Elizabeth Warren slams JPMorgan Chase...

for giving a raise to CEO Jamie Dimon.

The Wall Street giant had to pay $17 billion in fines for illegal activity in 2013
"Speaking during a Senate Banking Committee hearing, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren noted how government regulators have much work to do when it comes to changing the culture of Wall Street, pointing specifically to the example of JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.

"The JPMorgan Chase example is simple and instructive: Despite the fact that the megabank spent much of 2013 negotiating with federal regulators, and ultimately was fined billions of dollars, the board decided to increase CEO Jamie Dimon’s compensation to $20 million."


Elizabeth Warren slams JPMorgan Chase for giving a raise to CEO Jamie Dimon - Salon.com

And yet her Republican colleagues in the Senate voted down an extension of the minimum wage law.

She is right; men like Dimon are the evil scum of the Earth.

Piss on him.
what does minimum wage have to do with his pay?

I made an error. I was thinking Unemployment not Minimum wage in the example. But, the same people oppose raising the minimum wage who filibustered the extension of UE and yet have no problem paying millions of dollars to individuals who violated the their fiduciary duty to protect the money of investors and the bank which employs them.

The Republicans in the Senate filibustered the bill to extend unemployment benefits for those who lost it, when the Congress went on a paid vacation. It is my opinion that these same Senators are beholden to 'wall street', i.e., the 'Banksters' who lost Billions of Dollars of stock holders money and still received raises.

You really don't understand my point, do you? My point is, these senators are self serving and have a callous disregard for those in need, unless those who need help have the means to 'donate' to their campaigns for reelection.

Those Senators should have vote to extend UE to the million or so in desperate need, and should spend time trying to reform 'wall street' so that the rest of us can - someday - trust our money and our nation's economy is protected from their greed.

Are you suggesting that Progressive Democrats did NOT support "paying millions of dollars to individuals who violated the their fiduciary duty to protect the money of investors and the bank which employs them"

Shall we look at the voting records? Shall we look at the administrations and bureaucratic agencies that were involved in those bailouts?

Do you really want to go there????

Sure, post the data.
I made an error. I was thinking Unemployment not Minimum wage in the example. But, the same people oppose raising the minimum wage who filibustered the extension of UE and yet have no problem paying millions of dollars to individuals who violated the their fiduciary duty to protect the money of investors and the bank which employs them.

The Republicans in the Senate filibustered the bill to extend unemployment benefits for those who lost it, when the Congress went on a paid vacation. It is my opinion that these same Senators are beholden to 'wall street', i.e., the 'Banksters' who lost Billions of Dollars of stock holders money and still received raises.

You really don't understand my point, do you? My point is, these senators are self serving and have a callous disregard for those in need, unless those who need help have the means to 'donate' to their campaigns for reelection.

Those Senators should have vote to extend UE to the million or so in desperate need, and should spend time trying to reform 'wall street' so that the rest of us can - someday - trust our money and our nation's economy is protected from their greed.

Are you suggesting that Progressive Democrats did NOT support "paying millions of dollars to individuals who violated the their fiduciary duty to protect the money of investors and the bank which employs them"

Shall we look at the voting records? Shall we look at the administrations and bureaucratic agencies that were involved in those bailouts?

Do you really want to go there????

Sure, post the data.

"Six Republicans joined with 45 Democrats and one Joe Lieberman to defeat a resolution that would have blocked the release of $350 billion in financial-industry bailout funds Thursday"

TARP Vote: Obama Wins, Senate Effectively Approves $350 Billion

And, the Senate bailout vote:

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for giving a raise to CEO Jamie Dimon.

The Wall Street giant had to pay $17 billion in fines for illegal activity in 2013
"Speaking during a Senate Banking Committee hearing, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren noted how government regulators have much work to do when it comes to changing the culture of Wall Street, pointing specifically to the example of JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.

"The JPMorgan Chase example is simple and instructive: Despite the fact that the megabank spent much of 2013 negotiating with federal regulators, and ultimately was fined billions of dollars, the board decided to increase CEO Jamie Dimon’s compensation to $20 million."


Elizabeth Warren slams JPMorgan Chase for giving a raise to CEO Jamie Dimon - Salon.com

And yet her Republican colleagues in the Senate voted down an extension of the minimum wage law.

She is right; men like Dimon are the evil scum of the Earth.

Piss on him.

Any chance you'll tell us exactly why you believe this to be the case?

I'm not saying I won't agree with you, it's just that if I'm going to denigrate someone, I make it a point to back that up with logic, reason and specificity. You?
what does minimum wage have to do with his pay?

I made an error. I was thinking Unemployment not Minimum wage in the example. But, the same people oppose raising the minimum wage who filibustered the extension of UE and yet have no problem paying millions of dollars to individuals who violated the their fiduciary duty to protect the money of investors and the bank which employs them.

The Republicans in the Senate filibustered the bill to extend unemployment benefits for those who lost it, when the Congress went on a paid vacation. It is my opinion that these same Senators are beholden to 'wall street', i.e., the 'Banksters' who lost Billions of Dollars of stock holders money and still received raises.

You really don't understand my point, do you? My point is, these senators are self serving and have a callous disregard for those in need, unless those who need help have the means to 'donate' to their campaigns for reelection.

Those Senators should have vote to extend UE to the million or so in desperate need, and should spend time trying to reform 'wall street' so that the rest of us can - someday - trust our money and our nation's economy is protected from their greed.

So why doesn't the DOJ go after the Chase CEO? All the lip service given and the DOJ, the Democrats and Obama have failed to indict anyone? Why is that? It is because the left bitches, blames and then does nothing because they don't want to. It is easier to bitch and blame the other party, but they don't want to bite the rich hand that feeds the Democrats.

Sadly you maybe correct. You see we live in a Plutocracy and money buys most elections, and the Supreme Court made it easy for anonymous money to influence local, state and national elections.

Benjamin Franklin was prescient, wasn't he:

Q. “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

A. “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
This thread is eight pages in and it's still none of Fauxcohantas's business what a private company pays it's employees. When is this blowhard douchebag going to start representing her constituents and stop representing herself? ........ :eusa_whistle:
This thread is eight pages in and it's still none of Fauxcohantas's business what a private company pays it's employees. When is this blowhard douchebag going to start representing her constituents and stop representing herself? ........ :eusa_whistle:

Did Senator Warren say what she thought they could be paid or what they should be paid? In other words was she advocating for setting a ceiling on CEO salaries or was she making a statement about the corporate culture where incompetence is rewarded. Do you think incompetence should be rewarded? I trying to decide how big of a cake to buy you.
Are you suggesting that Progressive Democrats did NOT support "paying millions of dollars to individuals who violated the their fiduciary duty to protect the money of investors and the bank which employs them"

Shall we look at the voting records? Shall we look at the administrations and bureaucratic agencies that were involved in those bailouts?

Do you really want to go there????

Sure, post the data.

"Six Republicans joined with 45 Democrats and one Joe Lieberman to defeat a resolution that would have blocked the release of $350 billion in financial-industry bailout funds Thursday"

TARP Vote: Obama Wins, Senate Effectively Approves $350 Billion

And, the Senate bailout vote:

The Senate bailout vote - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com

Maybe you ought to put TARP into perspective:

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consider, Obama had been President for 60 days and the worlds economy was in crisis, a crisis only second to the Great Depression. And consider, there was no play book, no roadmap and TARP was signed into law by G. W. Bush.

When the vote was taken Obama had been in office for two years, and the R's had won a big victory in Nov 2010. By then they had spent two years rewriting history and blaming Obama for everything but the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hence, they didn't want the economy to recover, not until they returned to power and that was their entire focus and has been since they got badly beaten in the 2008 election.
Sure, post the data.

"Six Republicans joined with 45 Democrats and one Joe Lieberman to defeat a resolution that would have blocked the release of $350 billion in financial-industry bailout funds Thursday"

TARP Vote: Obama Wins, Senate Effectively Approves $350 Billion

And, the Senate bailout vote:

The Senate bailout vote - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com

Maybe you ought to put TARP into perspective:

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consider, Obama had been President for 60 days and the worlds economy was in crisis, a crisis only second to the Great Depression. And consider, there was no play book, no roadmap and TARP was signed into law by G. W. Bush.

When the vote was taken Obama had been in office for two years, and the R's had won a big victory in Nov 2010. By then they had spent two years rewriting history and blaming Obama for everything but the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hence, they didn't want the economy to recover, not until they returned to power and that was their entire focus and has been since they got badly beaten in the 2008 election.

Maybe you can tell us why the DOJ isn't prosecuting anyone in the banking scandals.
Sure, post the data.

"Six Republicans joined with 45 Democrats and one Joe Lieberman to defeat a resolution that would have blocked the release of $350 billion in financial-industry bailout funds Thursday"

TARP Vote: Obama Wins, Senate Effectively Approves $350 Billion

And, the Senate bailout vote:

The Senate bailout vote - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com

Maybe you ought to put TARP into perspective:

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consider, Obama had been President for 60 days and the worlds economy was in crisis, a crisis only second to the Great Depression. And consider, there was no play book, no roadmap and TARP was signed into law by G. W. Bush.

When the vote was taken Obama had been in office for two years, and the R's had won a big victory in Nov 2010. By then they had spent two years rewriting history and blaming Obama for everything but the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hence, they didn't want the economy to recover, not until they returned to power and that was their entire focus and has been since they got badly beaten in the 2008 election.

None of which changes the fact that TARP happened because of D support.

Thanks for proving my point.
"Six Republicans joined with 45 Democrats and one Joe Lieberman to defeat a resolution that would have blocked the release of $350 billion in financial-industry bailout funds Thursday"

TARP Vote: Obama Wins, Senate Effectively Approves $350 Billion

And, the Senate bailout vote:

The Senate bailout vote - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com

Maybe you ought to put TARP into perspective:

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consider, Obama had been President for 60 days and the worlds economy was in crisis, a crisis only second to the Great Depression. And consider, there was no play book, no roadmap and TARP was signed into law by G. W. Bush.

When the vote was taken Obama had been in office for two years, and the R's had won a big victory in Nov 2010. By then they had spent two years rewriting history and blaming Obama for everything but the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hence, they didn't want the economy to recover, not until they returned to power and that was their entire focus and has been since they got badly beaten in the 2008 election.

Maybe you can tell us why the DOJ isn't prosecuting anyone in the banking scandals.

The short story?

Those guys made the mess and knew how to clean it up.

Putting them in the klink would have been satisfying, but it would have closed down the Financial Sector.
"Six Republicans joined with 45 Democrats and one Joe Lieberman to defeat a resolution that would have blocked the release of $350 billion in financial-industry bailout funds Thursday"

TARP Vote: Obama Wins, Senate Effectively Approves $350 Billion

And, the Senate bailout vote:

The Senate bailout vote - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com

Maybe you ought to put TARP into perspective:

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consider, Obama had been President for 60 days and the worlds economy was in crisis, a crisis only second to the Great Depression. And consider, there was no play book, no roadmap and TARP was signed into law by G. W. Bush.

When the vote was taken Obama had been in office for two years, and the R's had won a big victory in Nov 2010. By then they had spent two years rewriting history and blaming Obama for everything but the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hence, they didn't want the economy to recover, not until they returned to power and that was their entire focus and has been since they got badly beaten in the 2008 election.

None of which changes the fact that TARP happened because of D support.

Thanks for proving my point.

Of course it had Democratic support.

Democrats have no interest whatsoever in destroying America.
Sure, post the data.

"Six Republicans joined with 45 Democrats and one Joe Lieberman to defeat a resolution that would have blocked the release of $350 billion in financial-industry bailout funds Thursday"

TARP Vote: Obama Wins, Senate Effectively Approves $350 Billion

And, the Senate bailout vote:

The Senate bailout vote - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com

Maybe you ought to put TARP into perspective:

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consider, Obama had been President for 60 days and the worlds economy was in crisis, a crisis only second to the Great Depression. And consider, there was no play book, no roadmap and TARP was signed into law by G. W. Bush.

When the vote was taken Obama had been in office for two years, and the R's had won a big victory in Nov 2010. By then they had spent two years rewriting history and blaming Obama for everything but the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hence, they didn't want the economy to recover, not until they returned to power and that was their entire focus and has been since they got badly beaten in the 2008 election.

Add in that Bush starved regulators of cash and brought down interest rates to zero to fuel a housing bubble.

And that's while cutting taxes on the rich and running up the national credit card.

That guy made such a mess, it's a no wonder conservatives rarely mention him.
This thread is eight pages in and it's still none of Fauxcohantas's business what a private company pays it's employees. When is this blowhard douchebag going to start representing her constituents and stop representing herself? ........ :eusa_whistle:

Did Senator Warren say what she thought they could be paid or what they should be paid? In other words was she advocating for setting a ceiling on CEO salaries or was she making a statement about the corporate culture where incompetence is rewarded. Do you think incompetence should be rewarded? I trying to decide how big of a cake to buy you.

Hold your breath waiting for her to make a statement about corrupt liberal politics, you know, her own "profession"? Obviously idiots like Warren and you think incompetence should be rewarded, you both happily endorsed a known liar and incompetent Barack Obama. With that said, it's still none of her business what JP Morgan pays it's employees, it's her business to tell the truth about the ACA though, how about she starts there and stops with deflections like this crap?...... :eusa_whistle:

I'm trying to decide how much sheep feed to buy you.... :thup:
This thread is eight pages in and it's still none of Fauxcohantas's business what a private company pays it's employees. When is this blowhard douchebag going to start representing her constituents and stop representing herself? ........ :eusa_whistle:

you'll burst the Wry's bubble
"Six Republicans joined with 45 Democrats and one Joe Lieberman to defeat a resolution that would have blocked the release of $350 billion in financial-industry bailout funds Thursday"

TARP Vote: Obama Wins, Senate Effectively Approves $350 Billion

And, the Senate bailout vote:

The Senate bailout vote - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com

Maybe you ought to put TARP into perspective:

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consider, Obama had been President for 60 days and the worlds economy was in crisis, a crisis only second to the Great Depression. And consider, there was no play book, no roadmap and TARP was signed into law by G. W. Bush.

When the vote was taken Obama had been in office for two years, and the R's had won a big victory in Nov 2010. By then they had spent two years rewriting history and blaming Obama for everything but the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hence, they didn't want the economy to recover, not until they returned to power and that was their entire focus and has been since they got badly beaten in the 2008 election.

Add in that Bush starved regulators of cash and brought down interest rates to zero to fuel a housing bubble.

And that's while cutting taxes on the rich and running up the national credit card.

That guy made such a mess, it's a no wonder conservatives rarely mention him.

How much has the national credit card been run up since Bush left? :eusa_whistle:

How much do you cheer the guy running it up currently? ..... :lol:

Who warned a bunch of ignorant, arrogant democrats about Fannie and Freddie? ......
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lol, the ole wry has a major "hardon" and fixation for me

damn, what a sad life

Yeah, I pine for you Stephanie; sadly, having a knot head is not in the cards for me. I've been married to the same person since Apr. 1974 and she and I have two fine sons, a wonderful daughter-in-law and a Border Collie/Cattle Dog mix who keeps us young.

Totally OT: You have big plans for the 40th? Early congratulations to you!
Maybe you ought to put TARP into perspective:

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consider, Obama had been President for 60 days and the worlds economy was in crisis, a crisis only second to the Great Depression. And consider, there was no play book, no roadmap and TARP was signed into law by G. W. Bush.

When the vote was taken Obama had been in office for two years, and the R's had won a big victory in Nov 2010. By then they had spent two years rewriting history and blaming Obama for everything but the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hence, they didn't want the economy to recover, not until they returned to power and that was their entire focus and has been since they got badly beaten in the 2008 election.

Add in that Bush starved regulators of cash and brought down interest rates to zero to fuel a housing bubble.

And that's while cutting taxes on the rich and running up the national credit card.

That guy made such a mess, it's a no wonder conservatives rarely mention him.

How much has the national credit card been run up since Bush left? :eusa_whistle:

How much do you cheer the guy running it up currently? ..... :lol:

Who warned a bunch of ignorant, arrogant democrats about Fannie and Freddie? ......

Check the news.

Deficit's going down.
That "she's not a real Native American" is reference to one specific instance? By chance do you know what that is?
What she is is a lying bitch who lied to 'game' the system at Harvard. She knew exactly what she was doing. When Harvard proudly told the world they had hired the "First Native American Indian" she was more than happy to let the lie continue.
That's the same sort of bullshit that Obama has been using his entire life to 'game' the system. Birds of a fucking feather.
That makes them liars IMO.

She 'gamed' the system to get into Harvard? She was one of the most qualified people, in many ways, to come to Harvard's doors at the time. Or did she game the system as an attempt to show solidarity for a people? Given her nature I would go for the second. While you ponder those most difficult questions I have another. Why is it that all of those people standing on corners waving Brown signs and doing the Ingin chop stop that literally overnight? Why is it only the most hard-core sheep keep spouting that talking point and everyone else shut up about it?
At least you have the moral integrity to admit, as you say, she "gamed" the system. Gold star! You then go on to prove what a fool you are by attempting to 'spin' her lie into "she did it to show solidarity for a people". For that bit of bullshit your Gold star is revoked. Wake up pal. So in your world it's OK to lie if you are doing it to further your agenda? Your mommy should have spanked that bit of LIB-pussy thinking out of you when your were four.

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