Embarrassing: Obama Receives Standing Ovation From Less Than 25% Of West Point Cadets

Bottom line...Barack Obama is NOT a popular President with the vast majority of the Armed Forces.

Nor retirees, veterans, their families, the majority of Americans, the Brits, the French, Germany, the Middle East, Canada and Cuba
Bottom line...Barack Obama is NOT a popular President with the vast majority of the Armed Forces.

It s re that he has a low approval rating among military personnel.

It is a head scratcher, for sure. He's done a great job for active duty personnel and vets.
I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Less than 25%. How much less? 25% is likely generous.
There is no video to back the Washington Slimes' claim of how many stood at the beginning, although the shadows behind the President seem to indicate that everyone stood up, but the video of the cadets shows quite clearly that 100% of the cadets stood up at the end.

Standing Ovation | Video | C-SPAN.org

People tend to stand up when something's over and it's time to leave...just saying...
The Right can rationalize anything to maintain their bubble!
And al-Queida was supposed to be on the run according to Obama's slogan...And he just couldn't have what happened in Benghazi ruin it.

Why would killing 4 Americans prove that al qaeda wasn't in fact on the run? The Germans were on the run in 1944, just before the battle of the Bulge.

What do you know about military affairs ?
Why dont you fucking enlist ?

Because being taught to fight and kill is immoral and someone like the poster is too busy painting signs to protest something like threatening the habitat of the spotted sandhog. :lol:
Nothing you're saying changes that fact that enlistees must take a loyalty oath to the Constitution and the President as their Commander in Chief;

the fact that there may be instances where a refusal to obey orders could be legally defensible in no way changes that.

The fact that you cannot legally publish child pornography does not change the fact that you have free press rights.
Apples and oranges. Answer my question. If Obama ordered troops to fire on American citizens, should they obey those orders or not?

The President is responsible for putting down insurrections. Insurrections are most likely the work of a country's citizens. Of course the President has the right to use force, and of course the troops are bound by their oath and the UCMJ to obey,

unless they are willing to face the consequences of disobeying orders.
Wow! American soldiers should slaughter American citizens if Obama orders them to? Thanks for your honesty, bootlicker, nice to know where you stand.
Thankfully the President isn't a republican with an itchy trigger finger wanting to send them to die
He's sent more of them to die in Afghanistan on his watch as well as damn near wiped out more SEALs than any president.

You disingenuous piece of shit!

It's people like you who started Afghanistan. The sooner we phase out of there the better.

OH and did you know that many black people died to protect you over there? You fucking racist asshole?
Fuck you and your despicable thread.

The Classic Racist Rant from a racist on the bottom...

You need serious help, hate will ruin your life...
I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report - Washington Times
If I were a West Point student I would be damn happy to have a president like Obama in office. My feeling is that those who are attending West Point are there to serve their country and to give their lives if necessary. That said, NOT ONE of them wants to see their lifes wasted for the greater glory of Shell, BP, Mobil, or Standard Oil.
A week or so ago Obama was in Afghanistan where he gave the timetable for pulling the troops out. When the soldiers heard that they cheered wildly. If I were a soldier serving in Afghanistan I would lick the boots of any president who was working to get me back home in one piece.

Apples and oranges. Answer my question. If Obama ordered troops to fire on American citizens, should they obey those orders or not?

The President is responsible for putting down insurrections. Insurrections are most likely the work of a country's citizens. Of course the President has the right to use force, and of course the troops are bound by their oath and the UCMJ to obey,

unless they are willing to face the consequences of disobeying orders.
Wow! American soldiers should slaughter American citizens if Obama orders them to? Thanks for your honesty, bootlicker, nice to know where you stand.

It has nothing to do with where I stand. It's where the Constitution and federal law stand.
The President is responsible for putting down insurrections. Insurrections are most likely the work of a country's citizens. Of course the President has the right to use force, and of course the troops are bound by their oath and the UCMJ to obey,

unless they are willing to face the consequences of disobeying orders.
Wow! American soldiers should slaughter American citizens if Obama orders them to? Thanks for your honesty, bootlicker, nice to know where you stand.

It has nothing to do with where I stand. It's where the Constitution and federal law stand.
So, if you were a U.S. soldier, and Obama gave you an order to fire on a group of American citizens at a protest, you would obey those orders?
I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report - Washington Times
If I were a West Point student I would be damn happy to have a president like Obama in office. My feeling is that those who are attending West Point are there to serve their country and to give their lives if necessary. That said, NOT ONE of them wants to see their lifes wasted for the greater glory of Shell, BP, Mobil, or Standard Oil.
A week or so ago Obama was in Afghanistan where he gave the timetable for pulling the troops out. When the soldiers heard that they cheered wildly. If I were a soldier serving in Afghanistan I would lick the boots of any president who was working to get me back home in one piece.

We're not talking about pussies here, but soldiers.
I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report - Washington Times
If I were a West Point student I would be damn happy to have a president like Obama in office. My feeling is that those who are attending West Point are there to serve their country and to give their lives if necessary. That said, NOT ONE of them wants to see their lifes wasted for the greater glory of Shell, BP, Mobil, or Standard Oil.
A week or so ago Obama was in Afghanistan where he gave the timetable for pulling the troops out. When the soldiers heard that they cheered wildly. If I were a soldier serving in Afghanistan I would lick the boots of any president who was working to get me back home in one piece.


Quite obviously, you were never a soldier. I could go for forty pages about life as a soldier and what "Mission First" means - but it would fall on deaf ears (eyes).

Tell you what....Enlist, serve for, say two years, and we'll talk. Until then, you are just embarrassing yourself.
I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report - Washington Times
If I were a West Point student I would be damn happy to have a president like Obama in office. My feeling is that those who are attending West Point are there to serve their country and to give their lives if necessary. That said, NOT ONE of them wants to see their lifes wasted for the greater glory of Shell, BP, Mobil, or Standard Oil.
A week or so ago Obama was in Afghanistan where he gave the timetable for pulling the troops out. When the soldiers heard that they cheered wildly. If I were a soldier serving in Afghanistan I would lick the boots of any president who was working to get me back home in one piece.


And that last comment illustrates why people like you don't GO to West Point or join the service, Ron...

The people that ARE at the Service Academies right now are nothing like you, thankfully. They have volunteered to be in harms way. It's quite clear that you would never do something like that and don't really understand those who do. It's a brotherhood that you're not a part of.
There is no video to back the Washington Slimes' claim of how many stood at the beginning, although the shadows behind the President seem to indicate that everyone stood up, but the video of the cadets shows quite clearly that 100% of the cadets stood up at the end.

Standing Ovation | Video | C-SPAN.org

People tend to stand up when something's over and it's time to leave...just saying...
The Right can rationalize anything to maintain their bubble!

Bubble? LOL Listen, Ed...it's no great secret that the military doesn't really care for Barry and the Gang That Can't Shoot Straight. This Administration probably has the smallest percentage of ex-military personnel of any administration in history. It's made up primarily of academics and lawyers.
I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report - Washington Times
If I were a West Point student I would be damn happy to have a president like Obama in office. My feeling is that those who are attending West Point are there to serve their country and to give their lives if necessary. That said, NOT ONE of them wants to see their lifes wasted for the greater glory of Shell, BP, Mobil, or Standard Oil.
A week or so ago Obama was in Afghanistan where he gave the timetable for pulling the troops out. When the soldiers heard that they cheered wildly. If I were a soldier serving in Afghanistan I would lick the boots of any president who was working to get me back home in one piece.


if you are white and returning home from Afghanistan, you are considered a potential terrorist. Lick those boots
People tend to stand up when something's over and it's time to leave...just saying...
The Right can rationalize anything to maintain their bubble!

Bubble? LOL Listen, Ed...it's no great secret that the military doesn't really care for Barry and the Gang That Can't Shoot Straight. This Administration probably has the smallest percentage of ex-military personnel of any administration in history. It's made up primarily of academics and lawyers.
ACTIVE military supported Obama in the last election.

Weary warriors favor Obama | Reuters

If the election were held today, Obama would win the veteran vote by as much as seven points over Romney, higher than his margin in the general population.

Its funny how when some liberals blame bush for the ongoing problems in this nation, you ladies get your panties in a twist. But here you are giving him credit two years after he left office.

The hypocrisy is strong in you; too bad your mind is weak.

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