Elon Musk Starves his workers

No such thing as a free lunch. So they say.

But gosh. Seems like at this point they're just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. Darned hippies. Heh heh...
What I posted is new news. Musk leaked internal emails and his former chief of security had to go into hiding.

Know what? I don't feel bad for him. Probably a republican. Most of the CEO's and CIO's and CSO's are. So fuck him. But it's funny Musk did that to one of his employees. Doesn't seem like he treats employees very well. I like to point out how Republicans love bosses and owners like Musk. Ones who are hard on employees. It illustrates how the GOP is the party for the rich. Not the labor class. If you are pro labor you don't like what Musk is doing to his employees. No one wants to work in that kind of atmosphere. But Republicans defend it. See?

Is he YOUR employer?

No but I've worked for employers like this. For 4 years I was a superstar. Then some company run by a guy like Musk comes in and under appreciates the employees.

And even where I work now. I've lost Presidents and had to explain it to an incoming president the situation I had. Most of the time the new boss comes in and learns how things work not make me start out from the beginning all over again. I proved myself already. x 3. Then a Musk type comes in and fucks with me? It's just not right. Good companies don't do that. But not all companies are good. Republicans like the corporation to have this power over the employee. I get it.
No but I've worked for employers like this. For 4 years I was a superstar. Then some company run by a guy like Musk comes in and under appreciates the employees.

And even where I work now. I've lost Presidents and had to explain it to an incoming president the situation I had. Most of the time the new boss comes in and learns how things work not make me start out from the beginning all over again. I proved myself already. x 3. Then a Musk type comes in and fucks with me? It's just not right. Good companies don't do that. But not all companies are good. Republicans like the corporation to have this power over the employee. I get it.

The appropriate answer to my question would have been one word long, but yeah, you do you and we'll all go about our own business.


The appropriate answer to my question would have been one word long, but yeah, you do you and we'll all go about our own business.

True. And if you look at how much that guy makes, I don't feel sorry for him one bit. Probably had a golden parachuette like my brother has.

My brother's company gave him this deal. Stay 6 months past when we name the new VP of HR, and you can walk with a 1 year salary. He makes over $1 million. Says he's going to work out every day for 6 months or until he gets bored, whichever comes first, and then go back and consult. I can see him going back and doing the same thing he does now for any other fortune 500 company. Must be nice.
True. And if you look at how much that guy makes, I don't feel sorry for him one bit. Probably had a golden parachuette like my brother has.

My brother's company gave him this deal. Stay 6 months past when we name the new VP of HR, and you can walk with a 1 year salary. He makes over $1 million. Says he's going to work out every day for 6 months or until he gets bored, whichever comes first, and then go back and consult. I can see him going back and doing the same thing he does now for any other fortune 500 company. Must be nice.

And this post should have ended before it started, but I guess you feel better about yourself when your voice is always the one you hear, so go on ahead.

Which we all know is far less ethical than shutting people up because they disagree with you.

It is amazing to me to see so much hatred pointed toward someone who is trying to tell people the truth, rather than the people who purposefully lied to them.

It simply isn't logical.

But this is the world we live in. Critical thought is very rare today. Seems like so many are just content to be led.
It is amazing to me to see so much hatred pointed toward someone who is trying to tell people the truth, rather than the people who purposefully lied to them.

It simply isn't logical.

I don't think I'll ever actually be able to figure it out.

I try hard to cast my thoughts back to when I was a liberal -- I can't say I was ever a radical leftist like the ones on this board -- and I try to put myself in their mind space. I simply can't bring my brain to grasp that much hate and fear and complete lack of logic.

That's okay. It doesn't keep me awake at night.


The appropriate answer to my question would have been one word long, but yeah, you do you and we'll all go about our own business.

When Jack Welch of GE started treating employees like shit and profits rose, soon all companies started adopting his methods. He broke the social contract corporations had with American workers. A contract German workers still enjoy to this day. You can expect to retire at the company you work for. Today the average American stays at their company what, 5 years? That's not by choice. Most people don't like to bounce from job to job. Look at all the losers now complaining about inflation. With 1.5 jobs for every 1 looking, they can easily go find a job that pays more than they are making now. 65% of the people who switched jobs this year make more than they did before, even after factoring in for inflation. Have you heard of the Great Resignation? Jobs are plentiful.

Anyways, I saw this headline and thought you'd cheer Elon for this move. Since you are such a corporate lapdog. I guess as long as it's not happening to you right? But when it finally does, there won't be anyone to complain to. LOL

Twitter Looking To Stiff Laid-Off Employees On Their Severance: Report​

The social media giant also hasn't paid rent for its San Francisco headquarters in weeks, The New York Times reported.

Twitter has not paid rent for many of its offices for weeks and is looking at denying severance payments to thousands of employees who have been laid off since billionaire Elon Musk took over the social media behemoth, The New York Times reported Tuesday.
Musk and his circle of advisers are reportedly still trying to cut costs after the $44 billion takeover in October. Shortly after the deal closed, Musk laid off about half of the company’s 7,500 full-time employees. A month later, hundreds of others left with their own offers of severance after Musk demanded that only “extremely hardcore” staffers remain.

U.S.-based employees were offered at least two months of pay and a month of severance to comply with federal and local labor laws. That deal came only after Twitter considered not paying any severance at all.
But the Times reported that Twitter leaders have discussed how the company could deny the payments it had agreed to and then just wait for lawsuits from the stiffed ex-workers.

Ahhh. A play out of Trump's playbook. Just don't pay and make them sue you. You have 10 lawyers sitting around being paid for nothing so what does he care. Gives them something to do.
Elon doesnt even use Cobalt anymore. And when he did, part of their contracts were about using children to mine it.
Your meme is fake news.
When Jack Welch of GE started treating employees like shit and profits rose, soon all companies started adopting his methods. He broke the social contract corporations had with American workers. A contract German workers still enjoy to this day. You can expect to retire at the company you work for. Today the average American stays at their company what, 5 years? That's not by choice. Most people don't like to bounce from job to job. Look at all the losers now complaining about inflation. With 1.5 jobs for every 1 looking, they can easily go find a job that pays more than they are making now. 65% of the people who switched jobs this year make more than they did before, even after factoring in for inflation. Have you heard of the Great Resignation? Jobs are plentiful.

Anyways, I saw this headline and thought you'd cheer Elon for this move. Since you are such a corporate lapdog. I guess as long as it's not happening to you right? But when it finally does, there won't be anyone to complain to. LOL

Twitter Looking To Stiff Laid-Off Employees On Their Severance: Report​

The social media giant also hasn't paid rent for its San Francisco headquarters in weeks, The New York Times reported.

Twitter has not paid rent for many of its offices for weeks and is looking at denying severance payments to thousands of employees who have been laid off since billionaire Elon Musk took over the social media behemoth, The New York Times reported Tuesday.
Musk and his circle of advisers are reportedly still trying to cut costs after the $44 billion takeover in October. Shortly after the deal closed, Musk laid off about half of the company’s 7,500 full-time employees. A month later, hundreds of others left with their own offers of severance after Musk demanded that only “extremely hardcore” staffers remain.

U.S.-based employees were offered at least two months of pay and a month of severance to comply with federal and local labor laws. That deal came only after Twitter considered not paying any severance at all.
But the Times reported that Twitter leaders have discussed how the company could deny the payments it had agreed to and then just wait for lawsuits from the stiffed ex-workers.

Ahhh. A play out of Trump's playbook. Just don't pay and make them sue you. You have 10 lawyers sitting around being paid for nothing so what does he care. Gives them something to do.

And the amazing thing is that you think all that cutting and pasting matters one whit to anyone but you.

Oh well. It's a paycheck, I guess.


And the amazing thing is that you think all that cutting and pasting matters one whit to anyone but you.

Oh well. It's a paycheck, I guess.


Shares of the electric vehicle maker have collapsed since Musk first disclosed in April that he was buying up Twitter stock.

I think Elon fucked up. LOL

Shares of the electric vehicle maker have collapsed since Musk first disclosed in April that he was buying up Twitter stock.

I think Elon fucked up. LOL

And he cares what you, some complete nobody on a two-bit political forum, thinks of him and anything he does............................. why? :dunno:

I would never work for Musk. He made internal emails public.

Would you work for a company who would do this to you?

Whine a little louder and Musk will hear you and say to himself, "Oh, MY! I hurt someone's little feelings? I must go and rectify that straight away. I wonder if a billion dollars would be enough to soothe the pain. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm..........................?"


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