Eminent Psychiatrist Says Homosexuality is a Disorder that Can be Cured

A hermaphrodite is an organism having both male and female reproductive organs.
homosexuality can not be cured just like heterosexuality can not be cured.

you're attracted to who you're attracted to by nature.
I think the idea is to try and prove that scientifically

have you ever met or seen someone that you wouldn't think you'd be attracted to but somehow you are? it defies logic and reason, it just is. That is nature...

now you can learn to become attracted to people, over time, after getting to know them on a more person level but the animal, instant attraction you feel for certain people is nothing but nature and it can be very powerful.
Eminent Psychiatrist Says Homosexuality is a Disorder that Can be Cured

Eminent Psychiatrist Says Homosexuality is a Disorder that Can be Cured

Says studies show 70-80 percent chance that child adopted by homosexuals will develop same tendencies

By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

BUENOS AIRES, May 1, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The eminent Spanish psychiatrist Enrique Rojas gave a speech yesterday in Buenos Aires declaring that homosexuality is "a clinical process that has an etiology, pathogeny, treatment, and cure".

Speaking at the Buenos Aires International Book Fair about his book "Goodbye, Depression", Rojas characterized homosexual orientation as a "disorder" rather than an illness, and stated his opinion that 95% of cases are caused by environmental factors, according to the Spanish news service Terra.

The disorder, according to Rojas, is the result of an absent father, overweening mother, or sexual abuse in childhood.

Rojas blasted the homosexual movement for promoting the development of homosexual tendencies in young people, and particularly condemned the practice of allowing homosexual couples to adopt children.

The child is deprived of a right to grow up "in a normal environment, heterosexual, which is the standard" he said. "Heterosexuality is what is normal, the natural condition of human bengs."

According to studies from the United States, Canada, and New Zealand, there is a 70-80 percent chance that a child adopted by homosexuals will develop the same tendencies, Rojas said.

Rojas is the author of various books on psychology, including "Who Are You?", "The Light Man" and "Remedies for Coldness".

I'd bet dolores to donoughts that Rosas misses Franco.
Why, though, really? Who cares but Bass and glock?

Can you cure women's obsession with assholes! That is what I want to know. Like silence said, sometimes you can't help you are attracted to.
Scientists have already found what appears to be a chemical imbalance in the brain which can cause homosexual tendencies. That implies that one day a cure for homosexuality can be found, much like there is a cure for depression.
ya know I think there are probably many reasons for being Gay
among them are identity issues
and well,I'm sure like any sex it feels good in a friction sense.
probably your first introduction to sex has a lot to do with it.
the jurys still out on the learned Vs Genetic behavior Ideas.
certinly it's an abnormality in the natural sense, in terms of Mating behaviors
since the sex drive is one of mating and Propegating the species. it's counterproductive to the reason we have the urge. but it's a fairly common difference . that is also seen in most animals .
I'm sure Homosexuals have a better Idea of how they came to feel the way they do than I would .many of us have had domineering mothers and similar experiences to the ones the Doctor described as being the "cause" and have not found homosexualality to be of interest. many have experimented with Homosexuality and have decided it's not for them.many fnatasize about it but would rather not participate in the actions they fantasize about. People are all over the spectrum on this subject.
it's of interest in a socialogical sense to me.I'm sure it's a deviation but again it's a pretty common one.
have you ever met or seen someone that you wouldn't think you'd be attracted to but somehow you are? it defies logic and reason, it just is. That is nature...

now you can learn to become attracted to people, over time, after getting to know them on a more person level but the animal, instant attraction you feel for certain people is nothing but nature and it can be very powerful.

was that it ? The scientific proof ?

no, calling you a stupid motherfucker is an ad homimem. Lauging at your source is what we call CRITICAL THINKING.


but heres one from your own link, genius..

Fallacy: Appeal to Authority

Fallacy: Appeal to Authority

Also Known as: Fallacious Appeal to Authority, Misuse of Authority, Irrelevant Authority, Questionable Authority, Inappropriate Authority, Ad Verecundiam
Description of Appeal to Authority

Another exercise in retardology from a neo-liberal personally attacking for his life, the person in question who made the claim *WAS* and *IS* a psychiatrist, so how isn't he qualified to make a statement about mental mental disorders and or what he believes to be a mental disorder? Apparently you're too dumb and intellectually inferior in your thinking to even know what "Appeal to Authority" really is.
Another exercise in retardology from a neo-liberal personally attacking for his life, the person in question who made the claim *WAS* and *IS* a psychiatrist, so how isn't he qualified to make a statement about mental mental disorders and or what he believes to be a mental disorder? Apparently you're too dumb and intellectually inferior in your thinking to even know what "Appeal to Authority" really is.

awwww. how cute.. lil Chucky Ass runs to the ad hominems AFTER crying like a little girl that I was being too rough on hims lil source. Myawww... Someone give this lil tyke a non-phallic shaped lollipop and a beany cap.

Are you really stupid enough to think that ALL psychiatrists ARE equally educated and repudiated? THERE ARE DOCTORS IN FUCKING GUATEMALA, STUPID. DO YOU THINK THEY ARE OF THE SAME CALIBER AS WHAT YOU'LL FIND IN WASHINGTON DC?


Trust me... his opinion means two things to the REST of the psych community.. Jack and Shit. He is not the voice of psychiatry just because YOU want so desperately to believe in his opinon. Hell, "doctors" also hock weight loss pills at 3am on the television too, stupid.

And yes, I'm quite aware of what the appeal to authority logical fallacy is without having to run screaming back to the same website TWICE in a single fucking thread. It's why you are not responding rather than quoting that page a third time.

toodles, lil guy.

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