Elon Musk buys Twitter!!

Well, in fairness his politics shouldn't matter. I assume that he is like me and "it's complicated" or his ideology is determined on a issue by issue, policy by policy basis.

I've never believed someone is wrong or my enemy as long as they believe in basic principles of free speech, accountable/transparent government, civil liberties, human rights, free markets etc.

Elon could come out tomorrow and tell the world that he supports a politician around the world I don't care for but as long as he allows anyone to speak their mind, disagree with him etc and he isn't a politician determining policy, I don't care at all his political pursuasion, I will accept him and I (and most I imagine) as "agreeing on the key, basic, important issues" and operating his companies with this in mind.
You do realize he’s an alien being, don’t you?
It most likely won't happen, but Imagine leftist outcry for free speech if Biden, Pelosi or AOC gets banned from Twitter.
Democrat blue check marks on Twitter have already been threatening him with tax increases. How hypocritical of them. Go figure.
Mr.Musk is on record specifying that he will not do what Jack Dorsey pulled.
Meaning having algorithms that throttle back or block Conservative speech
vs. Throttle up and promote Liberal speech he agrees with like Dorsey putz.
" I hope that my most severe critics remain on Twitter " --- Mr.Musk
Why address this to me? Did I say, Musk is going to do something different?
At the end of the day, without propaganda preying on superficial, dependent & ignorant people the left wouldn't exist.

Musk is the only zillionaire I like, he strikes me as having mostly good intentions.

Even though he sells EV's?

i was wondering how long it would take for you Trumptards to ignore that fact after you charactors have been ranting about ev's since day one.

What will you do if Musk burns Trump?W

Go back to raaaaaanting & raving about EV's & calling Musk a Commie retard & a traitor, that's what.
Are you actually trying to say that twitter didnt block conservatives?
Well no. I was simply saying that many conservatives have boycotted Twitter.

To address your point, there are several conservatives on Twitter. They haven’t been blocked. The people getting blocked are the ones spreading ridiculous misinformation. The people spreading misinformation are more likely to be conservative.
This is why I love this forum.



If you people had any actual morals or convictions it would be scary

You have it backwards. As usual. Jackass. The point is NO ONE will be censored. Not even you sniveling children who didn't want anyone to be able to challenge your BS.

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