Emma Gonzalez Question

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You know she doesn't wear underwear....so if those jeans rip any more, her pussy might pop out.
And here’s the thing - if you were even remotely serious about being taken serious, there is no way in hell you would show up dressed like that. You would look professional. You’d have a suit on.

My parents would have caved my head in before they would have allowed me to make an appearance on national television dressed like that. But then again, they also would have caved my skull in if I wore a Cuban flag. But that’s the difference between good parents and parents like Emma’s who are just looking to exploit her.
I think in order to carry you should have a license and to get that license your criminal and mental health record should be squeaky clean. I also believe that the license should be renewable, in other words every 2, 4 or whatever number of years you go through the background check system to ensure you're still with the law.


Suck on this...

Perfectly illustrates the ignorance of progressives about firearms and the laws.
Sorry snowflake...no matter how much you lie about the U.S. Constitution that you’ve never read, it won’t change the U.S. Constitution that you’ve never read.

...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Your “well regulated” would be an infringement. The 2nd Amendment could not be more clear.
You think you have a right to own an F-16? You have the right to bear arms. Just not assault rifles. Those arms, you will not bear.
Directly from Emma Gonzalez:

We need to digitize gun-sales records, mandate universal background checks, close gun-show loopholes and straw-man purchases, ban high-capacity magazines, and push for a comprehensive assault weapons ban with an extensive buyback system.

It would also benefit us to redefine what assault weapons are so that when we call for a ban against them, it’s clear that we aren’t trying to ban all guns. No one needs to use an assault weapon to protect themselves while walking home at night. No one should be allowed to use an AR-15 to strategically hunt people, which, in case anyone forgot, is what made us speak out in the first place.

If you are going to debate her point of view at least know what it is first.
In other words, like all progressives, Emma Gonzalez is astoundingly ignorant. There is no “gun show loophole”. Never has been. Never will be.

Private gun sales do not necessarily go though a background check, that loophole needs to end. Where do private gun sales often take place? So, you're incorrect there.

Also...ask a progressive what an “assault weapon” is and they can’t tell you. Why? Because they just want to ban guns. All guns.[/QUOTE]

Apparently you missed the last paragraph:

It would also benefit us to redefine what assault weapons are so that when we call for a ban against them, it’s clear that we aren’t trying to ban all guns. No one needs to use an assault weapon to protect themselves while walking home at night. No one should be allowed to use an AR-15 to strategically hunt people, which, in case anyone forgot, is what made us speak out in the first place.

She's wanting a clarification on what exactly an assault weapon is. We already know that mass shooters weapon of choice are AR15 style weapons, I don't think it's a bad idea to figure out why and if anything what can be done.

Anyway, most Americans agree with her, guess you don't 'own' that.
I think in order to carry you should have a license and to get that license your criminal and mental health record should be squeaky clean. I also believe that the license should be renewable, in other words every 2, 4 or whatever number of years you go through the background check system to ensure you're still with the law.


Suck on this...


Perfectly illustrates the ignorance of progressives about firearms and the laws.

Obviously not if you read my post in it's entirety.
Sorry snowflake...no matter how much you lie about the U.S. Constitution that you’ve never read, it won’t change the U.S. Constitution that you’ve never read.

...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Your “well regulated” would be an infringement. The 2nd Amendment could not be more clear.
You think you have a right to own an F-16?
Yes, stupid!!! Good grief...this is not rocket science. :banghead:
I refer you to post #92 of this thread for rebuttal.

cool.....but you can't deny they are little shits.;)
I think that someone with a shallow point of view, a cynical attitude and a significantly slowed thought process might see them that way. If that person was a bully, a boor and a thug at heart.

So, yes indeed, I can deny that they are little shits.

well then

we'll agree to disagree in this one, huh?
See post #92

awww nooo lol stop making see posts hhehehehe :eek::D

not in the mood to go back LOL :p
Ah! The hallmark of the incurious mind!
She's imitating another lunatic, Sinead O'Connor...tearing up a pic of the Pope:


And will probably end up the same way.....a destitute drug addict:

Private gun sales do not necessarily go though a background check, that loophole needs to end.
First of all, stupid, it can’t end. A private citizen cannot run a background check on another private citizen through the F.B.I.

Second, stupid, the U.S. government has absolutely no authority to tell people what they can and can’t do with their private property. You can sell anything you own and there isn’t a damn thing they can do about it.

You people are too ignorant of firearms to be discussing them.
Where do private gun sales often take place? So, you're incorrect there.
Third, fewer private gun sales occur at gun shows than any other form of private sales. So I am correct Ad always and you are illustrating your ignorance to everyone as always.
She's imitating another lunatic, Sinead O'Connor...tearing up a pic of the Pope:


And will probably end up the same way.....a destitute drug addict:

I was literally just thinking that. Sinead has completely gone off of the deep end and is on the verge of suicide. I bet bi-sexual Emma’s life ends the same way. Strung out, broke, depressed, and crying about suicide in a sleazy motel.
I've sold several firearms on "Armslist". I get a copy of their Az DL, and have them sign an affidavit they're not a felon and won't use the weapon to commit a crime. Then I put that and the receipt in my safe because if that weapon IS used in a crime, I have proof I sold it. To be safe I never hand over a loaded weapon for inspection and don't offer cartridges to go with it or let the buyer inside my home. If he's passed the phone interview but shows up looking sketchy, I tell him the firing pin is bad and I'll repair it and list it at another time. Never had a problem.
No one needs to use an assault weapon to protect themselves...
That’s astounding ignorance. Every single victim during the Watts riot needed a rifle to defend themselves. Every single victim during the Rodney King riot needed a rifle to defend themselves. Every single victim during the Hurricane Katrina riot needed a rifle to defend themselves. Byrd and Melanie Billings needed a rifle to defend themselves from a home invasion of SEVEN people (planned by a former member of special forces).

I could literally go on all day but this is more than enough to prove that yet again, you are dead-wrong and completely ignorant of the subject matter.
A. Listen to how he talks about his own parents (“it’s like your old ass parents”, “sadly our parents don’t know how to USE a fucking Democracy”) - astounding disrespect.

B. Listen to how smug this piece of shit is

C. Listen to his incessant classless foul language

Mr. & Mrs. Hogg - you failed miserably. You’re son is an unbelievable asshole. You failed to raise him with respect.
A. Listen to how he talks about his own parents (“it’s like your old ass parents”, “sadly our parents don’t know how to USE a fucking Democracy”) - astounding disrespect.

B. Listen to how smug this piece of shit is

C. Listen to his incessant classless foul language

Mr. & Mrs. Hogg - you failed miserably. You’re son is an unbelievable asshole. You failed to raise him with respect.

He calls himself a "survivor" when he wasn't at the school during the rampage. Seeing him stick him bony little arm up in the air with the power salute (somebody should show him how to make a fist) was hilarious....what would Abbie Hoffman say about this pathetic generation of protestors?
She's petitioning her government and demanding change of them and fighting a well funded lobbyist organization. That doesn't sound like a citizen under Castro's Cuba, dipshit.

You mean she is speaking out for a well funded lobbying organization.

And when you are lobbying against the constitutional rights of people to have the tools to protect their lives and family is it really surprising that lots of people wouldn’t lobby against you?
That is the beauty of freedom of association. We are all allowed to join an association which can amplify our voices as loud as others.

I find it amusing pseudocons are whining about this. It's almost an admission their ideas are not superior to those of a child.

That's why you are all terrified of her.

Who is whining about it? She is more than free to advocate whatever foolish position she wants to. My objection is the lie that she is somehow grass roots instead of extremely funded and pretending that because she was locked in an adjacent building she has some sort of shield protecting her from being called out when she says and does stupid things
As usual, the nuts are on the wrong side of the issue.

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the high school students leading protests against gun violence across the country?
Favorable ................................. 56%
Unfavorable .............................. 34%
Not sure ................................... 10%

Do you support or oppose stricter gun laws in the United States?
Support ..................................... 60%
Oppose ..................................... 32%
Not sure .......................................8%

Would you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?
Support ..................................... 87%
Oppose ....................................... 8%
Not sure ...................................... 6%

Would you support or oppose banning the sale of assault weapons?
Support .......................................64%
Not sure ..................................... 10%

More California polls?...
Still trying to cut down the messenger rather than deal with the issue openly, I see. So Gonzalez is a serious person with short hair and any army jacket and not one of those air-headed bleached-blond hootchie-moma types who spent her high school years at "pageants" and providing wiggling T&A (right after prayers) in skimpy uniforms at football games, with layers of make-up splotched all over her face and playing dumb for the sexual edification of the roy moore types.

Good grief, people.
Private gun sales do not necessarily go though a background check, that loophole needs to end.
First of all, stupid, it can’t end. A private citizen cannot run a background check on another private citizen through the F.B.I.

Why can't a private citizen run a background check? They simply have to look up the information either with a simple phone call or online and failure to do so requires some jail time. How does that sound?

Second, stupid, the U.S. government has absolutely no authority to tell people what they can and can’t do with their private property. You can sell anything you own and there isn’t a damn thing they can do about it.

Yes they can. They are called laws. Like making you register your car.

You people are too ignorant of firearms to be discussing them.
Where do private gun sales often take place? So, you're incorrect there.
Third, fewer private gun sales occur at gun shows than any other form of private sales. So I am correct Ad always and you are illustrating your ignorance to everyone as always.

I don't really give a fuck what your excuses are.
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