Elon Musk buys Twitter!!

You have it backwards. As usual. Jackass. The point is NO ONE will be censored. Not even you sniveling children who didn't want anyone to be able to challenge your BS.
We can bear to see your wretched written word
I find it interesting that so many on the right are overjoyed that Musk has bought Twitter. Especially in light of the fact that many conservatives on these boards seem to not like anyone who isn't American (according to their standards).

Hate to tell you, but very little is known about Musk or his politics. On some things, he appears very liberal, on other things, he appears conservative, but you can't really say he's one side or the other. Can't even do that from his political donations, as he's contributed to both Dems and Republicans. He openly supported Andrew Yang for president in the last elections.

I don't really think that Musk is going to be the conservative Twitter savior that many on here think he's going to be.
There already seem to be indications, that he is going to take away folks ability to have anonymity while tweeting.

IMO? That is a bad move.
I don't see Musk as a savior of anything, and I also don't see him censoring the left on the Twitter platform like has been done to the right in the past.

He has made it very clear that his Intent is free speech... and I'm pretty sure that applies to all sides of the political spectrum.

He's not going to stifle the left... he is just no longer going to stifle the left's opposition.
If the only way to participate on the platform? Is to have a verified link to your confirmed identity? IMO, that will chill free speech.

In the early days of the Republic, and during the enlightenment, a lot of political speech was written under a "pen," name. Sometimes, to avoid the wraith of the mob and the money of billionaire AstroTurfing, somethings need to be said and written, from private intellectuals who are not beholden to moneyed interests.

For the sake of freedom, liberty, and democracy.

. . those are not values which Musk really gives a shit about, no oligarch really does.
He said he would not come back even if Musk bought it. I laughed out loud, now we will find out if he was lying or not
Bwahhhahaha-----what is funny--really funny is that you Trump haters haven't figured it out. Trump doesn't have to come back---just his supporters who will repost what he says while slapping the silly little woke fruitcups around. Good times.
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I don't imagine that they are all the same.

My Canadian friends are nothing like Musk.

. . . and Musk? He seems a bit different than Toro.
No. I mean, Canadians aren’t really from Canada. When they talk all Canadian, like when they go “oot and aboot, eh?” That’s no
Earthly Language.
  • Some on Biden's team are growing increasingly concerned the Tesla CEO will allow Trump and other Republican operatives who were banned from Twitter to return to the platform.
  • "Republicans have despised Twitter for a long time. The day of reckoning has come," a GOP strategist said.

Ah . . . . Mention the queen's 77th, and pop, appears their commander.

I expect a bunch of liberal pansies will boycott Twitter now. Not because they'll be censored, but because their opponents won't be. Liberalism thrives in an echo chamber and dies in the open market.
"If Democrats aren't happy with Twitter they are free to go start their own social media platform".

Has a familiar ring to it doesn't it?

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