Pope says homosexuality not a crime

I think not every sin, is on the same level, just like not every crime is on the same level, like there is a difference between telling a white lie and murdering someone right?
Most modern people are guilty of sins for which people in theory could be executed.

But in Ancient Israel, capital punishment was rare and used mostly for murder and treason.
Most modern people are guilty of sins for which people in theory could be executed.

But in Ancient Israel, capital punishment was rare and used mostly for murder and treason.

Because they do not know any better, it became normalised, before most people didnt do such sins which you can be executed for because they knew it would be punishable. Just like now there are many gays, but before there were not that many gays.
Why the living hell would anyone want to go back to the dark ages? Lets be reasonable and side with freedom.
Why the living hell would anyone want to go back to the dark ages? Lets be reasonable and side with freedom.
I stand for Freedom on both sides. Discrimination or hostility against LGBT people is absolutely unacceptable. Religious people should not be cancelled for their beliefs.
Up to 1996, shrimp was my favorite food. None of us are sinless. None of us should judge others.

Lets say you are right, what would be the conclusion not telling anyone anymore he does something wrong? How would people then know what a sin even is, or what they should do or not do? Would you tell someone adultery is a sin? What if he is a adulterer? How should that work out?
People do learn about sins. My Chasidic rabbis were never accusatory toward me even before I started keeping some Kosher, Sabbath, and Holidays.
People do learn about sins. My Chasidic rabbis were never accusatory toward me even before I started keeping some Kosher, Sabbath, and Holidays.

I think we should be merciful, and forgiving yes, i do agree, not accussatory, i mean that is right, but im not sure if there is a clear line to not condemning sins anymore, or tell right from wrong anymore. I do not know if that line you blurry, i dont know what you really say, Christians always were merciful, forgiving etc. that is common sense. I dont know what you try to say with that "no one should be judged, no one should be discriminated etc." Telling right from wrong, is technically a discrimination.
I would never judge or discriminate LGBT people.

Paradoxically, there are Conservative LGBT people who are persecuted by Progressives for their views.
I would never judge or discriminate LGBT people.

Paradoxically, there are Conservative LGBT people who are persecuted by Progressives for their views.

I would not describe myself as either conservative or progressive, im nothing of that or political even.
If what you say is true, then when people are caught in a lie, they would "repent" and go forth and sin no more (meaning quit lying and start telling the truth all the time). Sadly, that isn't the case. Most people who lie do so as a lifestyle choice.

And well, "They all lie" but oddly that seems perfectly acceptable.

Then ask yourself, who is doing the harm? Two individuals who love each other and have decided to be in a committed relationship or the one who routinely lies?
It's always been a crime until the left started courting the homosexual brohood. At that point it became the first step in normalizing all kinds of bizarre and perverted obscene behaviors. They aren't finished.

Adultery was accepted and even seen as something to brag about before that. Heck we will gleefully elect serial adulterers who brag on their sin but condemn others because of who they love?

Who is doing the harm here? Two people in a loving relationship or a person lying and hurting the one they are suppose to care about the most to meet their own selfish needs?
Then ask yourself, who is doing the harm? Two individuals who love each other and have decided to be in a committed relationship or the one who routinely lies?
1) These individuals should not be judged or in any way discriminated by other people -- most of whom are sinners. Most Chabad houses will not shame a Jewish person who drove on Sabbath.

2) As for harm done to Spiritual Worlds, this is between each person and G-d.

3) Not only Jews, but also Muslims and Christians believe in Tanakh (Old Testament). That is 4.1 Billion people. They are not wrong.
Adultery was accepted and even seen as something to brag about before that. Heck we will gleefully elect serial adulterers who brag on their sin but condemn others because of who they love?
I agree -- most modern people are very sinful.
So we all are going to Hell and if so, what is the point of it all?
Many Christians would argue that there is no point.

As a Jew I believe that the penalty is not eternal. Avoiding severe sins may reduce the length of penalty by a large factor. A big majority of people will have Eternal Blessing.
Many Christians would argue that there is no point.

As a Jew I believe that the penalty is not eternal. Avoiding severe sins may reduce the length of penalty by a large factor.

I wasn't aware that the Bible differentiated sins. Man gets to decide?
Calling it ‘hate’ is just disingenuous, but you’re not capable of discussing anything without labeling your ‘enemy’.

Take it up with God, He’s the one that gave the rules.
Yes Christians….it is hate against Homosexuals

God gave you lots of rules, you are willing to ignore other rules while you spread….God Hates Fags

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