Zone1 Embryos and Personhood

Even for adults - I keep wondering as to what happened to a brains development - see your statements!

This isn't about "complete" functions, but the protection of a beginning and future life.
That scientifically proven - kicks in from week 8 onward, with the heart beat and the development of consciousness. (aka brain).
Democrats create excuses to kill children but Republicans create excuses to keep them alive. We do not have the red line of the Democrat's since to us, it still is human and should be loved, not torn to bits and tossed into trash.
Democrats create excuses to kill children but Republicans create excuses to keep them alive. We do not have the red line of the Democrat's since to us, it still is human and should be loved, not torn to bits and tossed into trash.
I don't care about Democrats or Republicans or whatever political wing.

I base my conviction onto the common consent amongst the scientific community - that life begins from week 8 onward.
As such an Abortion (excluding life threatening issues to a mother) after week 8 = murder.

Since many abortions are due to "financial" circumstances - it's up to a "responsible" government to enact measures that help to prevent such abortions. As for those who just find an abortion to be "convenient" in regards to continuing their preferred comfy lifestyle - humping around with no responsibility towards their actions - let the law handle these pro-Abortionists upon week 8.
Get to know this name Saint Ding Debbie Murcarsel-Powell

Embryos and Personhood
240227 {post•1} Coyote Feb’24 Veaoyz says Republican lawmakers are trying to redefine : “….. when an embryo is considered a person.”


Coyote Feb’24 Veaoyz. “The issue of abortion is one of competing rights: weighing a woman’s right to bodily autonomy against a fetus’ right to life. person.” cvyvtv 240227 Seapyz00001

Embryos and Personhood 240227 {post•59}. ding Mar’24 Seapyz: Absent Federal laws, it’s the state’s call. dvng 240306 Seapyz00059

Embryos and Personhood 240402 {post•383}.

Saint Ding is wrong. This Alabama Republican Party MAGAklusterfluck proves Saint Ding is wrong,

A fertilized egg is a human being with personhood and full rights from the moment of conception or it isn’t,

If conception happens according to Saint Dang, a new unique human being comes into existence, and it must be protected as if it was already born.

Alabama is messed up because a fertilized egg is not a person and it’s a woman’s right to decide whether she wants to deliver a new unique human being to the world.

It’s a woman’s rights issue and no state is entitled to ignore and infringe upon a human right.

nfbw 240402 Veapyz00383 to Seapyz00059
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Do you know what the death penalty is?

Numerous states and the federal government practice the death penalty.

You obviously don't even know, as to what constitutes a MURDER, in regards to existing LAW and judicial procedures.
life begins from week 8 onward
biologically speaking life begins at conception

public interest in protecting human life begins at birth

A fetus has a right to life through the right to life of it’s mother.

a potential birthmother has the right to end fetal life in her body because her right to life is established and she is the only person involved who can decide to assume the risk of giving birth.

white Christian nationalist politicians cannot assume the risk for any woman being forced into full term gestation against their will.
biologically speaking life begins at conception
It's about LIFE beginning in an embryonic stage - and that is globally recognized by the international scientific community as - WEEK 8
And not some sperm entering an egg.
public interest in protecting human life begins at birth
No - it begins upon week 8
A fetus has a right to life through the right to life of it’s mother.
Nonsense - it owns it's "creation" due to a male semen and a female egg, aka SEX, (and there is no "right" involved at all - but simple common consent) - however the LAW protects an Unborn Life upon week 8.
a potential birthmother has the right to end fetal life in her body because her right to life is established and she is the only person involved who can decide to assume the risk of giving birth.
No - after week 8 she doesn't - aside from life-threatening issues.
white Christian nationalist politicians cannot assume the risk for any woman being forced into full term gestation against their will.
Week 8 has absolutely Nothing to do with "Christian nationalist politicians" - but solely their general rejection towards abortion as such.
Spare me with your Lefty/Lib mindset - that only promotes and seeks to defend TOTAL IRRESPONSIBILITY, towards an individuals actions.

And it is exactly this uncontrolled and irresponsible extremist Lefty/lib mindset - that enforced a counter reaction, e.g. extremist conservatives aka MAGA's
Please let us see your science
Typical Lefty/Lib - refuting science when it isn't in his favor. And it isn't "my" science - you dolt.
If you don't even know about the global scientific consent in regards to week 8 - then why do you post in this matter???

A blind born person talking and discussing about a bypassing cars color - that is exactly as to what Lefty/Libs and MAGA's are about.
Embryos and Personhood 240227 {post•59}. ding Mar’24 Seapyz: But at conception it is scientifically correct to say a new, genetically distinct human being has come into existence. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. dvng 240306 Seapyz00059

Embryos and Personhood 240402. {post•385}. NotfooledbyW Apr’24 Veapyz:
biologically speaking life begins at conception. •¥• public interest in protecting human life begins at birth. •¥¥•. A fetus has a right to life through the right to life of its mother. •¥¥¥•. a potential birthmother has the right to end fetal life in her body because her right to life is established and she is the only person involved who can decide to assume the risk of giving birth. •¥¥¥¥•. white Christian nationalist politicians cannot assume the risk for any woman being forced into full term gestation against their nfbw 240402 Veapyz00385

Saint Ding’s POST Seapyz00059 is true but it does not change the reality that the decision to end or keep safe the existence of a genetically distinct human being in her life is the woman and no other..
Embryos and Personhood 240227 {post•59}. ding Mar’24 Seapyz: But at conception it is scientifically correct to say a new, genetically distinct human being has come into existence. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. dvng 240306 Seapyz00059

Embryos and Personhood 240402 {post•385}. NotfooledbyW Apr’24 Veapyz:
biologically speaking life begins at conception. •¥• public interest in protecting human life begins at birth. •¥¥•. A fetus has a right to life through the right to life of its mother. •¥¥¥•. a potential birthmother has the right to end fetal life in her body because her right to life is established and she is the only person involved who can decide to assume the risk of giving birth. •¥¥¥¥•. white Christian nationalist politicians cannot assume the risk for any woman being forced into full term gestation against their nfbw 240402 Veapyz00385

Embryos and Personhood 240402 {post•391}.

Saint Ding is very scientific. He probably has a very good idea when fetal consciousness is established.

Here is what I think is true.

The Road to Awareness

But when does the magical journey of consciousness begin?

Consciousness requires a sophisticated network of highly interconnected components, nerve cells. Its physical substrate, the thalamo-cortical complex that provides consciousness with its highly elaborate content, begins to be in place between the 24th and 28th week of gestation. Roughly two months later synchrony of the electroencephalographic (EEG) rhythm across both cortical hemispheres signals the onset of global neuronal integration. Thus, many of the circuit elements necessary for consciousness are in place by the third trimester. By this time, preterm infants can survive outside the womb under proper medical care. And as it is so much easier to observe and interact with a preterm baby than with a fetus of the same gestational age in the womb, the fetus is often considered to be like a preterm baby, like an unborn newborn. But this notion disregards the unique uterine environment: suspended in a warm and dark cave, connected to the placenta that pumps blood, nutrients and hormones into its growing body and brain, the fetus is asleep.
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Give me a link to the specific claim you made a fetal brain produces consciousness at eight weeks
Can't look it up yourself? e.g.:

A few weeks after a baby is conceived, the brain begins to develop. For about eight weeks, the basic structures of the brain form. The neural tube is formed. This slowly becomes the brain and spinal cord. Around seven weeks after conception, the first neurons and synapses are developed in the spinal cord.

These first connections allow movements in the womb so small that an ultrasound or MRI can pick them up, but a mother cannot feel them. As there is more movement, the brain continues to develop. Movements become more coordinated as the weeks go on.

The "movement in the womb" confirms the presence and development of Consciousness in a Fetus from week 8 onward. And a heartbeat (LIFE) is confirmed from week 8 onward as well thus enabling the process of developing a functional brain.
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This isn't about "complete" functions, but the protection of a beginning and future life.
That scientifically proven - kicks in from week 8 onward, with the heart beat and the development of consciousness. (aka brain).

So you are a liar Saint Kruska From your link;

Third trimester. Towards the end of pregnancy, the brain takes on new responsibilities as it prepares for birth. Reflexes like fetal breathing develop and the brain starts to respond to external forces like touch, pain, vision, smell, taste, and sound.​

Although the prevailing theory throughout the 20th century was that consciousness didn’t develop until many months after birth, this new research argues that consciousness could occur much earlier, and even possibly in the final month of pregnancy. (Note: The study makes it clear that any consciousness that could develop during pregnancy only occurs around 35 weeks of gestation.) The researchers published their findings in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
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That scientifically proven - kicks in from week 8 onward, with the heart beat and the development of consciousness. (aka brain).

At one end of the spectrum are accounts that suggest that consciousness might be in place from as early as 24 to 26 weeks gestational age(see which is when thalamocortical connectivity is first established

Methodological challenges​
The notion of consciousness with which we are concerned in this article involves the possession of an experiential point of view. An organism is conscious if (and only if) it has a subjective perspective – if there’s ‘something that it’s like’ to be that organism

Different kinds of conscious states (or ‘contents’) are distinguished from each other in terms of what it’s like to be in them. What it’s like to see a face is distinct from what it’s like to hear a melody and each of those experiences is itself distinct from what it’s like to feel pain. Note that here we treat ‘consciousness’ as a synonym for ‘awareness’. Our focus here is on the development of ‘core’ or ‘primary’ consciousness and not on the development of forms of consciousness that require reflection, self-consciousness, or off-line cognition

These features can be absent even in adult states of consciousness and are unlikely to be present in the earliest stages of experience.

Because consciousness is a subjective phenomenon, attempts to identify its presence in infancy confront serious methodological challenges. Clearly, the standard tools for studying consciousness in adults and older children, such as the capacity to produce verbal reports or follow commands, are unavailable and we are forced to rely on less direct markers (or indicators) of consciousness. A theorist’s choice of markers is crucially important here, and much of the debate surrounding the emergence of consciousness stems from more fundamental disagreement about the kinds of states and capacities that function as markers of consciousness.
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If its just a tumor, or mass of worthless flesh going inside your body, then there doesn't need to be any maternity leave or any other maternity compensation. You're sick so take your sick and vacation days and be happy.

Now let's talk about how government funding for abortions needs to stop and any funding needs to come from charities and go-fund-me's.


And everyone -aside from you, knows that people in general avoid taking responsibility for their actions - that is why we have LAWS!!.

That's not my problem and I don't see any reason take responsibility for theirs.

They become the governments responsibility once an abortion is requested and e.g. DENIED due to an embryo being more then 8 weeks old. - thus forcefully ending a life - aka murder!!.

Tell me, did you ever hold a lab-tube with your Child (11 week old embryo) ?? - due to a miscarriage suffered by my wife. Obviously not and therefore it is also obvious that you don't know what you talk about - just some senseless and errant propagating of "Freedom". and irresponsible behavior.

Only in view of the existing law. e.g. 8 weeks. Personally I fully agree that if a birth/embryo endangers a mothers life - she is free to protect her own life. The law even permits this - aka the right to defend ones own life.

I haven't denied the woman the right to an abortion so your sad stories are not my problem. Start a charity or go-fund-me to finance your right and get out of my pocket to fund it.

Or would you like us to institute that old Fornification Under Consent of the King tax?

While we're at it the government needs to quit taxing my right to bear arms if you don't like that fornification tax. If they want me to get a license and training that needs to be at their dime and if the civil side of the government can have some arm, or other equipment, then so can I otherwise it belongs in the purview of the military.

Nothing to do with e.g. solely the USA - the most favored low-income workers (mostly illegal) in e.g. Malaysia come from Bangladesh.

And this matters why?

Where did I promote slave labor and child trafficking?? - you must be a MAGA idiot, and/or some Lefty/lib retard.

Own it or shut up.

The next time you utilize a personal attack in Zone 1 you can own that REPORTED I'll give you too.



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It's unique DNA says otherwise; a specific person that has never existed before and will never exist again. Albeit in the earliest stage of its human life cycle.
Apart from its twin, of course.

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