Emails and Benghazi...A GOP Strategic Death Sentence for 2016..

I am not a paid blogger for the GOP Strategy-Machine and I...

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Ask Petraus what happens when classified information is mis-handled.
The exotic words "Benghazi" and "Petraus" mean nothing to the common man when he sees his world closing in around him. Why is this so hard to understand? It's like expecting the Trumpsters and die-hard lefties to speak Greek. They are empty words. They have found their messiahs..

...too bad the think tanks can't cipher the one deepest visceral issue that will jar at least the Trumpsters awake from their zombie-loyalty..
She is too corrupt to be President:

- Rose Law Firm- Whitewater- Vince Foster- White House Travelgate- Lincoln Bedroom Rentals- Cattle Futures Trading- Monica- Whitehouse Hoist of Furniture- Benghazi- Private Email Server

And none of those things people give a rat's about in general when it comes to a broader question of "democrat or republican" this Fall in not just the POTUS race but ALL the key races where Congress is affected too. There is one issue surgically-attached and an inseparable siamese-twin with the democrats that would galvanize the middle to the right...but you didn't mention it.

She could win. I don't dispute it. Facts remain that Democrats passed her over once before and corruption follows her wherever she goes.
Look, ENOUGH ALREADY. You guys are beating a dead horse. You are making a fuss over four people who died in a very suspiciously-timed attack (9-11) which is fueling the "(original) 9-11 was a (GOP) inside job" theories, not damping them down... How stupid can you be?

Then with the emails. Here's the fatal flaw in that bullcrap that makes me switch channels on the news the second I hear the words leave the lips of the talking head of the hour: EVERYONE HAS SHADY EMAILS THEY DON'T WANT OTHERS TO SEE. Has that sunk in yet? EVERYONE. So when you go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about "Hillary is getting busted for her shady emails" the only thing your target audience is hearing is "wow, the GOP are like the cops, way overbearing...will I be next on their "you have shady emails" list? In other words, the common man is always looking at witch hunts like this as "will I be next?" This Orwellian bullcrap of big brother is watching you is not bringing people to the GOP. It's driving them away.

You know what issue will bring votes. You know it. Stop dancing around the issue. Bring in that landslide. But for God's sake STOP IT WITH THE GODDAMNED "Benghazi & Emails"...NOBODY GIVES A RAT'S ASS ABOUT EITHER ONE. They all know you're trumping that crap up. It couldn't be more obvious. It's as obvious as Ted Cruz having a Canadian birth certificate.


Find yourselves an electable candidate who will save this country and even tell you to piss off now and then when it's for the best for the Union. And do it fast. Take hold of the issue that will bring you votes and get this show on the road. The reason your support is being bled out to Trump is because his flock is leery of the stench of Cheney reeking around your modus operandi. They can't vocalize it that way for the most part, but it's true nevertheless.

Drop it. Drop it like a hot potato.

People are yearning for morality...and for morality in leadership. They are yearning to have their center regrounded with a common cause. The fringes (on BOTH sides) are going to have to sit this one out..

This election will go to the clever, not the brash, uncompromising or reckless...
4 vs, 4,500+. Their agenda is clear. They know their demographic (older white guys w/ no education beyond H.S,) will not question them
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Hillary lied people died. Not presidential material.
chutzpah. google it :thup: saveliberty

Benghazi is a dead issue, literally, like the supposedly Hillary-killing film that's now being beaten by Kung Fu Panda 3 (est. 41 million in three days versus 42.5 in three weeks)...
Repubs had 11 STRAIGHT HOURS grilling her and she came out better than when she went in.
"Emails and Benghazi...A GOP Strategic Death Sentence for 2016"

There were no 'crimes' committed by the president or Clinton – no 'cover up,' no 'conspiracy.'

There were no 'crimes' committed by Clinton with regard to 'emails' – again, no 'cover up,' no 'conspiracy.'

There is no evidence of any 'crimes,' no evidence of any 'cover ups,' no evidence of any 'wrongdoing' whatsoever – what those on the right perceive to be 'evidence' is nothing more than contrivances, speculation, misinformation, partisan spin, and lies, devoid of any objective documentation and fact.

What 'Benghazi' and 'emails' do prove is that republicans have nothing of value or merit to offer the American people, their policies are failed and bankrupt, all republicans have are lies and personal attacks.
True. They have no agenda to run "on" that they can sell to the voting public, outside their 30% true believers.l.
Ask Petraus what happens when classified information is mis-handled.
The exotic words "Benghazi" and "Petraus" mean nothing to the common man when he sees his world closing in around him. Why is this so hard to understand? It's like expecting the Trumpsters and die-hard lefties to speak Greek. They are empty words. They have found their messiahs..

...too bad the think tanks can't cipher the one deepest visceral issue that will jar at least the Trumpsters awake from their zombie-loyalty..

I fully agree, Mrs. Clinton is an easy vote. Woman, name recognition and a democrat. Not much thinking needed. Some of my friends, which I don't consider dumb, support Mrs. Clinton. I don't even bother asking why.
Benghazi is a dead issue, literally, like the supposedly Hillary-killing film that's now being beaten by Kung Fu Panda 3 (est. 41 million in three days versus 42.5 in three weeks)...
Repubs had 11 STRAIGHT HOURS grilling her and she came out better than when she went in.

Just proves that nothing will dissuade the die hards from supporting a democrat. If you think that he screeching answers was coming out better then I serious believe she could have actually been manning the mortar that night and it would not have matter.
Ask Petraus what happens when classified information is mis-handled.
Ask the prosecutor who charged Petreaus if what Hillary did and what Gen. P plead guilty too were the same.

I'll save you some time -- he said no, they are not alike and that Clinton did not commit a crime.

Could you show us a link to him saying that? Did they do the exact same thing, no. Did they mishandle classified material? That seems like a very obvious yes.
Ask Petraus what happens when classified information is mis-handled.
Ask the prosecutor who charged Petreaus if what Hillary did and what Gen. P plead guilty too were the same.

I'll save you some time -- she said no, they are not alike and that Clinton did not commit a crime.

Could you show us a link to him saying that? ...

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime

Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

"As the former U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, I oversaw the prosecution of Gen. Petraeus, and I can say, based on the known facts, this comparison has no merit. The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability."


Importantly, Petraeus was well aware of the classified contents in his journals, saying to his biographer, Paula Broadwell on tape, “I mean, they are highly classified, some of them. They don’t have it on it, but I mean there’s code word stuff in there.”

When questioned by the FBI, Petraeus lied to agents in responding that he had neither improperly stored nor improperly provided classified information to his biographer. As Mukasey also highlighted, the key element is that Petraeus’ conduct was done “knowingly.” That is, when he stored his journals containing “highly classified” information at his home, he did so knowingly. Petraeus knew at that time that there was classified information in the journals, and he knew they were stored improperly.

In sharp contrast, Clinton is not being investigated for knowingly sending or receiving classified materials improperly."
Ask Petraus what happens when classified information is mis-handled.
Ask the prosecutor who charged Petreaus if what Hillary did and what Gen. P plead guilty too were the same.

I'll save you some time -- she said no, they are not alike and that Clinton did not commit a crime.

Could you show us a link to him saying that? ...

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime

Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

"As the former U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, I oversaw the prosecution of Gen. Petraeus, and I can say, based on the known facts, this comparison has no merit. The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability."


Importantly, Petraeus was well aware of the classified contents in his journals, saying to his biographer, Paula Broadwell on tape, “I mean, they are highly classified, some of them. They don’t have it on it, but I mean there’s code word stuff in there.”

When questioned by the FBI, Petraeus lied to agents in responding that he had neither improperly stored nor improperly provided classified information to his biographer. As Mukasey also highlighted, the key element is that Petraeus’ conduct was done “knowingly.” That is, when he stored his journals containing “highly classified” information at his home, he did so knowingly. Petraeus knew at that time that there was classified information in the journals, and he knew they were stored improperly.

In sharp contrast, Clinton is not being investigated for knowingly sending or receiving classified materials improperly."

So, if i read the following quote properly, he isn't saying she did nothing wrong, she just didn't know she was doing something wrong. Which I always thought that ignorance of the law was never an excuse. Especially in cases of national security.

As the former U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, I oversaw the prosecution of Gen. Petraeus, and I can say, based on the known facts, this comparison has no merit. The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability.
Ask Petraus what happens when classified information is mis-handled.
Ask the prosecutor who charged Petreaus if what Hillary did and what Gen. P plead guilty too were the same.

I'll save you some time -- she said no, they are not alike and that Clinton did not commit a crime.

Could you show us a link to him saying that? ...

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime

Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

"As the former U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, I oversaw the prosecution of Gen. Petraeus, and I can say, based on the known facts, this comparison has no merit. The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability."


Importantly, Petraeus was well aware of the classified contents in his journals, saying to his biographer, Paula Broadwell on tape, “I mean, they are highly classified, some of them. They don’t have it on it, but I mean there’s code word stuff in there.”

When questioned by the FBI, Petraeus lied to agents in responding that he had neither improperly stored nor improperly provided classified information to his biographer. As Mukasey also highlighted, the key element is that Petraeus’ conduct was done “knowingly.” That is, when he stored his journals containing “highly classified” information at his home, he did so knowingly. Petraeus knew at that time that there was classified information in the journals, and he knew they were stored improperly.

In sharp contrast, Clinton is not being investigated for knowingly sending or receiving classified materials improperly."

So, if i read the following quote properly, he isn't saying she did nothing wrong, she just didn't know she was doing something wrong. Which I always thought that ignorance of the law was never an excuse. Especially in cases of national security.

As the former U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, I oversaw the prosecution of Gen. Petraeus, and I can say, based on the known facts, this comparison has no merit. The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability.
Ignorance of the Law has never been a proper excuse for Breaking the LAW.
You don't lie unless you are trying to cover something up.....pal
ironic post is ironic


Then why did Sandy Berger feel compelled to steal and destroy documents from the National Archives? Why did Jamie Gorelick literally need to hide behind the panel and not get grilled like Condoleeza Rice did? You people act as if Bush and the GOP were on the defensive yet can't explain Berger and Gorelick.
Ask Petraus what happens when classified information is mis-handled.
Ask the prosecutor who charged Petreaus if what Hillary did and what Gen. P plead guilty too were the same.

I'll save you some time -- she said no, they are not alike and that Clinton did not commit a crime.

Could you show us a link to him saying that? ...

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime

Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

"As the former U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, I oversaw the prosecution of Gen. Petraeus, and I can say, based on the known facts, this comparison has no merit. The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability."


Importantly, Petraeus was well aware of the classified contents in his journals, saying to his biographer, Paula Broadwell on tape, “I mean, they are highly classified, some of them. They don’t have it on it, but I mean there’s code word stuff in there.”

When questioned by the FBI, Petraeus lied to agents in responding that he had neither improperly stored nor improperly provided classified information to his biographer. As Mukasey also highlighted, the key element is that Petraeus’ conduct was done “knowingly.” That is, when he stored his journals containing “highly classified” information at his home, he did so knowingly. Petraeus knew at that time that there was classified information in the journals, and he knew they were stored improperly.

In sharp contrast, Clinton is not being investigated for knowingly sending or receiving classified materials improperly."

So, if i read the following quote properly, he isn't saying she did nothing wrong, she just didn't know she was doing something wrong. Which I always thought that ignorance of the law was never an excuse. Especially in cases of national security.

As the former U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, I oversaw the prosecution of Gen. Petraeus, and I can say, based on the known facts, this comparison has no merit. The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability.
She. Did you bother to click the link?

"Indeed, the State Department has confirmed that none of the information that has surfaced on Clinton’s server thus far was classified at the time it was sent or received.

Additionally, the Justice Department indicated that its inquiry is not a criminal one and that Clinton is not the subject of the inquiry.

Here, the inspector general and the Justice Department are following an established protocol when it is determined that there has been an unauthorized disclosure of classified materials — here, by virtue of a potential after-the-fact change in classification. This protocol ensures that any classified information is properly handled going forward."

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
Ask Petraus what happens when classified information is mis-handled.
Ask the prosecutor who charged Petreaus if what Hillary did and what Gen. P plead guilty too were the same.

I'll save you some time -- she said no, they are not alike and that Clinton did not commit a crime.

Could you show us a link to him saying that? ...

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime

Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

"As the former U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, I oversaw the prosecution of Gen. Petraeus, and I can say, based on the known facts, this comparison has no merit. The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability."


Importantly, Petraeus was well aware of the classified contents in his journals, saying to his biographer, Paula Broadwell on tape, “I mean, they are highly classified, some of them. They don’t have it on it, but I mean there’s code word stuff in there.”

When questioned by the FBI, Petraeus lied to agents in responding that he had neither improperly stored nor improperly provided classified information to his biographer. As Mukasey also highlighted, the key element is that Petraeus’ conduct was done “knowingly.” That is, when he stored his journals containing “highly classified” information at his home, he did so knowingly. Petraeus knew at that time that there was classified information in the journals, and he knew they were stored improperly.

In sharp contrast, Clinton is not being investigated for knowingly sending or receiving classified materials improperly."

So, if i read the following quote properly, he isn't saying she did nothing wrong, she just didn't know she was doing something wrong. Which I always thought that ignorance of the law was never an excuse. Especially in cases of national security.

As the former U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, I oversaw the prosecution of Gen. Petraeus, and I can say, based on the known facts, this comparison has no merit. The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability.
Ignorance of the Law has never been a proper excuse for Breaking the LAW.
Cite the US Code she violated.
Ask the prosecutor who charged Petreaus if what Hillary did and what Gen. P plead guilty too were the same.

I'll save you some time -- she said no, they are not alike and that Clinton did not commit a crime.

Could you show us a link to him saying that? ...

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime

Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

"As the former U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, I oversaw the prosecution of Gen. Petraeus, and I can say, based on the known facts, this comparison has no merit. The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability."


Importantly, Petraeus was well aware of the classified contents in his journals, saying to his biographer, Paula Broadwell on tape, “I mean, they are highly classified, some of them. They don’t have it on it, but I mean there’s code word stuff in there.”

When questioned by the FBI, Petraeus lied to agents in responding that he had neither improperly stored nor improperly provided classified information to his biographer. As Mukasey also highlighted, the key element is that Petraeus’ conduct was done “knowingly.” That is, when he stored his journals containing “highly classified” information at his home, he did so knowingly. Petraeus knew at that time that there was classified information in the journals, and he knew they were stored improperly.

In sharp contrast, Clinton is not being investigated for knowingly sending or receiving classified materials improperly."

So, if i read the following quote properly, he isn't saying she did nothing wrong, she just didn't know she was doing something wrong. Which I always thought that ignorance of the law was never an excuse. Especially in cases of national security.

As the former U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, I oversaw the prosecution of Gen. Petraeus, and I can say, based on the known facts, this comparison has no merit. The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability.
Ignorance of the Law has never been a proper excuse for Breaking the LAW.
Cite the US Code she violated.
18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

You will of course say unwillingly ....................Excuses are like what....................

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