which wouldn't shock anyone.....

You've made the best point of a mindless robot.
One of our Constitutional Rights is Freedom of Speech.

Yep, you are right and people have a right to comment after a person says something stupid and that is what we are doing.

I agree; mindless robots also have Freedom of Speech.
I never said otherwise.
So please continue.

Forgot to add links about JP Morgan's subsidies. I put a couple links below. You would be hard put to find the names large corporations or businesses not getting subsidies from the taxpayers by the way but if you, can, please post them. In the meantime, the Senator is well within her rights of questioning JP Morgan, Welfare recipient.

Daily Kos: 77% of JP Morgan?s Net Income Comes from Government Subsidies. Tax Payers are Victims of Losses


The" welfare recipient" that pays 7.5 billion per year in corporate tax alone....... :thup:

No problem...place me in charge of JP Morgan, give me millions that I don't presently have and I'll be glad to pay billions in taxes.

You can't pay off billions with millions, the rest of your post makes no sense either.......
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - House Vote: On Passage | Campaign Contributions By Vote | MapLight - Money and Politics

Dodd?Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's no need to blame Republicans, their efforts are duly noted in the links above. See how many voted to reform efforts to curtail the greed of Wall Street and how many did not.

Then why didn't the Democrats change the rules right after they came into power in 2009? I'm guessing they didn't want to.

Your guess is based on your biases. But I will refrain from asking why the R's didn't take action before the Crash and when the recession commenced in 2007 (we both know why, there was money to be made by not making waves. There were some real conservatives who issued warnings but very few listened and the included President Bush and Greenspan).

But the Congress did pass Dodd-Frank under Democratic Leadership with bi-partisan support ( https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/hr4173 ). Does anyone believe Boehner as Speaker would have even allowed a vote on such a bill?

Thanks for the answer, the Democrats did nothing to prosecute the Chase CEO, because they didn't want to because they have made a lot of money off these banks.

The GOP doesn't have clean hands but to say the Dems didn't benefit or that the Dems failed to act because of favors is a huge lie and partisan.

Thanks for proving how stupid your partisan bullshit is.
Then why didn't the Democrats change the rules right after they came into power in 2009? I'm guessing they didn't want to.

Your guess is based on your biases. But I will refrain from asking why the R's didn't take action before the Crash and when the recession commenced in 2007 (we both know why, there was money to be made by not making waves. There were some real conservatives who issued warnings but very few listened and the included President Bush and Greenspan).

But the Congress did pass Dodd-Frank under Democratic Leadership with bi-partisan support ( https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/hr4173 ). Does anyone believe Boehner as Speaker would have even allowed a vote on such a bill?

Thanks for the answer, the Democrats did nothing to prosecute the Chase CEO, because they didn't want to because they have made a lot of money off these banks.

The GOP doesn't have clean hands but to say the Dems didn't benefit or that the Dems failed to act because of favors is a huge lie and partisan.

Thanks for proving how stupid your partisan bullshit is.

Are you stupid or just an asshole (well, I suppose you could be both). Never have I posted the Democrats had clean hands (that makes you a liar) and to lie about that and accuse me doing what I have not done makes you an asshole.
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The" welfare recipient" that pays 7.5 billion per year in corporate tax alone....... :thup:

No problem...place me in charge of JP Morgan, give me millions that I don't presently have and I'll be glad to pay billions in taxes.

You can't pay off billions with millions, the rest of your post makes no sense either.......

Nothing makes sense to a knee jerk Conservative.
Give me money to make even more money, which is what HAPPENED, and I'll be happy to pay the taxes.
Get it?
No problem...place me in charge of JP Morgan, give me millions that I don't presently have and I'll be glad to pay billions in taxes.

You can't pay off billions with millions, the rest of your post makes no sense either.......

Nothing makes sense to a knee jerk Conservative.
Give me money to make even more money, which is what HAPPENED, and I'll be happy to pay the taxes.
Get it?

Even simple things make no sense to indedemocrat, billion>million, hope this helps........ :thup:
You can't pay off billions with millions, the rest of your post makes no sense either.......

Nothing makes sense to a knee jerk Conservative.
Give me money to make even more money, which is what HAPPENED, and I'll be happy to pay the taxes.
Get it?

Even simple things make no sense to indedemocrat, billion>million, hope this helps........ :thup:

Are you mentally retarded?
Does a bank need a billion dollars to make a billion dollars?
Of course not!
They were bailed-out, given subsidies and continued gambling in the CDS market.
So of course they made money and paid taxes.

In fact, if you're going to say that ANY company needs massive amounts of money to MAKE massive amounts of money then I never want to see a post by you claiming that Dell made millions starting out of a garage.
No..she didn't lie about her ancestry.

You folks really need to understand what lying is first before you accuse anyone of it.

It's knowingly telling a falsehood.

And that absolutely what did not happen in this case.

All evidence I've seen suggests otherwise.

But perhaps I'm wrong about that. Feel free to present your evidence to prove she didn't lie about her ancestry.

What "evidence"?

Her family told her she had American Indian in her Ancestry.

That's what she was going by.

Only the most gullible fool would believe such nonsense. Really Sallow, you're making yourself look silly.
Research says the New Pocahontas' and my own family trees overlap very far back in time. There remains an open question as to who fathered one child and some suspect it involved a Native American.

Nothing that can be proven but also nothing to deny it.

However the number of generations since then suggests that any cultural claim is so dilute as to be of no consequence. I've never tried to capitalize on any "preferences" because of it. At times it was tempting but it seemed pretty sure any such claim would be laughed away.

As should be hers.
for giving a raise to CEO Jamie Dimon.

The Wall Street giant had to pay $17 billion in fines for illegal activity in 2013
"Speaking during a Senate Banking Committee hearing, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren noted how government regulators have much work to do when it comes to changing the culture of Wall Street, pointing specifically to the example of JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.

"The JPMorgan Chase example is simple and instructive: Despite the fact that the megabank spent much of 2013 negotiating with federal regulators, and ultimately was fined billions of dollars, the board decided to increase CEO Jamie Dimon’s compensation to $20 million."


Elizabeth Warren slams JPMorgan Chase for giving a raise to CEO Jamie Dimon - Salon.com

And yet her Republican colleagues in the Senate voted down an extension of the minimum wage law.
paying relatively small fines AND not going to jail is counted as the cost of doing business for banksters like them. Sad :(

Sen. Warren is right!!! :mad:
paying relatively small fines AND not going to jail is counted as the cost of doing business for banksters like them. Sad :(

Hey, here' a thought...how about letting those businesses pay a real fine by allowing the market to put them out of business for making the bad decisions they made? That's REAL punishment.

Instead, we steal from taxpayers to bail them out then make them pay a small fine.

Do you support the politicians that bailed out the banks??? I sure as hell didn't.

And please, don't give me that bullshit about the world coming to an end without the bailouts. It's an unprovable scare tactic that has no relation to economic history.

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