Emails show DOD analysts told to cut it out on ISIS warnings. Reports altered.

I can prove you're full of shit about Libya by using Obozo's own words...
Obama's Libya speech: Full text as delivered

So if you say Obungles didn't do that, you may need to go tell him, you delusional idiot!!!!

And it's no secret that Obozo has been trying to overthrow Assad....

You obviously need to sober up long enough to clear the fog from your brain an catch up...

But guy, your statement was Obama STARTED the Civil Wars in these countries.

Not that he picked a side in these civil wars. That's an issue where I'd probably agree with you, he took a side and he shouldn't have.

But he didn't START the wars.

I could also take issue with your characterization of htem as "illegal", as Congress authorized action and we were obligated to take sides when our NATO allies got involved in them.

As your boy Rush says, "Words Mean Things".
'Report Altered'?

ISIS Warning Reports Altered....
Climate Change Data altered.....
CIA Benghazi Report Altered 13 Times before release....

Ya know, if I didn't know any better I would say that seems to be a mighty alarming, and deceitful, pattern for the 'Most Transparent Administration EVUH'!

Or that when you have a lot of people composing something, you end up with a lot of edits and opinions.

Shit, guy, Today I was involved in the purchase of a product we are developing. Between myself, the designer, the salesman, the customer, and three different subcontractors who were involved, we edited the specifications for this item about six times. It wasn't some vast conspiracy, it was a lot of different people bringing expertise and opinions to the project. (Also we were in a hurry and didn't go through the regular process)
Context, bubs and bubbettes.


Posting crap like this usually means you also have a solution.

Are you saying that blacks are bigger threat then ISIS? Say it...

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