Emergency measure-suspend 2020 elections.

I said this in another thread and I'm saying it again here. Keep a 30 day supply of food and essential items in your home until this is over. Keep some cash in case of electronic crashes. Keep your car's gas tank topped off. State borders could be closed.

Don't forget that the average meal comes from fifteen hundred miles away and trucking could be disrupted. Don't be surprised if the internet goes dark either-that will be your government at work.
President Trump is essentially a contemporary Franklin Roosevelt. He is in charge during a national emergency and he may need four terms to get us out of it.
The Spread of the Coronavirus is a teachable moment. The people most susceptible to the microbe are those who use tobacco, abuse alcohol and regularly indulge in putting cannabis into their bodies. This tragedy encompasses huge swaths of the American cultural makeup, better known as Baby Boomers, who were putting powder up their noses like there was no tomorrow, back in the 80’s. Many of these people are essentially among the walking dead in our population and they are sitting ducks for the pandemic.

Weakened immune systems are a bonanza for most worldwide plagues though the 1918 Spanish Flu was an exception, capitalizing on supercharged immune systems of young healthy victims. In the case of Covid-19, American Grandparents are in the crosshairs as alcoholic, weed whackers set up as targets for the deadly pathogen like fish in a barrel. Nature is powerful and it occasionally imposes resets on biological organisms that operate outside the survival parameters of Darwinist principles.

Only fools wouldn’t consider the possibility that this virus was artificially created in the Wuhan Institute of Virology where it originated. It could have been an experimental biological weapon that escaped through incompetence or as an at of terror. No matter, it’s going to weed out human weaklings that unconsciously volunteer for elimination. It’s also going to take out victims with health issues acquired through no fault of their own and that is the real shame. Collateral damage is heartbreaking.

A lot of our fellow Baby Boomers are already sucking oxygen through a straw while they swallow their faces in nursing homes and now a day of reckoning is on them like the Sword of Damocles. They copulated in the mud at Woodstock, came home, went through penicillin by the barrel for a few months and were right back at it again. Many ended up in academia and politics-see the bush’s and the Clintons.

This will pass, but unfortunately innocent casualties are going to be flushed down the plumbing with the culprits. The real reset we need here is a complete purge of US Congress. We need to identify the backstabbers that gave the Chicoms control of our lifesaving drugs and send them packing. America is now under threat of opportunistic socialism waiting in the wings.

We need an emergency suspension of the 2020 elections giving Trump four more years to drain the swamp that bought this global virus into our midst.

The cowardly right will do anything to avoid losing this November, no matter how ridiculous and desperate.
The Spread of the Coronavirus is a teachable moment. The people most susceptible to the microbe are those who use tobacco, abuse alcohol and regularly indulge in putting cannabis into their bodies. This tragedy encompasses huge swaths of the American cultural makeup, better known as Baby Boomers, who were putting powder up their noses like there was no tomorrow, back in the 80’s. Many of these people are essentially among the walking dead in our population and they are sitting ducks for the pandemic.

Weakened immune systems are a bonanza for most worldwide plagues though the 1918 Spanish Flu was an exception, capitalizing on supercharged immune systems of young healthy victims. In the case of Covid-19, American Grandparents are in the crosshairs as alcoholic, weed whackers set up as targets for the deadly pathogen like fish in a barrel. Nature is powerful and it occasionally imposes resets on biological organisms that operate outside the survival parameters of Darwinist principles.

Only fools wouldn’t consider the possibility that this virus was artificially created in the Wuhan Institute of Virology where it originated. It could have been an experimental biological weapon that escaped through incompetence or as an at of terror. No matter, it’s going to weed out human weaklings that unconsciously volunteer for elimination. It’s also going to take out victims with health issues acquired through no fault of their own and that is the real shame. Collateral damage is heartbreaking.

A lot of our fellow Baby Boomers are already sucking oxygen through a straw while they swallow their faces in nursing homes and now a day of reckoning is on them like the Sword of Damocles. They copulated in the mud at Woodstock, came home, went through penicillin by the barrel for a few months and were right back at it again. Many ended up in academia and politics-see the bush’s and the Clintons.

This will pass, but unfortunately innocent casualties are going to be flushed down the plumbing with the culprits. The real reset we need here is a complete purge of US Congress. We need to identify the backstabbers that gave the Chicoms control of our lifesaving drugs and send them packing. America is now under threat of opportunistic socialism waiting in the wings.

We need an emergency suspension of the 2020 elections giving Trump four more years to drain the swamp that bought this global virus into our midst.

The cowardly right will do anything to avoid losing this November, no matter how ridiculous and desperate.

The cowardly right will do anything to avoid losing this November,

They don't have much to worry about, with either Biden or Bernie opposite Trump.

If they had any brains, they'd nominate Gabbard
Eleven years ago H1N1 by contrast affected younger healthy people but I don't remember anything like the insanity we are going through now.

I took a lot of them to the ER, not all made it out

the world didn't go nuts

and there was plenty of TP on shelves

So how about those people stay home and take their own precautions with visitors?

The Original Quarantini | The Novice Chef

  • Vodka (or gin)
  • Lemon
  • Honey
You can use vodka or gin. And sure, if you want to you can even use rum. You know what, go ahead and grab whatever is left in the liquor cabinet and add it to the martini shaker. After the first couple, you won’t taste it much anyways.

when the liquor store shuts me out, i'll panic.....

I don't know very well the US Constitution but I think that suspending elections is not even possible

A National Emergency bone is connected to the PA ligament ,which is connected to fema muscle , no Congressional brain need apply.....

Democrats don't find Gabbard suitable because she is too much of an independent thinker. She's not part of the club that sticks together through thick and thin despite being wrong on just about everything. She's not a cog in the machine. She's too Joe Lieberman-can't be controlled.
Suspending elections would be the absolute worse thing we could do. That is the kind of shit that happens in dictatorial banana republics. The USA is supposed to be the paradigm of liberty. Not allowing elections is the antithesis of Liberty.
You want more Americans to get sick with this disease that kills people and that we know so little about?
The Spread of the Coronavirus is a teachable moment. The people most susceptible to the microbe are those who use tobacco, abuse alcohol and regularly indulge in putting cannabis into their bodies. This tragedy encompasses huge swaths of the American cultural makeup, better known as Baby Boomers, who were putting powder up their noses like there was no tomorrow, back in the 80’s. Many of these people are essentially among the walking dead in our population and they are sitting ducks for the pandemic.

Weakened immune systems are a bonanza for most worldwide plagues though the 1918 Spanish Flu was an exception, capitalizing on supercharged immune systems of young healthy victims. In the case of Covid-19, American Grandparents are in the crosshairs as alcoholic, weed whackers set up as targets for the deadly pathogen like fish in a barrel. Nature is powerful and it occasionally imposes resets on biological organisms that operate outside the survival parameters of Darwinist principles.

Only fools wouldn’t consider the possibility that this virus was artificially created in the Wuhan Institute of Virology where it originated. It could have been an experimental biological weapon that escaped through incompetence or as an at of terror. No matter, it’s going to weed out human weaklings that unconsciously volunteer for elimination. It’s also going to take out victims with health issues acquired through no fault of their own and that is the real shame. Collateral damage is heartbreaking.

A lot of our fellow Baby Boomers are already sucking oxygen through a straw while they swallow their faces in nursing homes and now a day of reckoning is on them like the Sword of Damocles. They copulated in the mud at Woodstock, came home, went through penicillin by the barrel for a few months and were right back at it again. Many ended up in academia and politics-see the bush’s and the Clintons.

This will pass, but unfortunately innocent casualties are going to be flushed down the plumbing with the culprits. The real reset we need here is a complete purge of US Congress. We need to identify the backstabbers that gave the Chicoms control of our lifesaving drugs and send them packing. America is now under threat of opportunistic socialism waiting in the wings.

We need an emergency suspension of the 2020 elections giving Trump four more years to drain the swamp that bought this global virus into our midst.
Such is the right's contempt for our democratic institutions.

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