Elizabeth Warren slams JPMorgan Chase...

One can get a strong gauge of the strength of a candidate by the arguments against him/her. Seems the only argument anyone has against Senator Warren is "she's not a real Native American", which so far no one knows what it refers to.
Well that's ^^^ a lie. You don't think, you parrot the red meat rubbish of the right.

The Washington Times lied? Or did lyin' ass Warren speak out against the IRS raises?

Which is it genius? Where's the lie?

I don't know about any lies but I can sure point out a red herring ^^^.

Got it. So when you stated "Well that's ^^^ a lie", you were in fact lying.

Yep, that's about what we've come to expect from you around here.
One can get a strong gauge of the strength of a candidate by the arguments against him/her. Seems the only argument anyone has against Senator Warren is "she's not a real Native American", which so far no one knows what it refers to.

I think it has more to do with her lying about being a Native American Indian so that she would get special treatment from the loons who actually credit or discredit individuals based on their race.
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The story is pretty damn simple, the Republicans and their fellow travelers ^^^ are OK with a criminal enterprise paying a crook $20,000,000 and denying working men and women who lost jobs due to criminal banksters, an extension of unemployment insurance.

How much more corrupt can the GOP become?


From the Link in the OP:

"The raise is very real, but it should be kept in mind that Dimon’s annual compensation had been previously slashed in half, to $11.5 million, as punishment for 2012′s so-called London Whale fiasco+++, which cost the bank billions.

"After a reportedly heated debate — in which some members argued Dimon’s compensation should remain at its “reduced” level, due to the bank’s fines in 2013, while other advocated increasing the CEO’s compensation as a reward for his stewardship during the crisis — the board ultimately decided on the $20 million figure.

“Jamie Dimon got a raise after he negotiated $17 billion to pay for activities that were illegal that he presided over,” Warren said on Thursday. '“So I’m not quite sure how this is a deterrent for other CEOs.”'


The Republicans paid no one at Chase, if the Democrats are all fired up about the issue, why hasn't this administration charged any of the "crooks"?

For all your bitching, you blame the group that isn't in power, time to blame the group that is letting this go...Democrats and the President.

It's time for the administration and the Democrats to either put up or shut up.
One can get a strong gauge of the strength of a candidate by the arguments against him/her. Seems the only argument anyone has against Senator Warren is "she's not a real Native American", which so far no one knows what it refers to.

Bullshit. Of far more importance to me than her clearly deceptive practice of claiming a false ancestry in order to gain favor among the minority-as-victim crowd is the collectivist nonsense she spouts at every turn. The "You didn't build that" crap for instance. Her adherence to Progressive ideals despite 100 years of doing more harm than good. Her love of forced taxation. Her utter failure of imagination and a lack of faith in the American people...THAT'S what I dislike about the woman. That's she's a lying sack of shit is only icing on the Marxist cake.
The story is pretty damn simple, the Republicans and their fellow travelers ^^^ are OK with a criminal enterprise paying a crook $20,000,000 and denying working men and women who lost jobs due to criminal banksters, an extension of unemployment insurance.

How much more corrupt can the GOP become?


From the Link in the OP:

"The raise is very real, but it should be kept in mind that Dimon’s annual compensation had been previously slashed in half, to $11.5 million, as punishment for 2012′s so-called London Whale fiasco+++, which cost the bank billions.

"After a reportedly heated debate — in which some members argued Dimon’s compensation should remain at its “reduced” level, due to the bank’s fines in 2013, while other advocated increasing the CEO’s compensation as a reward for his stewardship during the crisis — the board ultimately decided on the $20 million figure.

“Jamie Dimon got a raise after he negotiated $17 billion to pay for activities that were illegal that he presided over,” Warren said on Thursday. '“So I’m not quite sure how this is a deterrent for other CEOs.”'

+++2012 JPMorgan Chase trading loss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Republicans paid no one at Chase, if the Democrats are all fired up about the issue, why hasn't this administration charged any of the "crooks"?

For all your bitching, you blame the group that isn't in power, time to blame the group that is letting this go...Democrats and the President.

It's time for the administration and the Democrats to either put up or shut up.

I didn't say the R's paid anyone at chase. What they failed to do was to regulate; what they did was look the other way because 'wall street' is their constituency - not the hoi polloi supporters (social conservatives, gun lovers, racists, tea party 'patriots') who they constantly exploit for their votes, and then support the rich to the detriment of the hoi polloi.

The bank was fined $17 Billion Dollars, why the DOJ didn't prosecute the Board of Directors, the CEO, CFO and others is a crime and something Democrats bring up all of he time. We never hear that call from Republicans.

BTW, Sen Warren put up, and the Republican sycophants are telling her to shut up and attacking her character in a typical echo chamber circle jerk.
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One can get a strong gauge of the strength of a candidate by the arguments against him/her. Seems the only argument anyone has against Senator Warren is "she's not a real Native American", which so far no one knows what it refers to.

Bullshit. Of far more importance to me than her clearly deceptive practice of claiming a false ancestry in order to gain favor among the minority-as-victim crowd is the collectivist nonsense she spouts at every turn. The "You didn't build that" crap for instance. Her adherence to Progressive ideals despite 100 years of doing more harm than good. Her love of forced taxation. Her utter failure of imagination and a lack of faith in the American people...THAT'S what I dislike about the woman. That's she's a lying sack of shit is only icing on the Marxist cake.
The two go hand in hand IMO.
She blatantly lied to advance her career. With that career advancement what does she get? That's right more MONEY!!!!!! How hilarious is it that an avowed socialist would lie in order to put more money in her off-shore account/s.
Then she has the nerve to 'preach' about income inequality. Only a LIB/socialist could do that with a straight face.
'Princes Spreading Bull' isn't one to lecture anyone on anything.

That "she's not a real Native American" is reference to one specific instance? By chance do you know what that is?
What she is is a lying bitch who lied to 'game' the system at Harvard. She knew exactly what she was doing. When Harvard proudly told the world they had hired the "First Native American Indian" she was more than happy to let the lie continue.
That's the same sort of bullshit that Obama has been using his entire life to 'game' the system. Birds of a fucking feather.
That makes them liars IMO.

She 'gamed' the system to get into Harvard? She was one of the most qualified people, in many ways, to come to Harvard's doors at the time. Or did she game the system as an attempt to show solidarity for a people? Given her nature I would go for the second. While you ponder those most difficult questions I have another. Why is it that all of those people standing on corners waving Brown signs and doing the Ingin chop stop that literally overnight? Why is it only the most hard-core sheep keep spouting that talking point and everyone else shut up about it?
One can get a strong gauge of the strength of a candidate by the arguments against him/her. Seems the only argument anyone has against Senator Warren is "she's not a real Native American", which so far no one knows what it refers to.

Bullshit. Of far more importance to me than her clearly deceptive practice of claiming a false ancestry in order to gain favor among the minority-as-victim crowd is the collectivist nonsense she spouts at every turn. The "You didn't build that" crap for instance. Her adherence to Progressive ideals despite 100 years of doing more harm than good. Her love of forced taxation. Her utter failure of imagination and a lack of faith in the American people...THAT'S what I dislike about the woman. That's she's a lying sack of shit is only icing on the Marxist cake.

The only thing clear about this entire issue is constant banter of the right wingers to assassinate the character of the Senator with amazing and disturbing anger. What or who makes people like them so fucked up? But, I digress.

"In April 2012, the Boston Herald drew attention to Warren's law directory entries from 1986 to 1995, in which she had self-identified as having Native American ancestry. Because of the Native American identification, Harvard Law School had added Warren to a list of minority professors in response to criticisms about a lack of faculty diversity. Warren said that she was unaware that Harvard had been promoting her listed Native American heritage until she read about it in a newspaper.[57][58][59] A controversy erupted in the media as Warren's ethnicity claims became a major campaign issue, prompting both campaigns to create television spots addressing it.[60] The New England Historical Genealogical Society found no documentary proof of Warren having Native American lineage.[61][62] Warren said that Native American ancestry was a part of her family folklore, a statement echoed by her three siblings and several of her cousins (although other cousins did not concur), and that she had listed Native American heritage in the law directory in hopes of meeting people of a similar background.[63][64][65] Several Cherokee groups published statements asking Warren to provide paperwork clarifying her ethnicity claim and how that claim was handled by universities interested in hiring her.[66][67] The issue was discussed by the media in the context of Warren's Senate campaign; the Brown campaign called on her to "come clean about her motivations for making these claims and explain the contradictions between her rhetoric and the record." Warren responded with an ad in which she said, "Let me be clear. I never asked for, never got any benefit because of my heritage. The people who hired me have all said they didn't even know about it.” [68] [68][69] Colleagues and supervisors at the schools where she had worked publicly supported her statement that she did not receive preferential treatment.[58][59][61] Polls showed that that most voters (72%) said that the controversy would not impact their vote in the election".

Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Warren

Keep in mind this entire controversy was a result of the Boston Herald's effort to reelect Scott Brown; a paper which is owned by a Rupert Murdoch sycophant.
One can get a strong gauge of the strength of a candidate by the arguments against him/her. Seems the only argument anyone has against Senator Warren is "she's not a real Native American", which so far no one knows what it refers to.

Bullshit. Of far more importance to me than her clearly deceptive practice of claiming a false ancestry in order to gain favor among the minority-as-victim crowd is the collectivist nonsense she spouts at every turn. The "You didn't build that" crap for instance. Her adherence to Progressive ideals despite 100 years of doing more harm than good. Her love of forced taxation. Her utter failure of imagination and a lack of faith in the American people...THAT'S what I dislike about the woman. That's she's a lying sack of shit is only icing on the Marxist cake.

"minority-as-victim crowd"? Harvard? Really?
That "she's not a real Native American" is reference to one specific instance? By chance do you know what that is?
What she is is a lying bitch who lied to 'game' the system at Harvard. She knew exactly what she was doing. When Harvard proudly told the world they had hired the "First Native American Indian" she was more than happy to let the lie continue.
That's the same sort of bullshit that Obama has been using his entire life to 'game' the system. Birds of a fucking feather.
That makes them liars IMO.

She 'gamed' the system to get into Harvard? She was one of the most qualified people, in many ways, to come to Harvard's doors at the time. Or did she game the system as an attempt to show solidarity for a people? Given her nature I would go for the second. While you ponder those most difficult questions I have another. Why is it that all of those people standing on corners waving Brown signs and doing the Ingin chop stop that literally overnight? Why is it only the most hard-core sheep keep spouting that talking point and everyone else shut up about it?

So it was a Noble Lie .. that coincidentally benefitted her?

What a coincidence. She must have accidentally Quayled that one.

What she is is a lying bitch who lied to 'game' the system at Harvard. She knew exactly what she was doing. When Harvard proudly told the world they had hired the "First Native American Indian" she was more than happy to let the lie continue.
That's the same sort of bullshit that Obama has been using his entire life to 'game' the system. Birds of a fucking feather.
That makes them liars IMO.

She 'gamed' the system to get into Harvard? She was one of the most qualified people, in many ways, to come to Harvard's doors at the time. Or did she game the system as an attempt to show solidarity for a people? Given her nature I would go for the second. While you ponder those most difficult questions I have another. Why is it that all of those people standing on corners waving Brown signs and doing the Ingin chop stop that literally overnight? Why is it only the most hard-core sheep keep spouting that talking point and everyone else shut up about it?

So it was a Noble Lie .. that coincidentally benefitted her?

What a coincidence. She must have accidentally Quayled that one.


1: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive
2: to create a false or misleading impression

You are going to have to come up with a better word or explain how that one fits.
One can get a strong gauge of the strength of a candidate by the arguments against him/her. Seems the only argument anyone has against Senator Warren is "she's not a real Native American", which so far no one knows what it refers to.

Bullshit. Of far more importance to me than her clearly deceptive practice of claiming a false ancestry in order to gain favor among the minority-as-victim crowd is the collectivist nonsense she spouts at every turn. The "You didn't build that" crap for instance. Her adherence to Progressive ideals despite 100 years of doing more harm than good. Her love of forced taxation. Her utter failure of imagination and a lack of faith in the American people...THAT'S what I dislike about the woman. That's she's a lying sack of shit is only icing on the Marxist cake.

"minority-as-victim crowd"? Harvard? Really?

Well, yes, but more importantly, why have completely avoided my point? Is it because I refuted your claim that the "only argument" against her is her lying about her ancestry???

I would appear so.

How sad for you.
What she is is a lying bitch who lied to 'game' the system at Harvard. She knew exactly what she was doing. When Harvard proudly told the world they had hired the "First Native American Indian" she was more than happy to let the lie continue.
That's the same sort of bullshit that Obama has been using his entire life to 'game' the system. Birds of a fucking feather.
That makes them liars IMO.

She 'gamed' the system to get into Harvard? She was one of the most qualified people, in many ways, to come to Harvard's doors at the time. Or did she game the system as an attempt to show solidarity for a people? Given her nature I would go for the second. While you ponder those most difficult questions I have another. Why is it that all of those people standing on corners waving Brown signs and doing the Ingin chop stop that literally overnight? Why is it only the most hard-core sheep keep spouting that talking point and everyone else shut up about it?

So it was a Noble Lie .. that coincidentally benefitted her?

What a coincidence. She must have accidentally Quayled that one.


She didn't lie about anything.
One can get a strong gauge of the strength of a candidate by the arguments against him/her. Seems the only argument anyone has against Senator Warren is "she's not a real Native American", which so far no one knows what it refers to.

Bullshit. Of far more importance to me than her clearly deceptive practice of claiming a false ancestry in order to gain favor among the minority-as-victim crowd is the collectivist nonsense she spouts at every turn. The "You didn't build that" crap for instance. Her adherence to Progressive ideals despite 100 years of doing more harm than good. Her love of forced taxation. Her utter failure of imagination and a lack of faith in the American people...THAT'S what I dislike about the woman. That's she's a lying sack of shit is only icing on the Marxist cake.

The only thing clear about this entire issue is constant banter of the right wingers to assassinate the character of the Senator with amazing and disturbing anger. What or who makes people like them so fucked up? But, I digress.

"In April 2012, the Boston Herald drew attention to Warren's law directory entries from 1986 to 1995, in which she had self-identified as having Native American ancestry. Because of the Native American identification, Harvard Law School had added Warren to a list of minority professors in response to criticisms about a lack of faculty diversity. Warren said that she was unaware that Harvard had been promoting her listed Native American heritage until she read about it in a newspaper.[57][58][59] A controversy erupted in the media as Warren's ethnicity claims became a major campaign issue, prompting both campaigns to create television spots addressing it.[60] The New England Historical Genealogical Society found no documentary proof of Warren having Native American lineage.[61][62] Warren said that Native American ancestry was a part of her family folklore, a statement echoed by her three siblings and several of her cousins (although other cousins did not concur), and that she had listed Native American heritage in the law directory in hopes of meeting people of a similar background.[63][64][65] Several Cherokee groups published statements asking Warren to provide paperwork clarifying her ethnicity claim and how that claim was handled by universities interested in hiring her.[66][67] The issue was discussed by the media in the context of Warren's Senate campaign; the Brown campaign called on her to "come clean about her motivations for making these claims and explain the contradictions between her rhetoric and the record." Warren responded with an ad in which she said, "Let me be clear. I never asked for, never got any benefit because of my heritage. The people who hired me have all said they didn't even know about it.” [68] [68][69] Colleagues and supervisors at the schools where she had worked publicly supported her statement that she did not receive preferential treatment.[58][59][61] Polls showed that that most voters (72%) said that the controversy would not impact their vote in the election".

Link: Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keep in mind this entire controversy was a result of the Boston Herald's effort to reelect Scott Brown; a paper which is owned by a Rupert Murdoch sycophant.

Which hasn't a thing to do with why I said I really don't like her. Thanks for completely missing the point.
Bullshit. Of far more importance to me than her clearly deceptive practice of claiming a false ancestry in order to gain favor among the minority-as-victim crowd is the collectivist nonsense she spouts at every turn. The "You didn't build that" crap for instance. Her adherence to Progressive ideals despite 100 years of doing more harm than good. Her love of forced taxation. Her utter failure of imagination and a lack of faith in the American people...THAT'S what I dislike about the woman. That's she's a lying sack of shit is only icing on the Marxist cake.

"minority-as-victim crowd"? Harvard? Really?

Well, yes, but more importantly, why have completely avoided my point? Is it because I refuted your claim that the "only argument" against her is her lying about her ancestry???

I would appear so.

How sad for you.

You made no points whatsoever.

What you did was a pointless diatribe topped off with the "Marxist" meme.

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