Eminem's "daughter" comes out as "Non-Binary"

I heartily agree. I'm just a tired old woman and don't relish all the work it will take to turn them back into human beings.
If it happens, it wont be in our lifetimes.

I think itll take a great disaster for the country to see the need for revival and a return to God. I expect we'll be conquered by China in the near future and our new masters wont tolerate the silliness of this current generation.
If it happens, it wont be in our lifetimes.

I think itll take a great disaster for the country to see the need for revival and a return to God. I expect we'll be conquered by China in the near future and our new masters wont tolerate the silliness of this current generation.
Sounds about right.
We are watching the culture degenerate before our very eyes. The left mocks the idea of a slippery slope, but it has been going on for a generation. America is DYING and you see nothing

Well, WinterBorn likes to run around threatening to shoot people on the innernetz, so naturally he doesn't really grasp that sort of thing. Right now he's going to go watch Ginzburg's grave, in case somebody shows up and tries to dig her up. He's a loon.
Well, WinterBorn likes to run around threatening to shoot people on the innernetz, so naturally he doesn't really grasp that sort of thing. Right now he's going to go watch Ginzburg's grave, in case somebody shows up and tries to dig her up. He's a loon.

I like to threaten fools who are badasses online and not much in person.

People get all worked up about someone they do not know declaring something about their sexuality. It has no affect on their life, but they rant like its the end of the world. And I am the loon. You have some bizarre standards. But then, you want to dig up a deceased Supreme Court Justice and ship her remained to New Zealand in a political stunt. And you call me a loon? lol

Of course I'm not surprised genetic garbage raised in a house with Slim Shit Head has severe mental illness, frankly I'm surprised it survived to adulthood. Hopefully it never reproduces.
This is why people should not do drugs or allow their kids to......they turn out like Hollyweirds kids--WEIRD.
What one generation TOLERATES, the next EMBRACES.

Yes, it changes the culture -- not for the good

What changes? I lesbian couple moved onto our street 2 years ago. I have seen no changes at all. My next door neighbor's daughter is still boy crazy. We all still chat and help each other out if we can. The hummingbirds still visit our feeder. The old lady at the corner still has the prettiest roses around. All the marriages are still intact.

Exactly what are the changes that will destroy our culture?
What changes? I lesbian couple moved onto our street 2 years ago. I have seen no changes at all. My next door neighbor's daughter is still boy crazy. We all still chat and help each other out if we can. The hummingbirds still visit our feeder. The old lady at the corner still has the prettiest roses around. All the marriages are still intact.

Exactly what are the changes that will destroy our culture?
Oh, nothing that you'd really notice. Just tiny, tiny bits.
No need to worry about it. Just go back to sleep.
I see these threads and always wonder why people get so bent out of shape. I doubt any of them were going to date the person in question.

I have asked over and over. But I will ask again. Why does this matter to you?

I like to threaten fools who are badasses online and not much in person.

People get all worked up about someone they do not know declaring something about their sexuality. It has no affect on their life, but they rant like its the end of the world. And I am the loon. You have some bizarre standards. But then, you want to dig up a deceased Supreme Court Justice and ship her remained to New Zealand in a political stunt. And you call me a loon? lol

What changes? I lesbian couple moved onto our street 2 years ago. I have seen no changes at all. My next door neighbor's daughter is still boy crazy. We all still chat and help each other out if we can. The hummingbirds still visit our feeder. The old lady at the corner still has the prettiest roses around. All the marriages are still intact.

Exactly what are the changes that will destroy our culture?
Such a myopic perspective.
”why do you care what others do” is some of the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard....The breakdown and decay of American society originates in American households...You know, all that “systemic racism“ that makes you piss yourself is born from the teachings in American homes...thats why you want Father Government to take over and teach ideology to our children....Remember now?

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