Elon Musk Wants To Take Over Twitter.

How's that free speech Truth Social Media doing?
Above fascist democrat, demonstrates conclusively, the sickness in its soul, a sickness manifested by a complete and total inability to defend its mind in open forum debate! This truth being pointed out may seem pejorative upon first glance, yet upon even rudimentary examination of content within its comments, and history of commenting, and you'll swiftly discover irrefutable truth of conclusion!

All it has from whence to organize self and its beliefs upon, are hate & intolerance, marked by the complete inability to defend such in open and fee debate, it possesses no ability to apply critical reason to self, let alone the forces its attracted too, and thus develop sense of circumspection, or healthy personal growth, therefore all it can do is silence the debate altogether, and that it, and tens of millions of other such damaged and destroyed souls do exactly, silence the debate altogether!

Issac Asimov writing in his seminal "Foundation Trilogy" series, introduced a character named Hari Seldon who as a psychologist/historian, observed the fact, "that the last refuge of the incompetent mind was always violence, always, no exceptions!" Banning people, silencing them, and ruthlessly targeting for such, anyone who dares disagree with the sick, twisted fascist collective group think called woke, is a supreme act of violence, and are the actions of an incompetent group mind! :wink:
USMB has very much Freedom. USMB does not ban people for political reasons. Many Conservatives and Dissident Liberals here are cyberrefugees from Progressive message boards.
No, there are words that are not allowed along with actions etc. etc...Why are you blind to what can and can't be done on these websites? For having free speech they sure do have a lot of rules to agree with when you join...
All Elon wanted to do is a hostile takeover. There are no social media that allows free speech, USMB doesn't allow free speech.

Social media is destroying the social fabric of the nation, but, I listen to new music and that's nice.
cool well Musk wants one that does. i know that’s a direct threat to one of your demafascist propaganda arms that is tweeter
If it is bought out, isn't that the same thing, except no competition.
There seem to be a lack of understanding about the influence Twitter has. While only leftists get to voice their true opinions now, other social media companies like Facebook and news media like CNN get their leftist talking points and information from Twitter. Conservative platforms are places for conservatives to voice their opinions but are not heard by the media nor social media as well. They have little influence on what people are hearing as news and true news. Twitter is where the fake news gets it's marching orders from. Musk will not silence them. They will just have competition with conservatives that will help people know the truth and have opposing opinions and information. That's a good thing!
and so it begins ... it appears the left is resorting to their old tried and true tactics in an assault on Elon Musks investments into Twitter ! and just what is the lefts problem with their once green energy darling ? FREEDOM OF SPEECH ! Musk has stated his concerns over censorship on social media platforms and the left doesnt like that one bit ! a guest on Joy Reids show even compared Musks actions as an arsonist cosplaying firefighters and yes once again implied that Musk is a racist that reminisces about apartheid in South Africa ! MSNBC political analyst calls Elon Musk's Twitter purchase like 'arsonists cosplaying as firefighters'
No member of the billionaire class is on the left. Being a greedy capitalist slimeball is literally the end-game of right wing beliefs. It is what all GOPers strive to become.
that includes Soros, Dorsey ,Bloomberg , Zuckerburg and other leftwing billionaires that invested millions in leftwing campaigns and movements ?

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