Elizabeth Warren slams JPMorgan Chase...

poor dear Wry has been on the war path lately

I mean this with the Lizzy is SO NOT important to any of us

my gawd the desperation
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poor dear Wry has been on the war path lately

I mean this with the Lizzy is SO NOT important to any of us

my gawd the desperation

I call them as I see them; in your case I was and remain spot on.

well, beat your hairy chest like a frikken ape or break your arm patting yourself on the back

you want to be a jerkoff, have at it...You want to suck Lizzy warrens ass you can do that do
poor dear Wry has been on the war path lately

I mean this with the Lizzy is SO NOT important to any of us

my gawd the desperation

I call them as I see them; in your case I was and remain spot on.

well, beat your hairy chest like a frikken ape or break your arm patting yourself on the back

you want to be a jerkoff, have at it...You want to suck Lizzy warrens ass you can do that do

Oh poor staphanie. The truth of your stupidity has hurt you. I can tell. But don't stop.
Be true to yourself. Let the entire world know that you have never added anything of substance in your thousands and thousands of posts.

But you sure sling a good insult. And you play the victim pretty well to. Say; wah wah wah.

Liz Warren for President. A populist is EXACTLY what we need and haven't had in forever. If ever.
'Princes Spreading Bull' entered "Native American Indian" in the box asking what her heritage was. She did this on her U. Penn and Harvard applications. 'Princes Lie-a-lot' had not done this on any previous employment applications.
Harvard was delighted to exclaim they had hired the "First Native American Indian".
She a grade A LIB 'poser' just like Obama. Wait until HIS school records are leaked.......and they certainly will be, of course After he waddles back to the 'Chicagoland' sewer he crawled out of.
It is not in Putin's best interest to stir up the American voters now. He would much much rather 'roll' a LIB President.
If the REPs get into the White house in 16 watch for Putin to 'leak' everything he has been black mailing Obama with. Sort of one final 'bitch slap'.
If the Clintons get back into the White house good old Putin will invite them over and show them what he has in his bedroom safe on them. They'll leave Putins palace looking like they've just watched a live baby being torn apart by Putin's Rottweilers.
The story is pretty damn simple, the Republicans and their fellow travelers ^^^ are OK with a criminal enterprise paying a crook $20,000,000 and denying working men and women who lost jobs due to criminal banksters, an extension of unemployment insurance.

How much more corrupt can the GOP become?


From the Link in the OP:

"The raise is very real, but it should be kept in mind that Dimon’s annual compensation had been previously slashed in half, to $11.5 million, as punishment for 2012′s so-called London Whale fiasco+++, which cost the bank billions.

"After a reportedly heated debate — in which some members argued Dimon’s compensation should remain at its “reduced” level, due to the bank’s fines in 2013, while other advocated increasing the CEO’s compensation as a reward for his stewardship during the crisis — the board ultimately decided on the $20 million figure.

“Jamie Dimon got a raise after he negotiated $17 billion to pay for activities that were illegal that he presided over,” Warren said on Thursday. '“So I’m not quite sure how this is a deterrent for other CEOs.”'

+++2012 JPMorgan Chase trading loss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please show me how paying this guy less will increase the wages of anyone else.
'Princes Spreading Bull' isn't one to lecture anyone on anything.

I see a new pledge ^^^ is seeking standing as a member of the echo chamber. Will S/He be a dumb as Stephanie? It looks good for now.

Why would the 'new pledge' subscribe to Daily Kos?

"I will never join a club that would admit me as a member".

My point being s/he echoed the tripe already hackneyed, a sure sign of a member of the echo chamber.
lol, the ole wry has a major "hardon" and fixation for me

damn, what a sad life
The story is pretty damn simple, the Republicans and their fellow travelers ^^^ are OK with a criminal enterprise paying a crook $20,000,000 and denying working men and women who lost jobs due to criminal banksters, an extension of unemployment insurance.

How much more corrupt can the GOP become?


From the Link in the OP:

"The raise is very real, but it should be kept in mind that Dimon’s annual compensation had been previously slashed in half, to $11.5 million, as punishment for 2012′s so-called London Whale fiasco+++, which cost the bank billions.

"After a reportedly heated debate — in which some members argued Dimon’s compensation should remain at its “reduced” level, due to the bank’s fines in 2013, while other advocated increasing the CEO’s compensation as a reward for his stewardship during the crisis — the board ultimately decided on the $20 million figure.

“Jamie Dimon got a raise after he negotiated $17 billion to pay for activities that were illegal that he presided over,” Warren said on Thursday. '“So I’m not quite sure how this is a deterrent for other CEOs.”'

+++2012 JPMorgan Chase trading loss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please show me how paying this guy less will increase the wages of anyone else.

Read the last paragraph wherein Sen. Warren suggests giving a raise to the CEO of a company which costs its stock holders $$$Billions (in losses and fines) isn't a good idea. She nor me ever suggested the CEO's salary would increase the wages of others, and isn't on her - I assume - or my radar. Why it's on yours is a mystery.
But not a word from ol' chief lying ass about raises given the IRS employees...who did such a bang up job in 2013. :doubt:

Hmm...me thinks the paleface devil speak with forked tongue.

Embattled IRS plans employee bonuses for 2013 work - Washington Times

Well that's ^^^ a lie. You don't think, you parrot the red meat rubbish of the right.

The Washington Times lied? Or did lyin' ass Warren speak out against the IRS raises?

Which is it genius? Where's the lie?
lol, the ole wry has a major "hardon" and fixation for me

damn, what a sad life

Yeah, I pine for you Stephanie; sadly, having a knot head is not in the cards for me. I've been married to the same person since Apr. 1974 and she and I have two fine sons, a wonderful daughter-in-law and a Border Collie/Cattle Dog mix who keeps us young.
But not a word from ol' chief lying ass about raises given the IRS employees...who did such a bang up job in 2013. :doubt:

Hmm...me thinks the paleface devil speak with forked tongue.

Embattled IRS plans employee bonuses for 2013 work - Washington Times

Well that's ^^^ a lie. You don't think, you parrot the red meat rubbish of the right.

The Washington Times lied? Or did lyin' ass Warren speak out against the IRS raises?

Which is it genius? Where's the lie?

How about you? You know what "she's not a real Native American" is reference to?
But not a word from ol' chief lying ass about raises given the IRS employees...who did such a bang up job in 2013. :doubt:

Hmm...me thinks the paleface devil speak with forked tongue.

Embattled IRS plans employee bonuses for 2013 work - Washington Times

Well that's ^^^ a lie. You don't think, you parrot the red meat rubbish of the right.

The Washington Times lied? Or did lyin' ass Warren speak out against the IRS raises?

Which is it genius? Where's the lie?

I don't know about any lies but I can sure point out a red herring ^^^.
'Princes Spreading Bull' entered "Native American Indian" in the box asking what her heritage was. She did this on her U. Penn and Harvard applications. 'Princes Lie-a-lot' had not done this on any previous employment applications.
Harvard was delighted to exclaim they had hired the "First Native American Indian".
She a grade A LIB 'poser' just like Obama. Wait until HIS school records are leaked.......and they certainly will be, of course After he waddles back to the 'Chicagoland' sewer he crawled out of.
It is not in Putin's best interest to stir up the American voters now. He would much much rather 'roll' a LIB President.
If the REPs get into the White house in 16 watch for Putin to 'leak' everything he has been black mailing Obama with. Sort of one final 'bitch slap'.
If the Clintons get back into the White house good old Putin will invite them over and show them what he has in his bedroom safe on them. They'll leave Putins palace looking like they've just watched a live baby being torn apart by Putin's Rottweilers.

I'm betting as dumb as Stephanie and as delusional too.
Pocahontas needs quit think wampum - think money.
'Princes Spreading Bull' isn't one to lecture anyone on anything.

That "she's not a real Native American" is reference to one specific instance? By chance do you know what that is?
What she is is a lying bitch who lied to 'game' the system at Harvard. She knew exactly what she was doing. When Harvard proudly told the world they had hired the "First Native American Indian" she was more than happy to let the lie continue.
That's the same sort of bullshit that Obama has been using his entire life to 'game' the system. Birds of a fucking feather.
That makes them liars IMO.

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