"Emails!" Have the GOP and the Rightwing cried 'Wolf!' too many times?

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  • Yawn

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Please dear Lord, let this one stick. We've lost so often

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I agree with Bernie Sanders " I'm Still Sick And Tired Of Hillary's Emails"

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • What about emails?

    Votes: 1 16.7%

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Oh for goodness sake!

It's not that they did not want to prosecute...there was nothing to prosecute, and nothing she could be convicted for...

Are you now suggesting our government should charge and prosecute citizens for crimes which they KNOW the citizen did not commit, when they know they can not even come close to getting a conviction from a jury, but to do this purely for political assassination and harassment and to disrupt and influence an election?

It was bad enough that Comey broke all standards for the FBI and Prosecutors, and gave is long blasting speech of a citizen he was investigating,

AFTER he had already come to the decision that this citizen did not commit a crime and he could not prosecute this person for a crime, and no Prosecutor in the world would or could prosecute this person for a crime....

If I were the citizen he made this decision on, and he gave a scathing long speech about me to the entire world, the person he said did not commit a crime that was worthy to charge,
I would sue his ass and the FBI for all that I could, for defamation.
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Oh for goodness sake!

It's not that they did not want to prosecute...there was nothing to prosecute, and nothing she could be convicted for...

Are you now suggesting our government should charge and prosecute citizens for crimes which they KNOW the citizen did not commit, when they know they can not even come close to getting a conviction from a jury, but to do this purely for political assassination and harassment and to disrupt and influence an election?

It was bad enough that Comey broke all standards for the FBI and Prosecutors, and gave is long blasting speech of a citizen he was investigation,

AFTER he had already come to the decision that this citizen did not commit a crime and he could not prosecute this person for a crime, and no Prosecutor in the world would or could prosecute this person for a crime....

If I were the citizen he made this decision on, and he gave a scathing long speech about me to the entire world, the person he said did not commit a crime that was worthy to charge,
I would sue his ass and the FBI for all that I could, for defamation.

Agreed. The whole thing a bit weird. I suppose he was saying "she is guilty as all hell, but BO siad we can't lock her up. Let the stupid ignorant voter decide guilt". Probably better to say nothing. since BJ DOJ is useless too.

It is fair to sake "Have the GOP and the Rightwing cried 'Wolf!' too many times?"

"Believe me," when I say I think so. I believe a majority of the public just tunes most of it out. If the GOP and the wingnuts had held their fire until the campaign, but no they tried to derail it a year or more before it got off the ground
What does this have to do with Trump supporters being harassed and spat on and media not covering it?
We need to elect more veterans to Congress.
Like Tim MCVeigh? Or the ones who love Trump even though he says people who get captured by the enemy are 'losers'?
Like the ones who learned to set aside their personal views and biases and work with others to get the job done. The ones who understand that their wants and needs are secondary to those they left back home. The ones who we hired for that part-time job at $174,000 per year and are committed to legislate, not obstruct those who are doing their jobs.

That kind of veteran, like we used to have in congress when congress was functional and productive.
We need to elect more veterans to Congress.
Like Tim MCVeigh? Or the ones who love Trump even though he says people who get captured by the enemy are 'losers'?
Like the ones who learned to set aside their personal views and biases and work with others to get the job done. The ones who understand that their wants and needs are secondary to those they left back home. The ones who we hired for that part-time job at $174,000 per year and are committed to legislate, not obstruct those who are doing their jobs.

That kind of veteran, like we used to have in congress when congress was functional and productive.
Veterans are no different than other citizens. We eve had people on the right, Trump supporters attacking veterans who asked to be treated special. I don't go that far. I say a veteran status, is only one thing to look at when judging a politician.
Ya know, I think this board needs just a few more of these same topic threads from Libs because there just can never be enough of them. I believe the more of these threads are created reflect the level of panic libs are experiencing. :p
We need to elect more veterans to Congress.
Like Tim MCVeigh? Or the ones who love Trump even though he says people who get captured by the enemy are 'losers'?

We need to elect more veterans to Congress.
Like Tim MCVeigh? Or the ones who love Trump even though he says people who get captured by the enemy are 'losers'?
Like the ones who learned to set aside their personal views and biases and work with others to get the job done. The ones who understand that their wants and needs are secondary to those they left back home. The ones who we hired for that part-time job at $174,000 per year and are committed to legislate, not obstruct those who are doing their jobs.

That kind of veteran, like we used to have in congress when congress was functional and productive.
Veterans are no different than other citizens.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you're not a veteran.

It is fair to sake "Have the GOP and the Rightwing cried 'Wolf!' too many times?"

"Believe me," when I say I think so. I believe a majority of the public just tunes most of it out. If the GOP and the wingnuts had held their fire until the campaign, but no they tried to derail it a year or more before it got off the ground

NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
"The United States has a military comprised of volunteers. Every single member has made the conscious choice to join the military and serve. There is not a single service member who has been forced into service. It is important for all service members (and apparently, their families) to understand that service to this great nation does not imbue one with special privileges or rights."

"The simple fact is that whether one served or sacrificed does not give greater power to their statements. One vote is as valuable as another. That sir, is why our Country is great."

Chris Mark
US Marine and Navy Veteran
Veterans have supported a man who disrespects Gold Star families and who calls POW's losers for being captured and tortured. I doing so, they have damaged any credibility they seek in speaking out as somehow deserving more respect than any other member of society
till Kenneth stars report came out.
what a waste of tax payer money and resources

And that compares to?

$400 million dollars in unmarked bills to Iran?
Oh! The fake 400 story?


What really happened was this: President Obama announced the $400 million payment along with the release of the Americans in January, the day that the nuclear deal was implemented. But the money was part of a separate negotiation over funds the United States has owed Iran since its 1979 Islamic Revolution.

At that time, Washington froze Iranian assets in the United States, including money paid by Tehran for military hardware that the United States never delivered after its ally there, the shah, was overthrown. In 1981, the two countries agreed that a tribunal at The Hague would adjudicate the legal claims.

The United States and Iran have wrestled with this issue for decades, but efforts to reach a settlement intensified once the two sides began work on the nuclear deal. Tribunal decisions are binding, and the administration concluded it would lose at The Hague; in addition to $400 million, Iran was seeking billions of dollars in accumulated interest.

The United States was not the only country facing a legal defeat with Iran. Earlier this month, Switzerland’s highest court ordered Israel to pay Iran around $1.1 billion plus interest in a dispute over an oil pipeline company that was set up in the 1960s.
Thank you Dante. The idiots on the right keep saying that it was ransom money, but it was actually money that was theirs that we froze when the sanctions were enacted.

And................since we wouldn't release Iran's money back to them until we had our people back, it wasn't the Americans being held hostage for money, more like Iran's money was being held hostage until the Americans were returned.

They wanted their frozen assets back, we wanted our people.
We need to elect more veterans to Congress.
Like Tim MCVeigh? Or the ones who love Trump even though he says people who get captured by the enemy are 'losers'?
Like the ones who learned to set aside their personal views and biases and work with others to get the job done. The ones who understand that their wants and needs are secondary to those they left back home. The ones who we hired for that part-time job at $174,000 per year and are committed to legislate, not obstruct those who are doing their jobs.

That kind of veteran, like we used to have in congress when congress was functional and productive.
Veterans are no different than other citizens. We eve had people on the right, Trump supporters attacking veterans who asked to be treated special. I don't go that far. I say a veteran status, is only one thing to look at when judging a politician.
Look dumbass. Our veterans are above and beyond the average citizen, they defended, fought, and died for your right to spew your ignorant shit.
till Kenneth stars report came out.
what a waste of tax payer money and resources

And that compares to?

$400 million dollars in unmarked bills to Iran?
Oh! The fake 400 story?


What really happened was this: President Obama announced the $400 million payment along with the release of the Americans in January, the day that the nuclear deal was implemented. But the money was part of a separate negotiation over funds the United States has owed Iran since its 1979 Islamic Revolution.

At that time, Washington froze Iranian assets in the United States, including money paid by Tehran for military hardware that the United States never delivered after its ally there, the shah, was overthrown. In 1981, the two countries agreed that a tribunal at The Hague would adjudicate the legal claims.

The United States and Iran have wrestled with this issue for decades, but efforts to reach a settlement intensified once the two sides began work on the nuclear deal. Tribunal decisions are binding, and the administration concluded it would lose at The Hague; in addition to $400 million, Iran was seeking billions of dollars in accumulated interest.

The United States was not the only country facing a legal defeat with Iran. Earlier this month, Switzerland’s highest court ordered Israel to pay Iran around $1.1 billion plus interest in a dispute over an oil pipeline company that was set up in the 1960s.
What really happend was Obama cowed down and payed a ransom.

It is fair to sake "Have the GOP and the Rightwing cried 'Wolf!' too many times?"

"Believe me," when I say I think so. I believe a majority of the public just tunes most of it out. If the GOP and the wingnuts had held their fire until the campaign, but no they tried to derail it a year or more before it got off the ground
It's like "Hillary's gonna take your guns!" Riiiiiight....just like Obama was going to take our guns. Yawn.

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