Emasculating the male

I'm way beyond your naval gazing level.

If what someone else says or does emasculates you, then apparently you are not beyond me.

I never said it did. Try reading the comments you're responding to otherwise you just sound idiotic.

If what someone else does or says does not emasculate you, what is the problem with a guy wearing makeup? Why create the thread?

No, it does not emasculate ME. This isn't about ME. Get that through your thick head. It's about social engineering. It's about our children and their children or do you only care about YOU.

Damn. There are some stupid people posting here.

Yep and they're all Lefties.
I'm way beyond your naval gazing level.

If what someone else says or does emasculates you, then apparently you are not beyond me.

I never said it did. Try reading the comments you're responding to otherwise you just sound idiotic.

If what someone else does or says does not emasculate you, what is the problem with a guy wearing makeup? Why create the thread?

No, it does not emasculate ME. This isn't about ME. Get that through your thick head. It's about social engineering. It's about our children and their children or do you only care about YOU.

I have 2 sons. Neither of them depends on the views of others for their masculinity.

Answer me two simple questions. Do you think there are men who will be less masculine because of the guy being a covergirl? And is that who they actually ARE, or were they "turned" that way by a guy wearing makeup?

Really? Just at all the girly boys in Liberal universities all over America because of Liberal social engineering. Micro aggressions? Safe zones? Free speech areas? PC crap saturates our society. It's already happening. Wise up.
It is not a ruse. That some kid gets a job with a makeup company has not effect whatsoever on my masculinity. I know who I am.

I'm way beyond your naval gazing level.

If what someone else says or does emasculates you, then apparently you are not beyond me.

I never said it did. Try reading the comments you're responding to otherwise you just sound idiotic.

If what someone else does or says does not emasculate you, what is the problem with a guy wearing makeup? Why create the thread?

No, it does not emasculate ME. This isn't about ME. Get that through your thick head. It's about social engineering. It's about our children and their children or do you only care about YOU.

and it has been social engendering for the last 5000 yrs or so?
social engineering of vanity or sexuality in animals?

Egyptian have worn make up, Babylonians, Hittites, Romans, Renaissance Europe.............nobility or commoner

a colored pencil, powder, lip stick, hardly a burdizzo
American conservatives have a tendency to conflate bravado with strength.


Standing up to the brutal Political Correctness Lynch Mob is Strength.
It's more than makeup. For generations now boys have been raised as dynfunctional little girls, now they are.

Not long ago I overheard a grown man saying he got PTSD from watching Game of Thrones and now needs therapy.
Alexander the Great and Julius Ceaser were gay long before you were.

At best bisexual, and that is based on highly questionable historical material.

Alexander the IV and Caesarion are both evidence that they fucked women.

Yeah, I have seen the article before. Grip strength as a measure of manliness. lol

But if I allow that college males are physically weaker now than 50 years ago (it would be an average, of course, since our athletes are bigger, faster, & stronger), the question would be a matter of which skills and attributes matter in today's world.

A man from 50 years ago might have a stronger grip. How is he at computer skills? Can he work a smartphone? Can he manage a business that is now global and requires instant action?

And more importantly, will the man treat women as property or as equals in a relationship? Will he insist on beating up queers, or will he live & let live? Maybe he can't build a porch or rebuild the engine on the family car. But he can create animation, spreadsheets, or a multitude of other skills that help him make a living and pay others to perform manual labor tasks for him. So the newer man has more time to spend teaching his kids how to be quality people. He will have more time to spend with his love.

This idea that a man who is not physically stronger and is violent is pure bullshit. In the past we were stronger because we had to be. It is no longer a requirement in today's world. If you WANT to be strong, there has never been a better time. Exercise systems, nutrition and training have never been better. But that is now a choice a person can make, not a survival requirement.
Asclepias said:
The stuck some dudes too. That makes them gay in my book.

Your book is highly questionable and contested.

I believe the evidence that Alexander the Great is homosexual is based on a vague excerpt from one piece of old documentation, although I know you do not like playing the "white game of proof." :lmao:
And in Florida we have the little darlings reporting to mommy and daddy.

University Of Florida Urges Students To Report Politically Incorrect Halloween Costumes As BIAS INCIDENTS

U. Florida Urges Students To Report Halloween Costumes As BIAS INCIDENTS

But not to worry, kids. There's help for you poor babies if things get too tough.

“If you are troubled by an incident that does occur,” the missive advises, “there is a 24/7 counselor in the Counseling and Wellness Center available to speak by phone at 352-392-1575.”

Yeah, I have seen the article before. Grip strength as a measure of manliness. lol

But if I allow that college males are physically weaker now than 50 years ago (it would be an average, of course, since our athletes are bigger, faster, & stronger), the question would be a matter of which skills and attributes matter in today's world.

A man from 50 years ago might have a stronger grip. How is he at computer skills? Can he work a smartphone? Can he manage a business that is now global and requires instant action?

And more importantly, will the man treat women as property or as equals in a relationship? Will he insist on beating up queers, or will he live & let live? Maybe he can't build a porch or rebuild the engine on the family car. But he can create animation, spreadsheets, or a multitude of other skills that help him make a living and pay others to perform manual labor tasks for him. So the newer man has more time to spend teaching his kids how to be quality people. He will have more time to spend with his love.

This idea that a man who is not physically stronger and is violent is pure bullshit. In the past we were stronger because we had to be. It is no longer a requirement in today's world. If you WANT to be strong, there has never been a better time. Exercise systems, nutrition and training have never been better. But that is now a choice a person can make, not a survival requirement.
Weak men are essential. Women have to beat up on someone.

On your knees and cry like a baby.

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