Elon Musk Wants To Take Over Twitter.

If he brings back free speech and promotes it Internationally, it may very well be one of the best moves to support U.S principles in some time.

It's of my belief that the banning of Trumps account and constant shadowbanning of those on twitter has done immense damage to Americas reputation while giving power to despots and governments who are not allies of the U,S (even some who pretend they are).

These same governments have pointed to the decisions by twitter and others as support for their own decisions and silencing of speech.

As far as I am concerned, regardless of ones states ideology, if they oppose free speech they are no friend of America.
No member of the billionaire class is on the left. Being a greedy capitalist slimeball is literally the end-game of right wing beliefs. It is what all GOPers strive to become.

That is patently false. Right off the top of my head I can name a few Democrat supporting billionaires:

George Soros
Tom Steyer
Michael Bloomberg
Ted Turner
Warren Buffett
Bill Gates
Mark Zuckerberg
Howard Schultz

Plenty more here

and so it begins ... it appears the left is resorting to their old tried and true tactics in an assault on Elon Musks investments into Twitter ! and just what is the lefts problem with their once green energy darling ? FREEDOM OF SPEECH ! Musk has stated his concerns over censorship on social media platforms and the left doesnt like that one bit ! a guest on Joy Reids show even compared Musks actions as an arsonist cosplaying firefighters and yes once again implied that Musk is a racist that reminisces about apartheid in South Africa ! MSNBC political analyst calls Elon Musk's Twitter purchase like 'arsonists cosplaying as firefighters'

Vanguard just outbid him now.
and so it begins ... it appears the left is resorting to their old tried and true tactics in an assault on Elon Musks investments into Twitter ! and just what is the lefts problem with their once green energy darling ? FREEDOM OF SPEECH ! Musk has stated his concerns over censorship on social media platforms and the left doesnt like that one bit ! a guest on Joy Reids show even compared Musks actions as an arsonist cosplaying firefighters and yes once again implied that Musk is a racist that reminisces about apartheid in South Africa ! MSNBC political analyst calls Elon Musk's Twitter purchase like 'arsonists cosplaying as firefighters'
"turning on Elon Musk".....what does that even mean?
you act as though the right has recently thrown bananas at a Gubernatorial candidate while wearing a gorilla mask ..
Nah, they just run over people who they disagree with, carry torches and shout Nazi slogans, shoot up Wal Marts and other places, and...oh yeah, injure and kill cops defending the peaceful transfer of power
If we don't stop the left from censoring speech we will lose our freedoms.....
Musk can see this....and he has the money to fight them....
I'm going to buy his electric truck if he pulls this off....
Nah, they just run over people who they disagree with, carry torches and shout Nazi slogans, shoot up Wal Marts and other places, and...oh yeah, injure and kill cops defending the peaceful transfer of power
did the right injure over 2000 cops rioting like the left did ? and did a rightwinger run over and kill 5 people and injure dozens in Wisconsin ?
did the right injure over 2000 cops rioting like the left did ? and did a rightwinger run over and kill 5 people and injure dozens in Wisconsin ?
So you don't deny all of the stuff I wrote...cool.

The big difference between the crimes you list above and the ones done by your fellow Nazis is that you guys do it for political reasons....

You do remember all of the Trump banners at the capitol on 1/6...right?

Or are you guys still trying to sell the "false flag" bullshit?
No member of the billionaire class is on the left. Being a greedy capitalist slimeball is literally the end-game of right wing beliefs. It is what all GOPers strive to become.
Zuckerberg and Bezos aren’t on the Left? You’re insane. Please tell us why Twitter, Facebook eliminates all communication they don’t agree with ; They call it misinformation??
So you don't deny all of the stuff I wrote...cool.

The big difference between the crimes you list above and the ones done by your fellow Nazis is that you guys do it for political reasons....

You do remember all of the Trump banners at the capitol on 1/6...right?

Or are you guys still trying to sell the "false flag" bullshit?
so the riots supported by the left and their leaders werent political ? are you saying the left didnt politicize the riots that burned entire blocks in major cities to galvanize their base !
What the right doesn't like is....pretty much everything that isn't white, male and Christian.
Better stop smoking, In this day and age it’s the White Male who doesn’t get the job, promotion, etc. The Left has “ Christian ethics?” Is that why they push abortion, Homosexuality, trying to push “ alternative life style” education to kids in Elementary School and approve of TRANSGENDER FEMALES competing with REAL FEMALES and if you protest calling you all sorts of Vile Names? You’re a ASSHOLE
No member of the billionaire class is on the left. Being a greedy capitalist slimeball is literally the end-game of right wing beliefs. It is what all GOPers strive to become.
:omg: Oh shut the fuck up, you freaking retarded moron, you are literally impossibly fucking stupid, for gods sake there should be a mandatory IQ test before any of you wanks are allowed loose upon the web, indeed if only there was, a significant portion of the problem would be forever ended!

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