Elon Says: "Come Get Me Coppers!"

This guy?

Funny how you guys were calling him "crazy" right up until he shared your beliefs on one item.

Musk has become enlightened in the last few months about what trying to do business in the People's Republic of Kalifornia has turned into. 10K high paid employees and one of their state legislators said: "FUCK ELON MUSK" because he decided he'd waited long enough to get back to work. It appears they've backed down but they've lost Musk....he's headed to Texas...adios Kali commies.
This guy?

Funny how you guys were calling him "crazy" right up until he shared your beliefs on one item.

Musk has become enlightened in the last few months about what trying to do business in the People's Republic of Kalifornia has turned into. 10K high paid employees and one of their state legislators said: "FUCK ELON MUSK" because he decided he'd waited long enough to get back to work. It appears they've backed down but they've lost Musk....he's headed to Texas...adios Kali commies.
Sure he is.
Says someone who couldn't respond to a single point I made, but stomps his feet, calls me and idiot, and says bye.

Right..... Ok whatever.

Really? So what if I told you Musk was the ONLY car maker to fully REPAY his govt. loan....early?

Don't bother apologizing...it might make a man out of you.

A buyer of a new electric car can receive a federal tax credit between $2500 and $7500.

Keep in mind, that you do not pay a Federal Tax on buying cars in general. So they are getting a tax credit on paying no tax.

You eliminate the tax incentives that promote Tesla, and I can almost guarantee that Tesla would cease to exist.

Don't bother apologizing...it might make a man out of you.

So what if I told you Musk was the ONLY car maker to fully REPAY his govt. loan....early?

By the way, a private company should not need a loan from the Federal Government, and the Federal Government should not be giving out loans. And those loans are ridiculous.

2% interest rates? Funny how a normal citizen working their butts off, has to get a mortgage for a house at 5% (last years average), but Tesla going into a recession, gets $465 Million dollars of YOUR money, and only pays a whooping 2% interest rate?

Don't bother apologizing...it might make a man out of you.
blah blah blah

I destroy your "looters" horseshit and you come back with this nonsense? I don't know what kind of anal-retentive you are but knock off the double-spaced page pushing in my threads....nobody is impressed. The government gives out all kinds of incentives..they're called "earmarks" or nods to Congress critters they like. Nobody should be against electric cars....they are cool, fast, and emission-free. If you lived in a major city you'd appreciate that but I imagine you live in daddy's back yard...probably in the servant's quarters eh, Jeeves?
Elon reopened his Freemont Tesla plant today and dared the cops to come get him. Nobody knows what Alameda County nitwits will do or if Elon could be released on a personal recognizance bond since he's only worth $40B. The Governor (a real nitwit since he let Kimberly Guilfoyle get away and take up with Donald Jr.) had no comment. Will he commute Elon's sentence if he's taken alive? Will there be a car chase? Elon's roadster will do 0-60 in 1.9 seconds....easily the fastest production car in the world. Will he shoot himself into space to avoid capture? :rock:


Can tesla build some tesla coils around his factory and zap the Jesus out of the soy based Californian beings coming to stop his factory?

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