Empire In Retreat: Under Trump, we’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time

Did those tax cuts go to workers in the form of significant pay increases? No
Were they used to expand manufacturing? No
Did the contribute to public well being? No

As usual......They just keep it
You really don't get how money works, do you? You probably think the government just deposits it into your account, and that's it. Free stuff
Dude, I don't know what planet these mindless pea brain fucks was on when Obama was president, but being elected twice, the guy must have done something right....yeah, he was sane!!

obongo got elected because he was Black...

If he were White we wouldn't know his name....

obongo and his supporters were all fools like yourself...…...

If he had been white he'd be hailed as the greatest president of all time.
/——/ You mean like Jimmy Carter ? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Carter was better than what we have now.
I think you weren't born then but I was just entering the job market under Carter and we were suffering under the Misery Index...
View attachment 200500
/----/ Ahhhhh I remember it well. I was 29 in 1980 and wanted to buy a new car. The interest payment on the loan was higher than the car payment itself.
Did those tax cuts go to workers in the form of significant pay increases? No
Were they used to expand manufacturing? No
Did the contribute to public well being? No

As usual......They just keep it
You really don't get how money works, do you? You probably think the government just deposits it into your account, and that's it. Free stuff
One question......Where are the wage increases?

Increases have been withheld for a decade under the vague explanation ....the economy is bad

Well, unemployment is at 3.8 percent, business taxes have been cut 50 percent, stock market is at all time highs

Why aren’t wages surging with everything else?
One question......Where are the wage increases?

Increases have been withheld for a decade under the vague explanation ....the economy is bad

Well, unemployment is at 3.8 percent, business taxes have been cut 50 percent, stock market is at all time highs

Why aren’t wages surging with everything else?
Why do others have to do everything for you?
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Did those tax cuts go to workers in the form of significant pay increases? No
Were they used to expand manufacturing? No
Did the contribute to public well being? No

As usual......They just keep it
You really don't get how money works, do you? You probably think the government just deposits it into your account, and that's it. Free stuff
One question......Where are the wage increases?

Increases have been withheld for a decade under the vague explanation ....the economy is bad

Well, unemployment is at 3.8 percent, business taxes have been cut 50 percent, stock market is at all time highs

Why aren’t wages surging with everything else?
/----/ Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to do your research for you. TIA
Earnings and Wages - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Subject Matter Index : The Economics Daily : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
... increase in average hourly earnings for the year ending February 2018 .... Wages and salaries for private industry workers increase 2.6 percent over the year ...
in the primary season for presidential elections, it is very rare not to find at least 1 neo-isolationist and anti-imperialist candidate.

that's because America is an imperial empire!
Did those tax cuts go to workers in the form of significant pay increases? No
Were they used to expand manufacturing? No
Did the contribute to public well being? No

As usual......They just keep it
You really don't get how money works, do you? You probably think the government just deposits it into your account, and that's it. Free stuff
One question......Where are the wage increases?

Increases have been withheld for a decade under the vague explanation ....the economy is bad

Well, unemployment is at 3.8 percent, business taxes have been cut 50 percent, stock market is at all time highs

Why aren’t wages surging with everything else?
/----/ Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to do your research for you. TIA
Earnings and Wages - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Subject Matter Index : The Economics Daily : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
... increase in average hourly earnings for the year ending February 2018 .... Wages and salaries for private industry workers increase 2.6 percent over the year ...
2.6 percent?

In a booming economy with low unemployment and after a fifty percent tax cut for business
One question......Where are the wage increases?

Increases have been withheld for a decade under the vague explanation ....the economy is bad

Well, unemployment is at 3.8 percent, business taxes have been cut 50 percent, stock market is at all time highs

Why aren’t wages surging with everything else?
Why do others have to do everything for you?
Did those tax cuts go to workers in the form of significant pay increases? No
Were they used to expand manufacturing? No
Did the contribute to public well being? No

As usual......They just keep it
You really don't get how money works, do you? You probably think the government just deposits it into your account, and that's it. Free stuff
One question......Where are the wage increases?

Increases have been withheld for a decade under the vague explanation ....the economy is bad

Well, unemployment is at 3.8 percent, business taxes have been cut 50 percent, stock market is at all time highs

Why aren’t wages surging with everything else?
/----/ Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to do your research for you. TIA
Earnings and Wages - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Subject Matter Index : The Economics Daily : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
... increase in average hourly earnings for the year ending February 2018 .... Wages and salaries for private industry workers increase 2.6 percent over the year ...
2.6 percent?

In a booming economy with low unemployment and after a fifty percent tax cut for business

Wow, a 50 percent tax cut, don't suppose you have a link on that?
Did those tax cuts go to workers in the form of significant pay increases? No
Were they used to expand manufacturing? No
Did the contribute to public well being? No

As usual......They just keep it
You really don't get how money works, do you? You probably think the government just deposits it into your account, and that's it. Free stuff
One question......Where are the wage increases?

Increases have been withheld for a decade under the vague explanation ....the economy is bad

Well, unemployment is at 3.8 percent, business taxes have been cut 50 percent, stock market is at all time highs

Why aren’t wages surging with everything else?
/----/ Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to do your research for you. TIA
Earnings and Wages - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Subject Matter Index : The Economics Daily : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
... increase in average hourly earnings for the year ending February 2018 .... Wages and salaries for private industry workers increase 2.6 percent over the year ...
2.6 percent?

In a booming economy with low unemployment and after a fifty percent tax cut for business
/----/ Please take your life savings, open a successful business and let us know how many employees you hire and how much you pay them and don't forget all the freebies like maternity leave, PTO, dental and healthcare. You will get this big 50% cut in corporate taxes so you can easily afford it. What are you waiting for?
Did those tax cuts go to workers in the form of significant pay increases? No
Were they used to expand manufacturing? No
Did the contribute to public well being? No

As usual......They just keep it
You really don't get how money works, do you? You probably think the government just deposits it into your account, and that's it. Free stuff
One question......Where are the wage increases?

Increases have been withheld for a decade under the vague explanation ....the economy is bad

Well, unemployment is at 3.8 percent, business taxes have been cut 50 percent, stock market is at all time highs

Why aren’t wages surging with everything else?

First of all I question your intelligence because your statement is really dumb!
A) Business taxes have been cut 50%??? Where is YOUR substantiating link showing that is a FACT?

35 percent all the way down to 21 percent. Trump: Slashing taxes on corporations is 'probably the biggest factor' in GOP tax plan
(NOTE: SEE THE LINK????) Where are your links to your dumb ass comments? Zero!
REALITY: TAX cut was 14%... this is NOT 50%! Do the math.

B) Realities are that there are NOW more JOBS available then people to fill them.
For the first time in at least 20 years, there are now morejob openings than there are people looking for work.
The ratio of unemployed workers to job openings dropped below one in April for the first time since the Labor Department started collecting data in 2000, the agency reported Tuesday
There are now more job openings than workers to fill them

NOW dummy! Do you understand the term "supply and demand"?????

If there are more jobs than people i.e. the ratio has dropped BELOW 1 meaning before there were 2 people for every job opening...
What would an employer do to fill that job if all things were equal... hire the person with less pay request.

NOW dummy... If there are NOW 2 JOBS open for every 1 person... hmm.... Who has the supply to fill the demand???

Simple economics but I guess this goes beyond people like you.

Furthermore NOT one of you idiots seem to comprehend that payroll tax revenues are skyrocketing and I'm definitely confident that you didn't know (if you are employed???)
that your employer PAYS out in payroll taxes equal to what you pay in! Are you aware of that?
So for every dollar deducted from your paycheck for SS/Medicare... YOUR evil greedy employer must also pay the same amount!

YET not one of you idiots seem to comprehend that simple economic tax revenue fact.

Consequently Federal Payroll tax revenue has increased since Trump has been President and WHY??
BECAUSE he has as an employer PAID payroll taxes matching his employees.

So your stupid dumb ass comment about tax cuts just reflects your uninformed state.
Well for a falling empire we aren't doing bad.

There are jobs for anyone who wants one. UE is the lowest its been in decades.

Working people have more money in their pay checks.

The economy is roaring along.

More people are happy with the direction the country is moving in.

Guess you will be disappointed when the empire doesn't fall.

Oh well. Maybe next time. LOL.
Trump gave tax cuts to billionaires. Especially himself
Any meager increase in take home pay for workers had been wiped out by inflation, increased fuel costs and fewer deductions

So did Trump and other billionaires hide their tax cuts under their mattress or bury it in the backyard? I can totally believe you think that right?
What do you think they did with their tax cuts?
Oh wait maybe bought another yacht or two or three!
But to me that was ok back when I helped a yacht manufacturer set up their inventory control systems because they would hire more people who had more money than unemployment benefits and they and their employer paid more in payroll taxes...all because some billionaires bought more yachts.

But I guess that FACT seemingly doesn't fly with people like you who KNOW those evil billionaires hide their tax cuts under the mattress or buried in their backyard.
Yea, that's what they did.
Did those tax cuts go to workers in the form of significant pay increases? No
Were they used to expand manufacturing? No
Did the contribute to public well being? No

As usual......They just keep it
/----/ Got any proof of those points? Of course not. You're just making stuff up as you go along.
starting with Native Americans, anti-exceptionalism has spread to other groups in American society.

90 percent of millenials, for example, think America is not exceptional.

America's empire is based on American exceptionalism. the future...is bleak.
Well for a falling empire we aren't doing bad.

There are jobs for anyone who wants one. UE is the lowest its been in decades.

Working people have more money in their pay checks.

The economy is roaring along.

More people are happy with the direction the country is moving in.

Guess you will be disappointed when the empire doesn't fall.

Oh well. Maybe next time. LOL.
Trump gave tax cuts to billionaires. Especially himself
Any meager increase in take home pay for workers had been wiped out by inflation, increased fuel costs and fewer deductions

So did Trump and other billionaires hide their tax cuts under their mattress or bury it in the backyard? I can totally believe you think that right?
What do you think they did with their tax cuts?
Oh wait maybe bought another yacht or two or three!
But to me that was ok back when I helped a yacht manufacturer set up their inventory control systems because they would hire more people who had more money than unemployment benefits and they and their employer paid more in payroll taxes...all because some billionaires bought more yachts.

But I guess that FACT seemingly doesn't fly with people like you who KNOW those evil billionaires hide their tax cuts under the mattress or buried in their backyard.
Yea, that's what they did.

When you can show us that the trickle down theory has ever worked on a large scale, let me know.

Right Dumb Ass….

We all know the poor make it all happen….

If you understood how things really worked, you'd realize just how true that is.

The poor buy stuff. They create demand. No demand no sales. No sales no jobs created.

So you give the rich huge tax cuts, but the demand for their products stay the same. Why should they hire?

But if you give the poor the cuts, they have more money to spend. They buy more stuff. Demand increases. The rich need more people to meet the demand. Jobs are created.

It's that simple. That fish you're holding in the avatar could tell you that.
/----/ "But if you give the poor the cuts, "
47% don't pay any taxes and that includes the poor, you moron.
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.

The left lost and they are showing their true self. We are now seeing their hate, division, bigotry, and intolerance. The selfie, self instant glorification is the dumbest generation.
a democratic republic needs to be small if it is to remain democratic, otherwise it will be forced to adopt tyrannical measures as it becomes large.
starting with Native Americans, anti-exceptionalism has spread to other groups in American society.

90 percent of millenials, for example, think America is not exceptional.

America's empire is based on American exceptionalism. the future...is bleak.
/----/ "90 percent of millenials, for example, think America is not exceptional."
That's because they were never taught what it means.
What, exactly, is 'American exceptionalism'?
American exceptionalism is not the same as saying the United States is "different" from other countries. It doesn't just mean that the U.S. is "unique." Countries, like people, are all different and unique, even if many share some underlying characteristics. Exceptionalism requires something far more: a belief that the U.S. follows a path of history different from the laws or norms that govern other countries. That's the essence of American exceptionalism: The U.S. is not just a bigger and more powerful country — but an exception. It is the bearer of freedom and liberty, and morally superior to something called "Europe." Never mind the differences within Europe, or the fact that "the world" is bigger than the U.S. and Europe. The "Europe" versus "America" dichotomy is the crucible in which American exceptionalist thinking formed.
Even referring to an American "empire" is stupid, incorrect, and inflammatory.

The U.S. has never been, never attempted to be, and doesn't want to be an empire. We have no colonies, no satellite countries, no one outside our states and territories with any obligations to the U.S., other than to deal with us fairly. Even our closest allies feel no obligation to vote with us in international bodies.

And as for the opinions of European "elites," even their own populations hold them in contempt.

Although our President can be an ass at times, everything he is DOING is right, and correct for the interests of the United States.

You have a problem with that?

The USA is most definitely an empire.

There are 1.3 million American troops deployed around the world with 45,000 of them permanently stationed overseas, to protect “American interests” (read as “property belonging to American corporations”). That’s the very definition of an Empire.

Prior to the tax cuts US corporations had at least $1.6 trillion dollars in untaxed profits held in foreign banks. Another sign of empire building.

To even suggest that there is no such thing as an “American Empire”, is to be willfully blind to the reality.
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.

The left lost and they are showing their true self. We are now seeing their hate, division, bigotry, and intolerance. The selfie, self instant glorification is the dumbest generation.

Trump's despotism has united a great country under one government...

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