Embarrassing: Obama Receives Standing Ovation From Less Than 25% Of West Point Cadets

GM is alive
Osama is dead

Case closed.
The seals got bin laden on standing orders from Bush. GM being alive is misleading.
And al-Queida was supposed to be on the run according to Obama's slogan...And he just couldn't have what happened in Benghazi ruin it.

Al Queda in Africa while Bin Laden was in power:

2 synchronized embassy attacks in broad daylight, killing hundreds and wounding thousands

After Obama got Osama:

Small arms attacks on a consulate in the middle of the night killing four

When Bush subjected our embassies to 10 terrorist attacks and did zilch, it was because AQ was being dismantled during the process.
I have no idea why anyone would think Obama is a soldiers' president. He doesn't seem to have an affinity for the military and his background as an left wing inner-city community organizer does nothing to suggest competence as commander and chief.
The seals got bin laden on standing orders from Bush. GM being alive is misleading.
And al-Queida was supposed to be on the run according to Obama's slogan...And he just couldn't have what happened in Benghazi ruin it.

yeah they are on the run all right

on the run all over north Africa

on the run to Libya Syria

the Philippines

probably right here in the United States

since we started busing illegals from the border

sweet huh

Crimea river sonny boy.

It's not as if Khalid Sheik Mohamed was being issued a visa to come to the US like he was under Bush's State Department.

•Khalid Sheikh Mohamed (Coordinator) — Indicted in 1996 in N. Y. for his role in an earlier terrorist plot. Had a Saudi Arabian passport (although not a Saudi national) — obtained a U.S. visa in July 2001.

Identity and Immigration Status of 9/11 Terrorists (2011)

Or when one of the 9/11 hijackers had their visa renewed...A YEAR AFTER THE ATTACKS.





Zero evidence cadet animosity toward the POTUS.
Yet another good reason why we need to close the frauds of West Point, Anapolis and Colorado Springs down.

Republicans say that they are all for reducing waste, yet these academies produce 2LT and Ensigns at a cost of $400,000 per graduate.
Yet another good reason why we need to close the frauds of West Point, Anapolis and Colorado Springs down.

Republicans say that they are all for reducing waste, yet these academies produce 2LT and Ensigns at a cost of $400,000 per graduate.

I think it's silly to have 4 distinct branches of the military with 4 command structures, 3 secretaries, etc... Just have one "armed force" military and stop the needless duplication.
Yet another good reason why we need to close the frauds of West Point, Anapolis and Colorado Springs down.

Republicans say that they are all for reducing waste, yet these academies produce 2LT and Ensigns at a cost of $400,000 per graduate.

I think it's silly to have 4 distinct branches of the military with 4 command structures, 3 secretaries, etc... Just have one "armed force" military and stop the needless duplication.

Welll, no.

I think that you have three armed forces that do three specific roles.

The Navy and Army used to be separate departmetns until they were consolidated into defense, and the Air Force was spun off from the Army.

Technically the Marines are a Department of the Navy. The MEN'S Department. Heh, heh, heh. Little shout out to my Marine Friends.

My own thought is that I was in for 11 years, and I think I only encountered one Academy officer. And frankly, he didn't impress me as being any smarter than the OCS or ROTC guys.

Incidentally, I also think ROTC is an awful method of selecting officers.

Given that a pretty high % of enlisted members also have college degrees, maybe we should go to all OCS after some kind of leadership ability has been proven.
Yet another good reason why we need to close the frauds of West Point, Anapolis and Colorado Springs down.

Republicans say that they are all for reducing waste, yet these academies produce 2LT and Ensigns at a cost of $400,000 per graduate.

I think it's silly to have 4 distinct branches of the military with 4 command structures, 3 secretaries, etc... Just have one "armed force" military and stop the needless duplication.
We have 3 distinct branches of the military. Come on, even Obama isn't that ignorant.
Technically we have five if you count the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard.
The Commies teaching at this school must be teaching them to disrespect the office of the Presidency. Disgraceful.

Actually they're taught to think, to measure, to determine the best course of action and then to lead other men in carrying out that action. They are taught to make hard decisions with little to no time to do so. They are trained in evaluating the positives and negatives of a decision and then make a choice based on that information. They are also taught Loyalty, Respect, and Honor..... three things the current POTUS doesn't seem to know a whole lot about.

Someone does not understand sarcasm.
Wow! American soldiers should slaughter American citizens if Obama orders them to? Thanks for your honesty, bootlicker, nice to know where you stand.

It has nothing to do with where I stand. It's where the Constitution and federal law stand.
So, if you were a U.S. soldier, and Obama gave you an order to fire on a group of American citizens at a protest, you would obey those orders?

He wouldn't. You lost the argument, try to take it like a man.
Are you trolling for a date? I dont think he's into trannies.

No more than you are (see sig line). You seem to be an aficionado of other men's junk. Go take a Midol and bite the carpet there Shirley

Hitting the crack pipe early? Your posts are increasingly even more incoherent.

Your posts are clear.

See below.

You comment on the size of another man's penis. That means you're, at least, considering another man's junk.

Shirley, you're a fag. Just admit it.
The President is responsible for putting down insurrections. Insurrections are most likely the work of a country's citizens. Of course the President has the right to use force, and of course the troops are bound by their oath and the UCMJ to obey,

unless they are willing to face the consequences of disobeying orders.

Wow! American soldiers should slaughter American citizens if Obama orders them to? Thanks for your honesty, bootlicker, nice to know where you stand.

It has nothing to do with where I stand. It's where the Constitution and federal law stand.

The Constitution would definitely not approve.

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