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Email: IRS, Treasury Dept Secretly Drafted Rules To Restrict Conservative Groups...

So they considered making more stringent rules.


well ok then, let them just run over "we the people" in this country no questions asked

then we can start bowing to them next and wail, all hail the government

Or how about, you don't try to abuse the tax code.

The primary cause of the IRS action was TEABAGGERS trying to disguise political advocacy groups as social welfare agencies so they could hide that big bag of money from the Koch Brothers.

yeah sure you know all about it and of course don't mind this Democrat administration all of SUDDEN changing the rules as they want anytime THEY WANT
What did the President know? Did he order it?

your first mistake is getting your "news" from drudge.

the law prohibits political activity by any 501 ( c ) (4) corporation. for whatever reason, the reg written after was much more vague. any corrective reg needs to make it clear that the law requires NO POLITICAL ACTIVITY in order for an organization to avail itself of a tax exemption.

i've never understood why anyone finds that complicated.
In some circles, an accusation of guilt serves as evidence of guilt. These circles consist of many jerks. Thus......the very common USMB "circle jerk".
From the op link:

The new rules define more previously acceptable activities by nonprofit groups as prohibited “candidate-related political activity.” Communications and activities including voter registration drives and publishing voter guides, among others, are now classified as political activity. Grants and donations that 501(c)(4)’s give to other nonprofits are now subject to new record-keeping and increased scrutiny to prevent the money’s use for broadly-defined political activity.

Since left-leaning groups rely more heavily on voter registration drives than conservative groups, an argument could be made that the IRS drafted new rules that unfairly singles out liberal groups. That is if one wanted to be like the op and focus only on their side even though these rules are across the board for any 501c group.
well ok then, let them just run over "we the people" in this country no questions asked

then we can start bowing to them next and wail, all hail the government

Or how about, you don't try to abuse the tax code.

The primary cause of the IRS action was TEABAGGERS trying to disguise political advocacy groups as social welfare agencies so they could hide that big bag of money from the Koch Brothers.

yeah sure you know all about it and of course don't mind this Democrat administration all of SUDDEN changing the rules as they want anytime THEY WANT

The Democratic Administration didn't "change" the rules.

SCOTUS found that Corporations were people in Citizen's United, which meant that the IRS now had to deal with a bunch of shady characters trying to pass off political advocacy as social welfare groups to hide where their money was coming from.

It tried to apply the rules it had in respect to a really, really awful court ruling and people trying to abuse it.
This whole issue is not really one of the IRS targeting conservative groups but whether secret money should be permissible, for some reason tea party groups see nothing wrong with secret donors. No one on the right has adequately addressed how they think hiding large donors is not providing cover for buying political power.
What did the President know? Did he order it?

your first mistake is getting your "news" from drudge.

the law prohibits political activity by any 501 ( c ) (4) corporation. for whatever reason, the reg written after was much more vague. any corrective reg needs to make it clear that the law requires NO POLITICAL ACTIVITY in order for an organization to avail itself of a tax exemption.

i've never understood why anyone finds that complicated.

Well said.

I will just add that it wasn't the tax exemption that was the problem. Political groups were also tax exempt.

What the problem here was that they were trying to use the 501(c)(4) classifcation to hide who donors were, as opposed to 501(c)(3) groups, which are tax exempt, can conduct political activity, and have to fully disclose who their donors are.
I guess silence is to be expected when the real question here is posed, they can't justify hiding donors, there is just no way to make it seem like freedom to let billionaires anonymously buy their legislators and supply them with bills to vote yea on. (ALEC)
Enjoy your abuse by your own government and sit in silence or make excuses for it because it's against, people you don't like...Now any government AGENCY can go around Congress and make up any rule they want, AGAISNT YOU....you voted for it
a lot link with this at site

Silencing the Opposition – How the Obama IRS Plans on Limiting Conservative Free Speech–

The Tea Party Patriots released this video on the Obama Administrations attempt to formalize censorship against conservative groups.
[ame=http://youtu.be/2zM_2DrAkxY]Proposed IRS rules for non-profits - limiting free speech! - YouTube[/ame]

The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal involved:
•At least 292 conservative groups
•At least 5 pro-Israel groups
•Constitutional groups
•Groups that criticized Obama administration
•At least two pro-life groups
•An 83 year-old Nazi concentration camp survivor
•A 180 year-old Baptist paper
•A Texas voting-rights group
•A Hollywood conservative group was targeted and harassed
•Conservative activists and businesses
•At least one conservative Hispanic group
•IRS continued to target groups even after the scandal was exposed

The Obama IRS gave preferential treatment to liberal groups during the same period.

And, now the Obama IRS is hoping to institutionalize their discrimination against conservative groups.
In December 2013, the IRS (not so) quietly proposed new regulations governing non-profits, specifically, 501(c)(4) organizations. IRS Reg-134417-13 will forbid conservative groups from holding voter registration drives, advertising, promoting, and prohibits any kind of political activity including rallies, mailings, teas, and forums.

In short, the Obama Administration wants to, as National Review explains, “effectively prevent many so-called 501(c)(4) organizations from engaging in political activity.”

The newly proposed rules would change the status not of the donors’ income taxes but those of the organization. If a political group is eligible to use section 501(c)(4), then under current rules, it is tax-exempt. If you take away that tax exemption, as the new rules threaten to do, it will have to pay taxes on its income, which includes the donations it receives.

Why would the Obama Administration do this? The National Review piece continues:

It has been argued that the proposed rules are justified as a way to force political groups to organize under a different tax-exemption provision, section 527, which requires them to disclose their donors.

An editorial in the Wall Street Journal today says it best:

ALL of it here
SILENCING THE OPPOSITION ? How the Obama IRS Plans on Limiting Conservative Free Speech (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
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Enjoy your abuse by your own government and sit in silence or make excuses for it because it's against, people you don't like...Now any government AGENCY can go around Congress and make up any rule they want, AGAISNT YOU....you voted for it
a lot link with this at site

Silencing the Opposition – How the Obama IRS Plans on Limiting Conservative Free Speech–

The Tea Party Patriots released this video on the Obama Administrations attempt to formalize censorship against conservative groups.
Proposed IRS rules for non-profits - limiting free speech! - YouTube

The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal involved:
•At least 292 conservative groups
•At least 5 pro-Israel groups
•Constitutional groups
•Groups that criticized Obama administration
•At least two pro-life groups
•An 83 year-old Nazi concentration camp survivor
•A 180 year-old Baptist paper
•A Texas voting-rights group
•A Hollywood conservative group was targeted and harassed
•Conservative activists and businesses
•At least one conservative Hispanic group
•IRS continued to target groups even after the scandal was exposed

The Obama IRS gave preferential treatment to liberal groups during the same period.

And, now the Obama IRS is hoping to institutionalize their discrimination against conservative groups.
In December 2013, the IRS (not so) quietly proposed new regulations governing non-profits, specifically, 501(c)(4) organizations. IRS Reg-134417-13 will forbid conservative groups from holding voter registration drives, advertising, promoting, and prohibits any kind of political activity including rallies, mailings, teas, and forums.

In short, the Obama Administration wants to, as National Review explains, “effectively prevent many so-called 501(c)(4) organizations from engaging in political activity.”

The newly proposed rules would change the status not of the donors’ income taxes but those of the organization. If a political group is eligible to use section 501(c)(4), then under current rules, it is tax-exempt. If you take away that tax exemption, as the new rules threaten to do, it will have to pay taxes on its income, which includes the donations it receives.

Why would the Obama Administration do this? The National Review piece continues:

It has been argued that the proposed rules are justified as a way to force political groups to organize under a different tax-exemption provision, section 527, which requires them to disclose their donors.

An editorial in the Wall Street Journal today says it best:

ALL of it here
SILENCING THE OPPOSITION ? How the Obama IRS Plans on Limiting Conservative Free Speech (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Obama's doing all he can to ignite a Second Civil War
If making your billionaires disclose their massive donations is limiting speech then I am all for it. Please explain how secret money is a good thing before you continue your rant.
all of sudden with Obama's election and all the monies he received from foreign donors such as SOROS, and UNIONS buying favor by donating to the Democrat/progressive/commie party, etc , they are worrying about where money is coming from

sit in silence people and you will have tyranny
If making your billionaires disclose their massive donations is limiting speech then I am all for it. Please explain how secret money is a good thing before you continue your rant.

Please explain how this is ALL OF A SUDDEN a major crisis for you, when Soros, Unions, etc donated MILLIONS to Obama and the Democrat party

you people aren't fooling everyone with this
all of sudden with Obama's election and all the monies he received from foreign donors such as SOROS, and UNIONS buying favor by donating to the Democrat/progressive/commie party, etc , they are worrying about where money is coming from

sit in silence people and you will have tyranny

Find us a democrat that says secret money in politics is good, Soros can go to hell and stay there for all I care, unions disclose their donations anyway which is all this is about.
Well, you can dream and all...

But there aren't enough old racist white guys for that to ever happen.

First thing voter ID, then the IRS audits

Yeah, because making it harder for black folks to vote is really the ticket.

Hey, dumbass, maybe instead of trying to keep black folks from voting, give them a good reason to vote for you....

Oh, no, that's too complicated.

You guys lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes. And you'd have probably have lost in 2004 if you hadn't stolen 2000.

We want to make it impossible for Dems to manufacture fraudulent votes. Is that too much to ask?
If making your billionaires disclose their massive donations is limiting speech then I am all for it. Please explain how secret money is a good thing before you continue your rant.

Because some people work in jobs where donating to the wrong party can get your fired or passed over.

You're a supervisor at the IRS and you donate to a Republican Candidate and your boss finds out? Oh yes they do, genius. It's Public Information.

You work in a Union Shop and you donate to a Conservative PAC and the Union Boss finds out? It's public information.

Or, you work for a Wall Street Firm and you donate to a dimocrap scum cause? And your VERY conservative VERY Republican Boss finds out?

You're gonzo.

And here's the thing...... I wont call you stupid, although I've explained this ten fucking times in here.......

Donations to a 501(c)4 are NOT Tax Deductible.

Political Ads run by a 501(c)4 are NOT Tax Deductible.

The ONLY benefit to a 501(c)4 is privacy.

I thought dimocrap scum were all about privacy?

Oh, my bad.

Only for them, not for us.

What was I thinking :eek:
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In case you people who still live in your mom's basement (libs) think I'm kidding.....

Here's a site where you can invade a person's privacy -- Legally...

Search Donors | OpenSecrets

Presidential Donor Lookup

Search here for individual contributors to the 2012 presidential candidates. Candidates must provide donors' names when they have contributed more than $200 in total to the campaign.

But dimocrap scum want to know who's donating to whom.

Sounds about right for dimocraps.....

Gotta love these 'Conservatives' doing their best to create an oligarchy in this nation. Citizens United was a big step in that direction and must be overturned.

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